• 检测网络链路质量插件


    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    import urllib, urllib2
    import os, sys, socket
    import datetime, time
    import json, re, subprocess
    import pycurl, cStringIO
    import threading
    import rrdtool
    from optparse import OptionParser
    MTR = []
    SPEED = []
    def get_m3u8_info(type, ip):
        params = urllib.urlencode({'unit': 'newusa', 'channel': 'CCTV1', 'type': type})
        req = urllib2.urlopen('http://' + ip + '/approve/live?%s' % params)
        headers = req.info()
        rawdata = req.read()
        if ('Content-Encoding' in headers and headers['Content-Encoding']) or ('content-encoding' in headers and headers['content-encoding']):
            import gzip
            import StringIO
            data = StringIO.StringIO(rawdata)
            gz = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=data)
            rawdata = gz.read()
        urls = []
        for line in rawdata.split('
            m = re.match('^http.*ts$', line)
            if m:
        return urls[0]
    def get_ts_file(name, url):
        buffer = cStringIO.StringIO()
        curl = pycurl.Curl()
        curl.setopt(pycurl.CONNECTTIMEOUT, 3)
        curl.setopt(pycurl.TIMEOUT, 15)
        curl.setopt(pycurl.NOSIGNAL, 1)
        curl.setopt(pycurl.URL, url)
        curl.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, buffer.write)
            download_speed = curl.getinfo(pycurl.SPEED_DOWNLOAD)
            SPEED.append((name, str(download_speed)))
        except Exception, e:
            SPEED.append((name, 'U'))
    class Quality(threading.Thread):
        def __init__(self, name, ip, count):
            self.name = name
            self.ip = ip
            self.count = count
        def run(self):
                p = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/sbin/mtr', '-n', '-c', self.count, '-r', self.ip], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
                output, error = p.communicate()
                if output:
                    info = output.split('
                    m = re.match('s+S+s+S+s+(S+)%s+S+s+S+s+(S+).*', info)
                    if m:
                        MTR.append((self.name, m.group(1), m.group(2)))
                        MTR.append((self.name, 'U', 'U'))
                if error:
                    print "ret> ", p.returncode
                    print "Error> error ", error.strip()
            except OSError as e:
                print "OSError > ", e.errno
                print "OSError > ", e.strerror
                print "OSError > ", e.filename
                print "Error > ", sys.exc_info()
    def create_rrd(rrdfile, datasource):
        dss = [ 'DS:%s:GAUGE:120:0:U' % ds for ds in datasource.split(',') ]
        rra = [
        rrdtool.create(rrdfile, '--step', '60', '--start', '-1y', dss, rra)
    def update_rrd(mode, datasource, timestamp):
        if mode == 'download':
            rrd_file = 'download.rrd'
            if not os.path.exists(rrd_file):
                create_rrd(rrd_file, datasource)
            labels = []
            downloads = []
            for label, download in SPEED:
            rrdtool.update(rrd_file, '--template', ':'.join(labels), 'N:'+':'.join(downloads))
        if mode == 'mtr':
            rrd_file_loss = 'loss.rrd'
            rrd_file_ping = 'ping.rrd'
            if not os.path.exists(rrd_file_loss):
                create_rrd(rrd_file_loss, datasource)
            if not os.path.exists(rrd_file_ping):
                create_rrd(rrd_file_ping, datasource)
            labels = []
            losses = []
            pings = []
            for label, loss, ping in MTR:
            rrdtool.update(rrd_file_loss, '--template', ':'.join(labels), 'N:'+':'.join(losses))
            rrdtool.update(rrd_file_ping, '--template', ':'.join(labels), 'N:'+':'.join(pings))
    def generate_graph_element(rrdfile, dss, unit):
