• 剑指offer


    单例 是最为最常见的设计模式之一。对于任何时刻,如果某个类只存在且最多存在一个具体的实例,那么我们称这种设计模式为单例。例如,对于 class Mouse (不是动物的mouse哦),我们应将其设计为 singleton 模式。

    你的任务是设计一个 getInstance 方法,对于给定的类,每次调用 getInstance 时,都可得到同一个实例。

    int lock_ = 0; 2 class Solution { 3 private: 4 static Solution *instance; 5 6 private: 7 static void Lock() { 8 while (lock_) {} 9 lock_ = 1; 10 } 11 static void UnLock() { 12 if (lock_) lock_=0; 13 } 14 15 public: 16 /** 17 * @return: The same instance of this class every time 18 */ 19 static Solution* getInstance() { 20 // write your code here 21 if (instance == NULL) { 22 Solution::Lock(); 23 if (instance == NULL) { 24 instance = new Solution(); 25 } 26 Solution::UnLock(); 27 } 28 return instance; 29 } 30 }; 31 32 Solution* Solution::instance = NULL;
    class singleton 2 { 3 protected: 4 singleton() 5 {} 6 private: 7 static singleton* p; 8 public: 9 static singleton* initance(); 10 }; 11 singleton* singleton::p = new singleton; 12 singleton* singleton::initance() 13 { 14 return p; 15 }



     1 /**
     2  * Definition of ListNode
     3  * 
     4  * class ListNode {
     5  * public:
     6  *     int val;
     7  *     ListNode *next;
     8  * 
     9  *     ListNode(int val) {
    10  *         this->val = val;
    11  *         this->next = NULL;
    12  *     }
    13  * }
    14  */
    15 typedef ListNode* List;
    16 class Solution {
    17 public:
    18     /**
    19      * @param head: The first node of linked list.
    20      * @return: The new head of reversed linked list.
    21      */
    22     ListNode *reverse(ListNode *head) {
    23         // write your code here
    24         if (head == NULL) {
    25             return NULL;
    26         }
    27         if (head->next == NULL) {
    28             return head;
    29         }
    30         List current = head, origin_next = NULL;
    31         head = NULL;
    32         while (current != NULL) {
    33             origin_next = current->next;
    34             if (head == NULL) {
    35                 head = current;
    36                 head->next = NULL;
    37             } else {
    38                 // 头插法
    39                 ListNode *tmp = head;
    40                 head = current;
    41                 head->next = tmp;
    42             }
    43             current = origin_next;
    44         }
    45         return head;
    46     }
    47 };


     1 /**
     2  * Definition of TreeNode:
     3  * class TreeNode {
     4  * public:
     5  *     int val;
     6  *     TreeNode *left, *right;
     7  *     TreeNode(int val) {
     8  *         this->val = val;
     9  *         this->left = this->right = NULL;
    10  *     }
    11  * }
    12  */
    14 class Solution {
    15     /**
    16      *@param preorder : A list of integers that preorder traversal of a tree
    17      *@param inorder : A list of integers that inorder traversal of a tree
    18      *@return : Root of a tree
    19      */
    20 public:
    21     TreeNode *buildTree(vector<int> &preorder, vector<int> &inorder) {
    22         // write your code here
    23         if (preorder.size() == 0 || inorder.size() == 0) {
    24             return NULL;
    25         } else if (preorder.size() != inorder.size()) {
    26             return NULL;
    27         } else {
    28             int root = preorder.at(0);
    29             // cout<<"root="<<root<<endl;
    30             // find root in inorder, and split it
    31             int l_node_counter = 0;
    32             for (auto item : inorder) {
    33                 if (item == root) {
    34                     break;
    35                 }
    36                 l_node_counter++;
    37             }
    38             if (l_node_counter == preorder.size()) {
    39                 // cann't find root in inorder
    40                 // throw std::exception("Invalid Input");
    41                 perror("Invalid input.");
    42                 exit(-1);
    43             }
    44             // cout<<"node amount in left tree is:"<<l_node_counter<<endl;
    45             // build left Tree
    46             vector<int> l_preorder;
    47             vector<int> l_inorder;
    48             for (int i = 1; i <= l_node_counter; i++) {
    49                 l_preorder.push_back(preorder.at(i));
    50             }
    51             for (int i = 0; i < l_node_counter; i++) {
    52                 l_inorder.push_back(inorder.at(i));
    53             }
    54             TreeNode *lchild = buildTree(l_preorder, l_inorder);
    55             // build right Tree
    56             vector<int> r_preorder;
    57             vector<int> r_inorder;
    58             for (int i = l_node_counter + 1; i < preorder.size(); i++) {
    59                 r_preorder.push_back(preorder.at(i));
    60             }
    61             for (int i = l_node_counter + 1; i < inorder.size(); i++) {
    62                 r_inorder.push_back(inorder.at(i));
    63             }
    64             TreeNode *rchild = buildTree(r_preorder, r_inorder);
    65             // build root
    66             TreeNode *rootNode = new TreeNode(root);
    67             if (rootNode == NULL) {
    68                 perror("new TreeNode failed, memory not enough");
    69             } else {
    70                 rootNode->left = lchild;
    71                 rootNode->right = rchild;
    72             }
    73             return rootNode;
    74         }
    75     }
    76 };
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/longf0720/p/6797773.html
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