[root@node2 scprits]# cat > data << eof > This is the header line > This is the first data line > This is the secong data line > This is the last line > eof
[root@node2 scprits]# sed '2p' data This is the header line This is the first data line This is the first data line This is the secong data line This is the last line
[root@node2 scprits]# sed -n '2p' data This is the first data line
[root@node2 scprits]# sed -n '1,3p' data This is the header line This is the first data line This is the secong data line 打印1到3行
[root@node2 scprits]# sed -n '/secong/p' data This is the secong data line 打印包含secong的所有行
[root@node2 scprits]# sed -n '/first/,4p' data This is the first data line This is the secong data line This is the last line 打印匹配first的行到第4行
[root@node2 scprits]# sed -n '2,/last/p' data This is the first data line This is the secong data line This is the last line 打印第2行到匹配到的last行
[root@node2 scprits]# sed -n '/header/,/last/p' data This is the header line This is the first data line This is the secong data line This is the last line 打印匹配到的header行到匹配到的last行的中间所有行
[root@node2 scprits]# sed -n '1,4{=;p}' data 1 This is the header line 2 This is the first data line 3 This is the secong data line 4 This is the last line 打印文件中的第一行到第四行的内容,且打印行号,当用到sed不同的编辑命令时,用{},且不同的命令之间用分号隔开,
[root@node2 scprits]# sed -n '1,2!{=;p}' data 3 This is the secong data line 4 This is the last line 用!表示对前面的匹配的模式取反
[root@node2 scprits]# sed -n '1,2!p' data This is the secong data line This is the last line
[root@node2 scprits]# sed -n '1,5p' /etc/passwd root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/sbin/nologin daemon:x:2:2:daemon:/sbin:/sbin/nologin adm:x:3:4:adm:/var/adm:/sbin/nologin lp:x:4:7:lp:/var/spool/lpd:/sbin/nologin [root@node2 scprits]# sed -n '/^ro*t/p' /etc/passwd root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash [root@node2 scprits]# sed -n '/^r.*t/p' /etc/passwd root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash [root@node2 scprits]# sed -n '/o{1}/p' /etc/passwd root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/sbin/nologin daemon:x:2:2:daemon:/sbin:/sbin/nologin adm:x:3:4:adm:/var/adm:/sbin/nologin lp:x:4:7:lp:/var/spool/lpd:/sbin/nologin shutdown:x:6:0:shutdown:/sbin:/sbin/shutdown mail:x:8:12:mail:/var/spool/mail:/sbin/nologin operator:x:11:0:operator:/root:/sbin/nologin games:x:12:100:games:/usr/games:/sbin/nologin ftp:x:14:50:FTP User:/var/ftp:/sbin/nologin nobody:x:99:99:Nobody:/:/sbin/nologin systemd-network:x:192:192:systemd Network Management:/:/sbin/nologin dbus:x:81:81:System message bus:/:/sbin/nologin polkitd:x:999:997:User for polkitd:/:/sbin/nologin abrt:x:173:173::/etc/abrt:/sbin/nologin tss:x:59:59:Account used by the trousers package to sandbox the tcsd daemon:/dev/null:/sbin/nologin postfix:x:89:89::/var/spool/postfix:/sbin/nologin chrony:x:998:996::/var/lib/chrony:/sbin/nologin sshd:x:74:74:Privilege-separated SSH:/var/empty/sshd:/sbin/nologin ntp:x:38:38::/etc/ntp:/sbin/nologin nginx:x:997:995::/home/nginx:/sbin/nologin
[root@node2 scprits]# sed -n '/o{2,3}/p' /etc/passwd root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash lp:x:4:7:lp:/var/spool/lpd:/sbin/nologin mail:x:8:12:mail:/var/spool/mail:/sbin/nologin operator:x:11:0:operator:/root:/sbin/nologin postfix:x:89:89::/var/spool/postfix:/sbin/nologin
[root@node2 scprits]# sed -n '/^#/!p' /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf anonymous_enable=YES local_enable=YES write_enable=YES local_umask=022 dirmessage_enable=YES xferlog_enable=YES connect_from_port_20=YES xferlog_std_format=YES listen=NO listen_ipv6=YES pam_service_name=vsftpd userlist_enable=YES tcp_wrappers=YES
