• js Exception

    1. js的异常e除了e.message 和 e.lineNumber之外还有一个重要的属性 e.name 
      e.name 错误类型, 
      e.message 错误的详细信息. 
        1. EvalError:eval()的使用与定义不一致 
        2. RangeError:数值越界 
        3. ReferenceError:非法或不能识别的引用数值 
        4. SyntaxError:发生语法解析错误 
        5. TypeError:操作数类型错误 
        6. URIError:URI处理函数使用不当 

    2. Error具有下面一些主要属性:

    • description: 错误描述 (仅IE可用).
    • fileName: 出错的文件名 (仅Mozilla可用).
    • lineNumber: 出错的行数 (仅Mozilla可用).
    • message: 错误信息 (在IE下同description)
    • name: 错误类型.
    • number: 错误代码 (仅IE可用).
    • stack: 像Java中的Stack Trace一样的错误堆栈信息 (仅Mozilla可用).


        try { 
        } catch (e) { 
          if (browserType != BROWSER_IE) { 
          alert("name: " + e.name + 
          "message: " + e.message + 
          "lineNumber: " + e.lineNumber + 
          "fileName: " + e.fileName + 
          "stack: " + e.stack); 
        } else { 
          alert("name: " + e.name + 
          "errorNumber: " + (e.number & 0xFFFF ) + 
          "message: " + e.message"); 

    3. JavaScript中的throw命令事实上可以抛出任何对象,并且我们可以在catch接受到此对象。例如: 

      try { 
        throw new Date(); // 抛出当前时间对象 
      } catch (e) { 
        alert(e.toLocaleString()); // 使用本地格式显示当前时间 

    4. try catch finally

      try {
        // 通常,代码会从顶部运行到底部
        // 可以直接用throw语句或通过调用一个抛出异常的方法间接的 抛出异常
      } catch (e) {
        // The statements in this block are executed if, and only if, the try block throws an exception. These statements can use the local variable
        // e to refer to the Error object or other value that was thrown.
        // This block may handle the exception somehow, may ignore the
        // exception by doing nothing, or may rethrow the exception with throw.
      } finally {
        // This block contains statements that are always executed, regardless of
        // what happens in the try block. They are executed whether the try
        // block terminates:
          // 1) normally, after reaching the bottom of the block
          // 2) because of a break, continue, or return statement
          // 3) with an exception that is handled by a catch clause above
          // 4) with an uncaught exception that is still propagating


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lindsayzhao103011/p/3190498.html
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