• Photon——Application Policy 策略应用

    Application - Policy 策略应用

         The Policy Application runs on Photon to send the crossdomain.xml. Web Player platforms like Unity Web Player, Flash and Silverlight request authorization before they contact a server.
         Policy应用运行在Photon上发送crossdomain.xml。Web Player平台请求授权之前他们连接的服务器。
         The actual file sent in response to a policy request is loaded from: deploy\Policy\Policy.Application\assets. There is a special file for Silverlight and one for Unity and Flash.
         这文件发送在一个policy请求的响应中。这有一个特殊的文件对于Silverlight and one for Unity and Flash

    Configuration 配置

         The default setup from the SDK will start the Policy Application. The assemblies, which are in the deploy\Policy folder, and the configuration to load are:
         SDK的默认设置是启动Policy应用的。这个程序集在deploy\Policy 文件夹中,配置如下:
        <!-- [other Application nodes] -->
        <!-- Flash & Silverlight Policy Server -->
        < Application

    Ports 端口

         Policy requests are usually done behind the scenes on TCP Port 843 and 943 (Silverlight), so these two have to be open as well. This includes Windows Security settings, other Firewalls in software and hardware. If you host Photon in a Cloud, check the Security settings of that as well. Amazon’s EC2 has Security Groups to restrict access to ports.
        Policy 请求通常是在后台TCP端口843和 943(Silverlight),所以这两个端口必须也开启的。这包括 Windows安全设置,其他防火墙软件和硬件。如果你托管在一个Photon云,检查安全设置。亚马逊的EC2有安全组限制端口的访问。
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liusuqi/p/3079731.html
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