[root@node2 scprits]# sed -n '/^#/!{/^$/!p}' /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf anonymous_enable=YES local_enable=YES write_enable=YES local_umask=022 dirmessage_enable=YES xferlog_enable=YES connect_from_port_20=YES xferlog_std_format=YES listen=NO listen_ipv6=YES pam_service_name=vsftpd userlist_enable=YES tcp_wrappers=YES
[root@node2 scprits]# sed -e '/^#/d' -e '/^$/d' /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf anonymous_enable=YES local_enable=YES write_enable=YES local_umask=022 dirmessage_enable=YES xferlog_enable=YES connect_from_port_20=YES xferlog_std_format=YES listen=NO listen_ipv6=YES pam_service_name=vsftpd userlist_enable=YES tcp_wrappers=YES
[root@node2 scprits]# sed -n '1,/adm/p' /etc/passwd root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/sbin/nologin daemon:x:2:2:daemon:/sbin:/sbin/nologin adm:x:3:4:adm:/var/adm:/sbin/nologin
[root@node2 scprits]# sed -i '1 ised command start' data [root@node2 scprits]# cat data sed command start This is the header line This is the first data line This is the secong data line This is the last line
[root@node2 scprits]# sed -i '$a sed command end' data [root@node2 scprits]# cat data sed command start This is the header line This is the first data line This is the secong data line This is the last line sed command end 文件的行尾追加一行
[root@node2 scprits]# cat myfile hello world hello linux how are you i am fine thanks,and you [root@node2 scprits]# sed -n '/hello/s/^/Li /' myfile [root@node2 scprits]# sed '/hello/s/^/Li /' myfile Li hello world Li hello linux how are you i am fine thanks,and you 在匹配helo字段的行,行首添加Li这个字符串。
[root@node2 scprits]# sed 's/linux/jie &/' myfile hello world hello jie linux how are you i am fine thanks,and you 在匹配linux字符串的行,在linux字符串前加上jie
[root@node2 scprits]# sed 's/linux/jie& /' myfile
hello world
hello jielinux
how are you
i am fine
thanks,and you
[root@node2 scprits]# sed 's/linux/& jie/' myfile
hello world
hello linux jie
how are you
i am fine
thanks,and you
[root@node2 scprits]# sed '/you/s/$/Li/' myfile
hello world
hello linux
how are youLi
i am fine
thanks,and youLi
[root@node2 scprits]# sed '/you/s/(.*)/1 Li/' myfile hello world hello linux how are you Li i am fine thanks,and you Li
[root@node2 scprits]# sed '/are/i nihao' myfile hello world hello linux nihao how are you i am fine thanks,and you [root@node2 scprits]# sed '/are/i ihao' myfile hello world hello linux nihao how are you i am fine thanks,and you
[root@node2 scprits]# sed '/are/i/nihao' myfile hello world hello linux /nihao how are you i am fine thanks,and you
[root@node2 scprits]# sed '/are/a nihao' myfile hello world hello linux how are you nihao i am fine thanks,and you
[root@node2 scprits]# sed '/are/a nihao wo hen hao' myfile hello world hello linux how are you nihao wo hen hao i am fine thanks,and you 追加多行要使用n
[root@node2 scprits]# sed 's/^/start /g' myfile start hello world start hello linux start how are you start i am fine start thanks,and you start 每行开头加一个start
[root@node2 scprits]# sed 's/$/ end /g' myfile hello world end hello linux end how are you end i am fine end thanks,and you end end
[root@node2 scprits]# sed '1,3s/^/#/g' myfile #hello world #hello linux #how are you i am fine thanks,and you 1至3行打注释
[root@node2 scprits]# sed 's/fine/very &/p' myfile
hello world
hello linux
how are you
i am very fine
i am very fine
thanks,and you
[root@node2 scprits]# cat myfile sedcommand #hello world tail and tail #hello linux tail and tail #how are you end i am fine end thanks,and you end
[root@node2 scprits]# sed -i -e '/sed/d' -e '/^$/d' myfile [root@node2 scprits]# cat myfile #hello world tail and tail #hello linux tail and tail #how are you end i am fine end thanks,and you end
[root@node2 scprits]# sed -i '/i/d' myfile [root@node2 scprits]# sed -i '/end/d' myfile [root@node2 scprits]# cat myfile
