#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author:liujun
class Role:
n = 123; # This is a class variable stored in class(not in a object)
name = "class name"
n_list = []
def __init__(self, name, role, weapon, life_value=100, money=15000):
# This is constructor
# The constructor is called during instantiation
self.name = name #A member variable and it's scope is an object
self.role = role
self.weapon = weapon
self.__life_value = life_value # This is a private variable
self.money = money
def __del__(self):
# This is a destructor
# The destructor is called when an object is deleted
pass #print("%s 彻底死了。。。。" %self.name)
def show_status(self):
print("name:%s weapon:%s life_val:%s" %(self.name,self.weapon,self.__life_value))
def __shot(self): # This is a private method.
def got_shot(self):
self.__life_value -=50
print("%s:ah...,I got shot..."% self.name)
def buy_gun(self, gun_name):
print("%s just bought %s" % (self.name,gun_name) )
r1 = Role('Chenronghua', 'police', 'AK47')
r2 = Role('liujun', 'terrorist', 'AK47')
print(r1.name) # search name in object first,and then name in class
r1.bullet_prove = True;
print(r1.bullet_prove) # Add a member variable just to r1 (not r2,not Role)
del r1.weapon # Delete a member variable just from r1 (not r2, not Role)
r1.n = 256; # You are not change the value of n in class but add a member variable to r1.
r1.n_list.append("from r1") # you are change n_list in class
r1.n_list = ["add"] # You are add a new list to r1(not r2, not class)