• 微信小程序及各种平台对接常用可逆加密算法aes256









    local aes = require 'resty.aes'
     local base64_encode = ngx.encode_base64
     local base64_decode = ngx.decode_base64
     local key = "a12e93c9edadeaa47eb1aeabe27dabef"
     local iv = "a12e93c9edadeaa4"
     -- AES 128 CBC with IV and no SALT
     local cipher = aes.cipher(256,"cbc")
     local aes_256_cbc_with_iv = aes:new(key,nil,cipher,{iv=iv})
     local function decrypt(input)
         input = base64_decode(input)
         input = aes_256_cbc_with_iv:decrypt(input)
         -- 取最后一个字符的ascii值
         --local padding = string.byte(input,-1)
         --return string.sub(input,-padding)
         return input
     local function pkcs7_padding(text)
         local text_length = string.len(text)
         local amount_to_pad = 32 - (text_length % 32)
         if amount_to_pad == 0 then
             amount_to_pad = 32
         local pad = string.char(amount_to_pad) return text .. string.rep(pad,amount_to_pad)
     local function encrypt (text)
         text = pkcs7_padding(text)
         text = aes_256_cbc_with_iv:encrypt(text)
         return base64_encode(text)


    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    import base64
    from Crypto.Cipher import AES
    import binascii
    import StringIO
    class PKCS7Encoder(object):
        RFC 2315: PKCS#7 page 21
        Some content-encryption algorithms assume the
        input length is a multiple of k octets, where k > 1, and
        let the application define a method for handling inputs
        whose lengths are not a multiple of k octets. For such
        algorithms, the method shall be to pad the input at the
        trailing end with k - (l mod k) octets all having value k -
        (l mod k), where l is the length of the input. In other
        words, the input is padded at the trailing end with one of
        the following strings:
                 01 -- if l mod k = k-1
                02 02 -- if l mod k = k-2
              k k ... k k -- if l mod k = 0
        The padding can be removed unambiguously since all input is
        padded and no padding string is a suffix of another. This
        padding method is well-defined if and only if k < 256;
        methods for larger k are an open issue for further study.
        def __init__(self, k=16):
            self.k = k
        ## @param text The padded text for which the padding is to be removed.
        # @exception ValueError Raised when the input padding is missing or corrupt.
        def decode(self, text):
            Remove the PKCS#7 padding from a text string
            nl = len(text)
            val = int(binascii.hexlify(text[-1]), 16)
            if val > self.k:
                raise ValueError('Input is not padded or padding is corrupt')
            l = nl - val
            return text[:l]
        ## @param text The text to encode.
        def encode(self, text):
            Pad an input string according to PKCS#7
            l = len(text)
            output = StringIO.StringIO()
            val = self.k - (l % self.k)
            for _ in xrange(val):
                output.write('%02x' % val)
            return text + binascii.unhexlify(output.getvalue())
    # 使用256位的AES,Python会根据传入的Key长度自动选择,长度为16时使用128位的AES
    key = 'a12e93c9edadeaa47eb1aeabe27dabef'
    mode = AES.MODE_CBC
    #iv = '1234567812345678'  # AES的CBC模式使用IV
    iv = 'a12e93c9edadeaa4'  # AES的CBC模式使用IV
    encoder = PKCS7Encoder()
    text = "This is for test."
    def encrypt(data):
        encryptor = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
        padded_text = encoder.encode(data)
        encrypted_data = encryptor.encrypt(padded_text)
        return base64.b64encode(encrypted_data)
    def decrypt(data):
        cipher = base64.b64decode(data)
        decryptor = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
        plain = decryptor.decrypt(cipher)
        return encoder.decode(plain)
    #encrypted_text = encrypt(text)
    encrypted_text = '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'
    clean_text = decrypt(encrypted_text)
    print "encrypted_text:", encrypted_text
    print "clean_text: ", clean_text


    //function aes256EcbPkcs7PaddingEncrypt($key, $data) {
    //    $padding = 16 - (strlen($data) % 16);
    //    $data .= str_repeat(chr($padding), $padding);
    //    return mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, hash('SHA256', $key, true), $data, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB);
    //function aes256EcbPkcs7PaddingDecrypt($key, $data) {
    //    $data = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, hash('SHA256', $key, true), $data, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB);
    //    $padding = ord($data[strlen($data) - 1]); 
    //    return substr($data, 0, -$padding); 
    $iv ='a12e93c9edadeaa4';
    $module = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, '', MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, '');
    mcrypt_generic_init($module, $key, $iv);
    $data = mdecrypt_generic($module, $txt);
    $padding = ord($data[strlen($data) - 1]); 
    $result = substr($data, 0, -$padding); 
    echo $result;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/linbc/p/9710487.html
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