[root@node2 scprits]# cat test.txt anonymous_enable=YES write_enable=YES local_umask=022 xferlog_enable=YES connect_from_port_20=YES root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/sbin/nologin daemon:x:2:2:daemon:/sbin:/sbin/nologin adm:x:3:4:adm:/var/adm:/sbin/nologin lp:x:4:7:lp:/var/spool/lpd:/sbin/nologin DEVICE="eth0" BOOTPROTO="static" HWADDR="00:0C:29:90:79:78" ONBOOT="yes" IPADDR= NETMASK=
[root@node2 scprits]# sed -i '/DEVICE/cEthernet' test.txt #匹配DEVICE的行,替换成Ethernet这行 [root@node2 scprits]# sed -i 's/static/dhcp/' test.txt #把static替换成dhcp(/,@,#都是前面所说的地址定界符) [root@node2 scprits]# sed -i '/IPADDR/s@22.1@10.12@' test.txt #匹配IPADDR的行,把22.1替换成10.12由于.号有特殊意义所有需要转义 [root@node2 scprits]# sed -i '/connect/s#YES#NO#' test.txt #匹配connect的行,把YES替换成NO [root@node2 scprits]# sed -i 's/bin/tom/2g' test.txt #把所有匹配到bin的行中第二次及第二次之后出现bin替换成tom [root@node2 scprits]# sed -i 's/daemon/jerry/2p' test.txt [root@node2 scprits]# sed -i 's/adm/boss/2' test.txt #把所有匹配到adm的行中仅仅只是第二次出现的adm替换成boss [root@node2 scprits]# sed -i '/root/{s/bash/nologin/;s/0/1/g}' test.txt #匹配root的行,把bash替换成nologin,且把0替换成1 [root@node2 scprits]# sed -i 's/root/(&)/g' test.txt #把root用括号括起来,&表示引用前面匹配的字符 [root@node2 scprits]# sed -i 's/BOOTPROTO/#BOOTPROTO/' test.txt #匹配BOOTPROTO替换成#BOOTPROTO,在配置文件中一般用于注释某行 [root@node2 scprits]# sed -i 's/ONBOOT/#&/' test.txt 匹配ONBOOT的行的前面添加#号,在配置文件中也表示注释某行 [root@node2 scprits]# sed -i '/ONBOOT/s/#//' test.txt #匹配ONBOOT的行,把#替换成空,即去掉#号,也一般用作去掉#注释
[root@node2 scprits]# cat test.txt anonymous_enable=YES write_enable=YES local_umask=022 xferlog_enable=YES connect_from_port_20=NO (root):x:1:1:(root):/(root):/bin/nologin bin:x:1:1:tom:/tom:/stom/nologin daemon:x:2:2:jerry:/sbin:/stom/nologin daemon:x:2:2:jerry:/sbin:/stom/nologin adm:x:3:4:boss:/var/adm:/sbin/nologin lp:x:4:7:lp:/var/spool/lpd:/sbin/nologin Ethernet #BOOTPROTO="dhcp" HWADDR="00:0C:29:90:79:78" ONBOOT="yes" IPADDR= NETMASK=
sed引用变量:(在自动化shell脚本 中也经常会使用到变量)
[root@node2 ~]# cat myfile hello world i am jie how are you [root@node2 ~]# name=li #定义一个变量。 [root@node2 ~]# sed -i "s/jie/$name/" myfile [root@node2 ~]# cat myfile hello world i am li how are you [root@node2 ~]# sed -i '$a '$name'' myfile #在引用自定义的变量时,sed语句必须用单引引住,然后把自定义的变量也用单引号引住 [root@node2 ~]# cat myfile hello world i am li how are you li
[root@node2 ~]# cat > test << eof > Ethernet > #BOOTPROTO="dhcp" > HWADDR="00:0C:29:90:79:78" > ONBOOT="yes" > IPADDR= > NETMASK= > eof [root@node2 ~]# sed -i 's/IPADDR/ip/w ip.txt' test #把sed操作的文件内容保存到另外一个文件中,w表示保存,ip.txt文件名 [root@node2 ~]# cat ip.txt ip=
[root@node2 ~]# cat myfile hello world i am li how are you li [root@node2 ~]# cat test Ethernet #BOOTPROTO="dhcp" HWADDR="00:0C:29:90:79:78" ONBOOT="yes" ip= NETMASK= [root@node2 ~]# sed -i '/Ethernet/r myfile' test #在匹配Ethernet的行,读进来另一个文件的内容,读进来的文件的内容会插入到匹配Ethernet的行后 [root@node2 ~]# cat test Ethernet hello world i am li how are you li #BOOTPROTO="dhcp" HWADDR="00:0C:29:90:79:78" ONBOOT="yes" ip= NETMASK=
[root@node2 ~]# cat file http://www.baidu.com/index.<a target="_blank" href="http://www.2cto.com/kf/qianduan/css/" class="keylink" style="border:none; padding:0px; margin:0px; color:rgb(51,51,51); text-decoration:none; font-size:14px">html</a> http://www.baidu.com/1.html http://post.baidu.com/index.html http://mp3.baidu.com/index.html http://www.baidu.com/3.html http://post.baidu.com/2.html 得到如下结果: 域名的出现的次数 域名 3 www.baidu.com 2 post.baidu.com [root@node2 ~]# cat file |awk -F "/" '{count[$3]++}END{for(i in count){print i,count[i]}}' post.baidu.com 2 www.baidu.com 3 mp3.baidu.com 1 [root@localhost shell]# cat file | sed -e ' s/http:////' -e ' s//.*//' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn 3 www.baidu.com 2 post.baidu.com 1 mp3.baidu.com root@node2 ~]# cat file | sed -e ' s/http:////' -e ' s//.*//' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn 3 www.baidu.com 2 post.baidu.com 1 mp3.baidu.com