polkit 这个是什么服务?
PolicyKit failing to start with error: polkit.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
1.Ensure the existence of a polkitd system user & group
Copy/paste the following 2 compound-commands to a root terminal to check for and conditionally create the user/group
getent group polkitd >/dev/null && echo -e "e[1;32mpolkitd group already existse[0m" || { groupadd -r polkitd && echo -e "e[1;33mAdded missing polkitd groupe[0m" || echo -e "e[1;31mAdding polkitd group FAILEDe[0m"; } getent passwd polkitd >/dev/null && echo -e "e[1;32mpolkitd user already existse[0m" || { useradd -r -g polkitd -d / -s /sbin/nologin -c "User for polkitd" polkitd && echo -e "e[1;33mAdded missing polkitd usere[0m" || echo -e "e[1;31mAdding polkitd user FAILEDe[0m"; }
2.Reset the permissions and user/group ownership for all files provided by the polkit and polkit-pkla-compat packages
Copy/paste the following compound-command to a root terminal to check for and conditionally reset user/group perms & ownership
rpm -Va polkit* && echo -e "e[1;32mpolkit* rpm verification passede[0m" || { echo -e "e[1;33mResetting polkit* rpm user/group ownership & permse[0m"; rpm --setugids polkit polkit-pkla-compat; rpm --setperms polkit polkit-pkla-compat; }
A reboot of the machine will be required to make sure that all changes take affect and that polkit has reconnected to the dbus
shutdown -r now