        colors = ['#FFFF00', '#339933', '#FF6666', '#0066CC', '#FFFFFF']
        comment = 'COMMENT: \n'
        defs = [ 'DEF:%s=%s:%s:AVERAGE' % (ds, rrdfile, ds) for ds in dss.split(',') ]
        vdefs_min = [ 'VDEF:%s_min=%s,MINIMUM' % (ds, ds) for ds in dss.split(',') ]
        vdefs_max = [ 'VDEF:%s_max=%s,MAXIMUM' % (ds, ds) for ds in dss.split(',') ]
        vdefs_avg = [ 'VDEF:%s_avg=%s,AVERAGE' % (ds, ds) for ds in dss.split(',') ]
        vdefs_last = [ 'VDEF:%s_last=%s,LAST' % (ds, ds) for ds in dss.split(',') ]
        vdefs = []
        for vdef in zip(vdefs_min, vdefs_max, vdefs_avg, vdefs_last):
        lines = [ 'LINE1:%s%s:%s' % (ds, colors[idx], ds) for idx, ds in enumerate(dss.split(',')) ]
        gprints_min = [ 'GPRINT:%s_min:MIN:%%7.2lf %%s%s' % (ds, unit) for ds in dss.split(',') ]
        gprints_max = [ 'GPRINT:%s_max:MAX:%%7.2lf %%s%s' % (ds, unit) for ds in dss.split(',') ]
        gprints_avg = [ 'GPRINT:%s_avg:AVERAGE:%%7.2lf %%s%s' % (ds, unit) for ds in dss.split(',') ]
        gprints_last = [ 'GPRINT:%s_last:LAST:%%7.2lf %%s%s' % (ds, unit) for ds in dss.split(',') ]
        gprints = []
        for gprint in zip(lines, gprints_min, gprints_max, gprints_avg, gprints_last):
        return defs, vdefs, gprints
    def graph_rrd(hostname, names, dss):
        colors = [ 
            '-c', 'SHADEA#000000', 
            '-c', 'SHADEB#111111', 
            '-c', 'FRAME#AAAAAA', 
            '-c', 'FONT#FFFFFF', 
            '-c', 'ARROW#FFFFFF', 
            '-c', 'AXIS#FFFFFF', 
            '-c', 'BACK#333333', 
            '-c', 'CANVAS#333333', 
            '-c', 'MGRID#CCCCCC', 
        xgrid = 'MINUTE:10:MINUTE:30:MINUTE:30:0:%H:%M'
        for name in names.split(','):
            if name == 'download':
                label = 'Bytes'
                title = 'link_%s on %s' % (name, hostname)
                rrdfile = name + '.rrd'
                imgfile = name + '.png'
                defs, vdefs, gprints = generate_graph_element(rrdfile, dss, 'B')
                rrdtool.graph(imgfile, '-t', title, '-v', label, '-w', '520', '--start', '-3h', '--step', '60', '--x-grid', xgrid, colors, defs, vdefs, gprints)
            if name == 'loss':
                label = '%'
                title = 'link_%s on %s' % (name, hostname)
                rrdfile = name + '.rrd'
                imgfile = name + '.png'
                defs, vdefs, gprints = generate_graph_element(rrdfile, dss, '%%')
                rrdtool.graph(imgfile, '-t', title, '-v', label, '-w', '520', '--start', '-3h', '--step', '60', '--x-grid', xgrid, colors, defs, vdefs, gprints)
            if name == 'ping':
                label = 'ms'
                title = 'link_%s on %s' % (name, hostname)
                rrdfile = name + '.rrd'
                imgfile = name + '.png'
                defs, vdefs, gprints = generate_graph_element(rrdfile, dss, 'ms')
                rrdtool.graph(imgfile, '-t', title, '-v', label, '-w', '520', '--start', '-3h', '--step', '60', '--x-grid', xgrid, colors, defs, vdefs, gprints)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        usage = '''%prog [options] arg1 arg2
        . %prog --mode=download --name=wx-2-ct,wx-2-cu --ip=, --type=iptv
        . %prog --mode=mtr --name=wx-2-ct,wx-2-cu --ip=, --count=50
        . %prog --mode=graph --name=download,loss,ping --ds=wx-2-ct,wx-2-cu 
        parser = OptionParser(usage)
        parser.add_option('--mode', action='store', type='string', dest='mode', help='check mode')
        parser.add_option('--name', action='store', type='string', dest='name', help='name list of the network link')
        parser.add_option('--ip', action='store', type='string', dest='ip', help='ip address list of the network link')
        parser.add_option('--type', action='store', type='string', dest='type', help='data rate of the ts file')
