• 每天半小时学透英语口语

    001 Ability

    1.Can you ride a bike?
    2.Will you be able to finish your work by noon?
    3.Are you capable of painting beautiful pictures?
    4.I can do it.
    5.I know how to operate a computer.
    6.It's not too difficult to climb up the tree.
    7.I'm not too bad at telling stories.
    8.I feel able to swim across the river.
    9.I'm able to recite all Shakespeare's sonnets (十四行诗).
    10.I'm afraid I can't cope with those troubles.

    In that case ,I'm fit for the position. I think.
    rugby 橄榄球
    cricket 板球
    He can cook, sew, and iron. 他会做饭,缝纫,熨衣。
    excel in sth. 在...方面擅长

    002 Causes

    1.They failed to go outing because of the weather.
    2.He was late as a result of the snow.
    3.The damage resulted from the fire.
    4.I was in the bath, with the result that I didn't hear the telephone.
    5.The new computer has more memory and is therefore faster than the old one.
    6.We stayed at home because it rained.
    7.Why didn't you stop him?
    8.Everybody likes him as he's kind and honest.
    9.Since you insist, I must go.
    10.I cannot see anything for the fog.

    003 Necessity

    1.It is necessary that you should learn from him.
    2.It is not necessary for you to come to school on Sundays.
    3.He needs to go and see his teacher.
    4.I needn't go to work on holidays.
    5.You don't need to know about chemistry and you are never needed to.
    6.It's necessary for me to buy a TV set.
    7.We need to know how he got into the flat.
    8.What do you have to do every day?
    9.What don't you have to do on Sundays?
    10.Have you done anything that wasn't necessary?

    some foreign currency 外币
    What's the rush? 那么匆忙干什么?
    cash a check 把支票换成现金
    wait ages for a bus 等公交车等了好长时间
    enlighten 启发,启蒙,教导

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liuliu3/p/6949577.html
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