• 006_Text processing tool

    1. wc : print newline, word, and byte counts for each file
        [root@bogon ~]# wc /etc/passwd
             44   88 2301 /etc/passwd
        -l: lines
        -w: words
        -c: characters
    2. cut : remove sections from each line of files
        2.1 Commondly used options
            -d DELIMITER: specify the delimiter
            -f FILEDS:
                #: filed #
                #,#[,#]:Discrete(离散的) multiple filed,such as 1,3,6
                #-#:Consecutive(连续的) fields, such as 1-6
                a mixture use of -f :1-3,7
            --output-delimiter=STRING : specify the delimiter when print contents.
        2.2 example
            [root@bogon ~]# cut -d' ' -f 1 /etc/fstab
                The space key as the delimiter,print filed 1        
            [root@bogon ~]# cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd
            [root@bogon ~]# cut -d: -f1-7 /etc/passwd
            [root@bogon ~]# cut -d: -f1-4 --output-delimiter='--' /etc/passwd   //specify output delimiter
    3. sort : sort lines of text files
        3.1 Commondly used options
            -f: ignore case
            -r: sort in reverse
            -t DELIMITER: delimiter
            -k #:Sort by specified filed, and sort by ASCII by default
            -n: sort by numerical value
            -u: uniq,omit repeated lines after sorting
        3.2 example
            [root@bogon ~]# sort /etc/passwd
            [root@bogon ~]# sort -t: -k3 /etc/passwd
    4. uniq : report or omit repeated lines
        4.1 repeat : continues and equal is repeat
        4.2 uniq can only omit repeated lines and cannot sort. sort -u omit repeated lines and sort at the same time.
        4.3 Commondly used options
            -c: print the number of repeated lines
            -d: Only print repeated lines
            -u: Only print lines that do not repeated.

    5. exerciese :Seperated by colon,and take lines 6 to 10 of the /etc/passwd file and sort the information by numerical value of the third field , then only show the first field.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liujun5319/p/9600834.html
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