• 变量查询,运算符优先级,if语句


    use 新建

    create table teacher
    tcode int primary key,
    lesson char(10),
    age int,
    birth datetime
    create table student
    xcode int primary key,
    name varchar(50),
    sex char(10),
    banji char(10),
    yujiao int,
    shujiao int,
    yingjiao int
    create table score
    fcode int ,
    yufen decimal(18,2),
    shufen decimal(18,2),
    yingfen decimal(18,2)
    insert into student values(1,'张三','男','一班',1001,1101,1111)
    insert into student values(2,'李四','女','一班',1001,1101,1111)
    insert into student values(3,'王五','男','一班',1001,1101,1111)
    insert into student values(4,'李晨','女','一班',1001,1101,1111)
    insert into student values(5,'范爷','男','一班',1001,1101,1111)
    insert into student values(6,'邓超','女','二班',1002,1102,1112)
    insert into student values(7,'孙俪','男','二班',1002,1102,1112)
    insert into student values(8,'李冰冰','女','二班',1002,1102,1112)
    insert into student values(9,'nimab','男','二班',1002,1102,1112)
    insert into student values(10,'康熙','女','二班',1002,1102,1112)
    insert into student values(11,'王凯','男','三班',1003,1103,1113)
    insert into student values(12,'姚晨','女','三班',1003,1103,1113)
    insert into student values(13,'登s','女','三班',1003,1103,1113)
    insert into student values(14,'雍正','男','三班',1003,1103,1113)
    insert into student values(15,'baby','女','三班',1003,1103,1113)

    insert into teacher values(1001,'一班语文',34,1987-3-23)
    insert into teacher values(1002,'二班语文',23,1997-3-23)
    insert into teacher values(1003,'三班语文',56,1984-3-23)
    insert into teacher values(1101,'一班数学',35,1988-3-23)
    insert into teacher values(1102,'二班数学',34,1987-3-23)
    insert into teacher values(1103,'三班数学',38,1986-3-23)
    insert into teacher values(1111,'一班英语',26,1990-3-23)
    insert into teacher values(1112,'二班英语',29,1999-3-23)
    insert into teacher values(1113,'三班英语',40,1979-3-23)

    insert into score values (1,87,98,59)
    insert into score values(2,98.1,67.4,67.9)
    insert into score values(3,87.3,67.8,79.9)
    insert into score values(4,23,45,78)
    insert into score values(5,46,76,57)
    insert into score values(6,98,70,60)
    insert into score values(7,36,54,45)
    insert into score values(8,23,38,82)
    insert into score values(9,24,56,70)
    insert into score values(10,69,80,78)
    insert into score values(11,56,68,92)
    insert into score values(12,34,46,68)
    insert into score values(13,16,47,83)
    insert into score values(14,37,59,71)
    insert into score values(15,20,35,74)

    select*from student where xcode=(select top 1fcode from score order by yufen desc)
    select*from student where xcode=(select top 1fcode from score order by yufen)
    select*from teacher where tcode=(select yujiao from student where xcode=(select top 1 fcode from score order by yufen))
    select*from teacher where tcode=(select shujiao from student where xcode=(select top 1 fcode from score order by shufen))
    select*from teacher where tcode=(select yujiao from student where xcode=(select top 1 fcode from score order by yufen desc))
    select*from teacher where tcode=(select shujiao from student where xcode=(select top 1 fcode from score order by shufen desc))
    select student.name,banji,sex,age,teacher.name as 语文老师 from student join teacher on student.yujiao=teacher.tcode
    select student.name,banji,sex,(select name from teacher where tcode=yujiao),(select name from teacher where tcode=student.shujiao),(select name from teacher where tcode=student.yingjiao)from student
    select student.name,banji,sex,score.yufen,shufen,yingfen,(select name from teacher where tcode=yujiao),
    (select name from teacher where tcode=student.shujiao),(select name from teacher where tcode=student.yingjiao)
    from student join score on student.xcode=score.fcode
    select banji, MAX(yufen)from student join score on student.xcode=score.fcode group by banji
    select banji,AVG(yufen)from student join score on student.xcode=score.fcode group by banji
    select*from teacher where tcode=(select distinct yujiao from student where banji=(select top 1banji from student join score on student.xcode=score.fcode group by banji order by AVG(yufen)desc))
    select*from teacher where tcode=(select distinct shujiao from student where banji=(select top 1banji from student join score on student.xcode=score.fcode group by banji order by AVG(shufen)desc))


    select*from student where xcode=(select top 1 fcode from score order by shufen desc)

    declare @fcode1 int
    select top 1@fcode1=fcode from score order by shufen desc
    select*from student where xcode=@fcode1

    select*from teacher where tcode=(select distinct yujiao from student where xcode=(select top 1fcode from score order by yufen))

    declare @fcode2 int
    select top 1@fcode2=fcode from score order by yufen
    declare @yujiao1 int
    select distinct @yujiao1=yujiao from student where xcode=@fcode2
    select*from teacher where tcode=@yujiao1
    select*from teacher where tcode=(select distinct yingjiao from student where banji=(select top 1banji from student join score on student.xcode=score.fcode group by banji order by AVG(yingfen)desc))

    declare @banji varchar(50)
    select top 1@banji=banji from student join score on student.xcode=score.fcode group by banji order by AVG(yingfen)desc
    declare @yingjiao int
    select distinct @yingjiao=yingjiao from student where banji=@banji
    select*from teacher where tcode=@yingjiao


    --常用全局变量 @@****
    --@@connections 连接次数
    print @@connections -- 打印出我自从启动sql之后进行了多少次的数据库连接
    --@@error 错误
    insert into score values (33,44,55,66)
    print @@error --执行上一个sql语句是有没有错误,没有错误返回0
    --@@language 语言
    print @@language --当前使用的语言
    --@@rowcount row行 count数量
    print @@rowcount --返回上一次执行sql语句时在表中影响的行数
    --@@version 版本
    print @@version --所使用的SQL的版本信息

    use Student
    update bumen set bzhi='负责本公司的产品检验'
    select '总共影响了'+ STR(@@ROWCOUNT) +'行' --STR转换出来有左边的空格
    select '总共影响了'+ CONVERT(varchar(10),@@ROWCOUNT) +'行' --convert转换
    select '总共影响了'+ CAST(@@ROWCOUNT as varchar(10)) +'行' --cast转换


    --运算符 算数运算符
    --> < >= <= != !> !<
    --and or any between …and exists in like not

    --第一级 */%
    --第二级 正负号(+)(-)
    --第三级 + -
    --第四级 > < >= <= != !> !<
    --第五级 not
    --第六级 and or between and
    --第七级 all any in like some exists
    --第八级 =等号

    5、if 语句

    --if 表达式
    -- 语句


    select COUNT(*)from score where fcode in(select xcode from student where yujiao=(select tcode from teacher where name='邓凯')and yufen >60


    declare @tname varchar(50)
    declare @tage int
    select top 1 @tname=name,@tage=age from teacher order by age desc
    if @tage>=45
    print @tname+'再干几年就退休了'
    else if @tage<=30
    print @tname+'你还年轻'
    print @tname+'正当年'

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liujianshe1990-/p/4989522.html
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