• 对Excle的行和列进行检查 单元格类型转换代码 ;

    对Excle的行和列进行检查  转换代码 ;

      1 ** 
      2  * 导入信息 
      3  */  
      4 @Override  
      5 public List<Object> add(HttpServletRequest request) {  
      6 // TODO Auto-generated method stub  
      7 List<Object> num=new ArrayList<Object>();  
      8 MultipartHttpServletRequest multipartRequest =(MultipartHttpServletRequest) request;  
      9 CommonsMultipartFile file = (CommonsMultipartFile)multipartRequest.getFile("zlUpload");  
     10 if(file!=null){          
     11 try {  
     12 num = save(file.getInputStream());  
     13 } catch (IOException e) {  
     14 // TODO Auto-generated catch block  
     15 e.printStackTrace();  
     16 }          
     17 }  
     18 returnnum;                  
     19 }  
     21 /** 
     22  * 保存上传的Excel信息 
     23  */  
     24 private List<Object> save(InputStream inputStream) throwsIOException {  
     25 // TODO Auto-generated method stub  
     26 List<Object> error_num = new ArrayList<Object>();  
     27 List<Object> temp =(List<Object>)readXls(inputStream,error_num);  
     28 System.out.println(temp.get(0).getClass().getName());  
     29 if(temp.get(0).getClass().getName().equals("org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell")){  
     30 return error_num;  
     31 }else{  
     32 TStudentNo student = null;  
     33 List<TStudentNo> studentList = newArrayList<TStudentNo>();  
     34 for(int i=0;i<temp.size();i++){  
     35 student = (TStudentNo)temp.get(i);  
     36 studentList.add(student);  
     37 }  
     38 try {  
     39 //在插入数据前进行判断,看数据库中是否有不允许重复的字段出现,以打断保存进度  
     40 int repeat = 0;  
     41 for(int j = 0;j<studentList.size();j++){  
     42 TStudentNo Studenttemp =studentMapper.findByStudentNo(studentList.get(j).getStudent_no());  
     43 //如果查到了,重复数加一,然后跳过不保存  
     44 if(Studenttemp!=null){  
     45 repeat++;  
     46 }  
     47 }          
     48 if(repeat==0){  
     49 for(int z=0;z<studentList.size();z++){  
     50 studentMapper.saveStudent(studentList.get(z));  
     51 }  
     52 }else{  
     53 error_num.add("数据库中有相同的数据,请检查学号等不允许重复的部分!");  
     54 return error_num;  
     55 }                                  
     56 } catch (Exception e) {  
     57 //判断Excel中是否有重复数据,如果有重复跳过保存异常  
     58 error_num.add("数据库中有相同的数据,请检查学号等不允许重复的部分!");  
     59 return error_num;  
     60 }  
     62 return temp;          
     63 }  
     64 }  
     66 /** 
     67  * 逐行遍历其Excel 
     68  */  
     70 private Object readXls(InputStream inputStream,List<Object>error_num) throws IOException {  
     71 InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(inputStream);  
     72 HSSFWorkbook hssfWorkbook = new HSSFWorkbook(is);  
     73 TStudentNo student = null;  
     74 List<TStudentNo> list = new ArrayList<TStudentNo>();  
     75 //循环工作表Sheet  
     76 for(int numSheet =0;numSheet<hssfWorkbook.getNumberOfSheets();numSheet++){  
     77 HSSFSheet hssfSheet = hssfWorkbook.getSheetAt(numSheet);  
     78 if(hssfSheet == null){  
     79 continue;  
     80 }  
     82 for(int rowNum =2;rowNum<=hssfSheet.getLastRowNum();rowNum++){  
     83 System.out.println(hssfSheet.getLastRowNum());          
     84 HSSFRow hssfRow = hssfSheet.getRow(rowNum);  
     85 //检查每行的空格数,如果小于4证明有一个或多个空格,但不是整行  
     86 if(CheckRowNull(hssfRow)<4){  
     87 student = new TStudentNo();  
     88 HSSFCell name = hssfRow.getCell(0);  
     89 HSSFCell student_no = hssfRow.getCell(1);  
     90 HSSFCell phone = hssfRow.getCell(2);  
     91 HSSFCell class_no = hssfRow.getCell(3);  
     92 HSSFCell subject_category = hssfRow.getCell(4);  
     93 List<HSSFCell> temp = new ArrayList<HSSFCell>();  
     94 temp.add(0, name);  
     95 temp.add(1, student_no);  
     96 temp.add(2, phone);  
     97 temp.add(3, class_no);  
     98 temp.add(4, subject_category);  
     99 int temp1 = 0;//用于跳出双层for循环  
    100 for(int i=0;i<5;i++){  
    101 //为记录前台进行提示某行某列出错  
    102 temp1 = CheckRowError(temp.get(i),error_num,rowNum,i);  
    103 if(temp1==-1){  
    104 break;  
    105 }  
    106 }  
    107 if(temp1==-1){  
    108 return temp;  
    109 }  
    110 student.setName(getCellValue(name));  
    111 student.setPhone(getCellValue(phone));  
    112 student.setStudent_no(getCellValue(student_no));  
    113 student.setClass_no(getCellValue(class_no));  
    114 student.setSubject_category(Integer.parseInt(getCellValue(subject_category)));  
    115 list.add(student);  
    116 }else{  
    117 continue;  
    118 }  
    119 }  
    121 }  
    122 return list;  
    123 }  
    125 /** 
    126  * 对Excel的各个单元格的格式进行判断并转换 
    127  */  
    128 private String getCellValue(HSSFCell cell) {   
    129         String cellValue = "";   
    130         DecimalFormat df = newDecimalFormat("#");   
    131         switch (cell.getCellType()) {   
    132         case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING:   
    133             cellValue =cell.getRichStringCellValue().getString().trim();   
    134             break;   
    135         case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC:   
    136             cellValue =df.format(cell.getNumericCellValue()).toString();   
    137             break;   
    138         case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN:   
    139             cellValue =String.valueOf(cell.getBooleanCellValue()).trim();   
    140             break;   
    141         case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA:   
    142             cellValue =cell.getCellFormula();   
    143             break;   
    144         default:   
    145             cellValue = "";   
    146         }   
    147         return cellValue;   
    148     }   
    150 //判断某行某列有问题  
    151 private int CheckRowError(HSSFCell cell,List<Object>error_num,int rowNum,int cell_num){  
    152 //判断各个单元格是否为空  
    153 if(cell==null||cell.equals("")||cell.getCellType() ==HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK){  
    154 error_num.add("出错啦!请检查第"+(rowNum+1)+"行第"+(cell_num+1)+"列。"+"如果您在该行没有数据,建议您选择删除该行,重试!");  
    155 return -1;  
    156 }  
    157 return 0;  
    158 }  
    160 //判断行为空  
    161 private int CheckRowNull(HSSFRow hssfRow){  
    162 int num = 0;  
    163 Iterator<Cell> cellItr =hssfRow.iterator();  
    164 while(cellItr.hasNext()){  
    165  Cell c =cellItr.next();                          
    166  if(c.getCellType() ==HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK){  
    167  num++;  
    168  }  
    169 }  
    170 return num;  
    171 }  
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/linbo3168/p/6491765.html
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