#yum install -y mariadb-server mariadb
-u: 指定登入的用户名
DDL:数据库定义语言 create , alter , drop
DML:数据库操作语言 insert , delete , update , select
DCL:数据库控制语言 grant , revoke
创建库 create database zxxsql;
删除库 drop database zxxsql;
修改库 alter database zxxsql character set = utf8
创建表 create table home (id int not null primary key auto_increment, name varchar(250) not null, class varchar(250) not null);
查看表结构 desc home;
添加字段:alter table home add gender enum('f','m');
删除字段:alter table home drop gender;
alter table home change name username varchar(100) after id;
alter table home modify username varchar(100) first;
删除表:drop table home;
<1>insert 在home表中插入3组class和username数据。
insert into home (class,username) values ('ops', '运维开发'), ('opsdev', '运维开发'), ('开发', 'java开发');
<2>update 修改home表数据
update home set class = '开发部门' where id = 1;
<3>delete 删除表数据
delete from home where class = '开发';
查询表上的所有的数据 select * from home;
查询部分数据 select id,class from home;
# 还可以取个别名 select id as num,class from home;
# 可以使用的算数运算符:>, < , >=, <=, ==, !=
# 可以使用连接词:and , or
select * from home where id >= 2;
select * from home where id <= 2 and id >1;
select * from home where id between 1 and 2;
# 可以使用like做模糊匹配(%:表示任意长度的字符,_:表示任意单个字符)
select * from home where class like 'ops%';
# 可以使用null对值进行判断
select * from home where id is not null;
select * from home where id is null;
select * from home order by id desc;
create user zxx@'172.16.19.%' identified by '123456';
grant all on *.* to zxx@'172.16.19.%';
flush privileges;
grant all on *.* to zxx@'172.16.19.%' identified by '123456';
flush privileges;
show grants for zxx@'172.16.19.%';
show grants for zxx@'172.16.19.%';
delete from mysql.user where user = "zxx";
flush privileges;
7.select 查询语句详解
可以使用的算数运算符:+, -, * ,/ ,= ,!= ,<=, >=
between 较小的数 and 较大的数
in (较小的数,较大的数)
is null 或 is not null
select * from home where id >= 2;
select * from home where id <= 2 and id >1;
select * from home where id between 1 and 2;
select * from home where id in (1,2); # 从1和2中取值
select * from home where class like 'ops%';
select * from home where id is not null;
select * from home where id is null;
-2:group by 子句:根据指定的查询条件将查询结构进行分组,用于做聚合运算
使用聚合函数:avg( ) , max( ) , min( ) , count( ), sum( )
select age,gender from students group by gender;
select avg(age),gender from students group by gender;
select min(age), gender from students group by gender;
select max(age), gender from students group by gender;
select count(id), gender from students group by gender;
select avg(age) as 'average_age', gender from students group by gender having average_age > 50;
-4:order by子句 :根据指定的字段对查询结果进行排序,默认为升序,降序使用关键字desc
select name,age from students order by age desc;
-5:limit 子句:对查询的结果进行输出行数的限制
select name,age from students order by age desc limit 8; # 选前8行
select name,age from students order by age limit 4, 2; # 前4个不选,从第五行开始选2行
where -> group by -> having -> order by -> limit
select *,avg(score) as '各班平均成绩' from students where id > 1 group by class having avg(score) > 55 order by score desc limit 3 ; #