• [转载]truncate 表之后,采用的恢复方法

    一 模拟环境

       1.Create environment

          sqlplus / as sysdba

          sql> create tablespace myexample

          sql> conn tiger/tiger
          sql> create table mysales tablespace myexample   as select * from dba_tables;
          sql> select count(*) from mysales;

       2 备份

         [oracle@paynode2 new]$ rman targetsys@PAYRAC

         RMAN>backup database format '+ARCHIVELOG/back/%d_%p_%s.FULL'

       3.truncate 表

        sqlplus / as sysdba

        sql > alter system switch logfile;

        sql > /

        sql >  select current_scn from v$database;

        sql >  select count(*) from  table tiger. mysales;

        sql >  set time on

       10:15:41 SQL> select current_scn from v$database;


      10:15:51 SQL> truncate table tiger. mysales;


    二 利用rman备份和TSPITR 恢复rac truncate的表数据

    (1). 建立密码文件

      orapwd file=initaux.ora entries=4 password=aux

         sqlplussys/man@payracas sysdba
         create pfile='/data/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/dbs/initaux.ora' from spfile;
       2.编辑 initaux.ora 文件







    (3).restore 文件

        rman targetsys/man@payrac

        rman > list backup of datafile 1,3,4,22;

             Full 317120994  21-OCT-11 +DATA_FILE/payrac/datafile/system.259.735856809
             Full 317120994  21-OCT-11 +DATA_FILE/payrac/datafile/undotbs1.261.735856815
             Full 317120994  21-OCT-11 +DATA_FILE/payrac/datafile/undotbs2.263.735856825
        22      Full 317120994  21-OCT-11 +DATA_FILE/payrac/datafile/myexample.264.764951973

        ( 注:另开一个窗口         mkdir -p /data/aux/payrac/datafile)

       rman >  restore controlfile to '/data/aux/aux.ctl' from '+ARCHIVELOG/back/control.c-1544998241-20111021-00';

      RMAN> run {
                  set newname for datafile 1 to   '/data/aux/payrac/datafile/system.259.735856809';
                  set newname for datafile 3 to   '/data/aux/payrac/datafile/undotbs1.261.735856815';
                  set newname for datafile 4 to   '/data/aux/payrac/datafile/undotbs2.263.735856825';
                  set newname for datafile 22 to  '/data/aux/payrac/datafile/myexample.264.764951973'
                  restore datafile 1,3,4,22;
                  switch datafile all;

    (4). 启动辅助例程aux

     export ORACLE_SID=aux
     sqlplus / as sysdba

     sql >  startup nomount pfile=/data/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/dbs/initaux.ora

     sql >  alter database mount clone database;

     sql > alter database datafile 1 online;
     sql > alter database datafile 3 online;
     sql > alter database datafile 4 online;
     sql > alter database datafile 22 online;

    (5). 修改 log_archive_dest_1之后 做恢复

      sql >  alter system set log_archive_dest_1='LOCATION=+ARCHIVELOG/arch';

      sql >  recover database until change 317123764 using backup controlfile;

    (6).  打开数据库

       sql > alter database open read only;

    (7). 导出表数据,并在正式库上导入

        exp system/oracle   tablespace=MYEXAMPLE file=use01.dmp


        exp system/oracle   tables=tiger.mysales  file=use02.dmp

           expdp system/oracle

       用imp,impdp 导入即可

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liuzhuqing/p/7480649.html
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