        parser.add_option('--count', action='store', type='string', dest='count', help='send packets per second')
        parser.add_option('--ds', action='store', type='string', dest='ds', help='data source')
        (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
        hostname = socket.gethostname()
        timestamp = int(time.time())
        if options.mode == 'download':
            links = zip(options.name.split(','), options.ip.split(','))
            for link in links:
                url = get_m3u8_info(options.type, link[1])
                get_ts_file(link[0], url)    
            update_rrd(options.mode, options.name, timestamp)
        if options.mode == 'mtr':
            links = zip(options.name.split(','), options.ip.split(','))
            threads = []
            for link in links:
                threads.append(Quality(link[0], link[1], options.count))
            for t in threads:
            for t in threads:
            update_rrd(options.mode, options.name, timestamp)
        if options.mode == 'graph':
            graph_rrd(hostname, options.name, options.ds)
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    import os, sys
    import re, json
    import datetime, time
    import subprocess, socket
    def unit_convert(data):
        if data < 10**3:
            return str(round(float(data), 2))
        elif data > 10**3 and data < 10**6:
            return str(round(float(data) / 10**3, 2)) + 'Kb'
        elif data > 10**6 and data < 10**9:
            return str(round(float(data) / 10**6, 2)) + 'Mb'
        elif data > 10**9 and data < 10**12:
            return str(round(float(data) / 10**9, 2)) + 'Gb'
        elif data > 10**12 and data < 10**15:
            return str(round(float(data) / 10**12, 2)) + 'Tb'
    def get_traffic_info():
        proc_stat = '/proc/net/dev'
        traffic = []
        with open(proc_stat, 'r') as f:
            for line in f:
                m = re.match('s*(S+):s*(d+)s+(d+)s+(d+)s+(d+)s+(d+)s+(d+)s+(d+)s+(d+)s+(d+)s+(d+)s+(d+)s+(d+)s+(d+)s+(d+)s+(d+)s+(d+)s+', line)
                if m:
    		        traffic.append((m.group(1), int(m.group(2)), int(m.group(10))))
        return traffic
    def get_connection_info():
        command = 'netstat -n |grep ^tcp |wc -l'
        p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        output, error = p.communicate()
        return int(output)
    def get_current_link_info():
        hostfile = '/etc/hosts'
        with open(hostfile, 'r') as f:
            for line in f:
                m = re.match('(d{1,3}.d{1,3}.d{1,3}.d{1,3})s+(S+)', line)
                if m and m.group(2) == 'wx.service.live.tvmining.com':
                    return m.group(1)
        return 'unknown'
    def main():
        counter = 2
        first = get_traffic_info()
        second = get_traffic_info()
        traffic = map(lambda x, y: (x[0], unit_convert(abs(x[1]-y[1])*8.0/counter), unit_convert(abs(x[2]-y[2])*8.0/counter)), first, second)
        for name, receive, transmit in traffic:
            if name == 'p2p1':
                traffic_in, traffic_out = receive, transmit
        connection = get_connection_info()
        current_link = get_current_link_info()
        message = {}
        hostname = socket.gethostname()
        message[hostname] = {
            'in': traffic_in,
            'out': traffic_out,
            'connection': connection,
            'current_link': current_link,
        with open('link_info.json', 'w') as f:
            json.dump(message, f)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    # --data--
    {"la-1-219": {"connection": 10068, "out": "2.56Mb", "current_link": "", "in": "147.18Mb"}}
  • 相关阅读:
    linux文件IO操作篇 (二) 缓冲文件
    linux 无锁化编程
    C语言中 time相关的函数 头文件
    printf 打印字体和背景带颜色的输出的方法
    git 环境搭建
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liujitao79/p/5660737.html
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