• Fabric-ca server端初始化过程源码分析


    Fabric-ca是有go语言编写的,与C/C++类似,程序都有一个mian()函数,不同的是,go的main函数必须存在于package main中:

    // fabric-ca/cmd/fabric-ca-server/main.go
    package main
    import "os"
    var (
    	blockingStart = true
    // The fabric-ca server main
    func main() {
    	if err := RunMain(os.Args); err != nil {
    // RunMain is the fabric-ca server main
    func RunMain(args []string) error {
    	// Save the os.Args
    	saveOsArgs := os.Args
    	os.Args = args
    	cmdName := ""
    	if len(args) > 1 {
    		cmdName = args[1]
    	scmd := NewCommand(cmdName, blockingStart)
    	// Execute the command
    	err := scmd.Execute()
    	// Restore original os.Args
    	os.Args = saveOsArgs
    	return err


    // fabric-ca/cmd/fabric-ca-server/servercmd.go
    // ServerCmd encapsulates cobra command that provides command line interface
    // for the Fabric CA server and the configuration used by the Fabric CA server
    type ServerCmd struct {
    	// name of the fabric-ca-server command (init, start, version)
    	name string
    	// rootCmd is the cobra command
    	rootCmd *cobra.Command
    	// My viper instance
    	myViper *viper.Viper
    	// blockingStart indicates whether to block after starting the server or not
    	blockingStart bool
    	// cfgFileName is the name of the configuration file
    	cfgFileName string
    	// homeDirectory is the location of the server's home directory
    	homeDirectory string
    	// serverCfg is the server's configuration
    	cfg *lib.ServerConfig
    // NewCommand returns new ServerCmd ready for running
    func NewCommand(name string, blockingStart bool) *ServerCmd {
    	s := &ServerCmd{
    		name:          name,
    		blockingStart: blockingStart,
    		myViper:       viper.New(),
    	return s



    // fabric-ca/cmd/fabric-ca-server/servercmd.go
    // init initializes the ServerCmd instance
    // It intializes the cobra root and sub commands and
    // registers command flgs with viper
    func (s *ServerCmd) init() {
    	// root command
    	rootCmd := &cobra.Command{
    		Use:   cmdName,
    		Short: longName,
    		PersistentPreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
    			err := s.configInit()
    			if err != nil {
    				return err
    			cmd.SilenceUsage = true
    			return nil
    	s.rootCmd = rootCmd
    	// initCmd represents the server init command
    	initCmd := &cobra.Command{
    		Use:   "init",
    		Short: fmt.Sprintf("Initialize the %s", shortName),
    		Long:  "Generate the key material needed by the server if it doesn't already exist",
    	initCmd.RunE = func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
    		if len(args) > 0 {
    			return errors.Errorf(extraArgsError, args, initCmd.UsageString())
    		err := s.getServer().Init(false)
    		if err != nil {
    			util.Fatal("Initialization failure: %s", err)
    		log.Info("Initialization was successful")
    		return nil
    	// startCmd represents the server start command
    	startCmd := &cobra.Command{
    		Use:   "start",
    		Short: fmt.Sprintf("Start the %s", shortName),
    	startCmd.RunE = func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
    		if len(args) > 0 {
    			return errors.Errorf(extraArgsError, args, startCmd.UsageString())
    		err := s.getServer().Start()
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    	var versionCmd = &cobra.Command{
    		Use:   "version",
    		Short: "Prints Fabric CA Server version",
    		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
    // registerFlags registers command flags with viper
    func (s *ServerCmd) registerFlags() {
    	// Get the default config file path
    	cfg := util.GetDefaultConfigFile(cmdName)
    	// All env variables must be prefixed
    	s.myViper.SetEnvKeyReplacer(strings.NewReplacer(".", "_"))
    	// Set specific global flags used by all commands
    	pflags := s.rootCmd.PersistentFlags()
    	pflags.StringVarP(&s.cfgFileName, "config", "c", "", "Configuration file")
    	// Don't want to use the default parameter for StringVarP. Need to be able to identify if home directory was explicitly set
    	pflags.StringVarP(&s.homeDirectory, "home", "H", "", fmt.Sprintf("Server's home directory (default "%s")", filepath.Dir(cfg)))
    	util.FlagString(s.myViper, pflags, "boot", "b", "",
    		"The user:pass for bootstrap admin which is required to build default config file")
    	// Register flags for all tagged and exported fields in the config
    	s.cfg = &lib.ServerConfig{}
    	tags := map[string]string{
    		"help.csr.cn":           "The common name field of the certificate signing request to a parent fabric-ca-server",
    		"help.csr.serialnumber": "The serial number in a certificate signing request to a parent fabric-ca-server",
    		"help.csr.hosts":        "A list of comma-separated host names in a certificate signing request to a parent fabric-ca-server",
    	err := util.RegisterFlags(s.myViper, pflags, s.cfg, nil)
    	if err != nil {
    	caCfg := &lib.CAConfig{}
    	err = util.RegisterFlags(s.myViper, pflags, caCfg, tags)
    	if err != nil {
    // Configuration file is not required for some commands like version
    func (s *ServerCmd) configRequired() bool {
    	return s.name != version
    // getServer returns a lib.Server for the init and start commands
    func (s *ServerCmd) getServer() *lib.Server {
    	return &lib.Server{
    		HomeDir:       s.homeDirectory,
    		Config:        s.cfg,
    		BlockingStart: s.blockingStart,
    		CA: lib.CA{
    			Config:         &s.cfg.CAcfg,
    			ConfigFilePath: s.cfgFileName,

    在函数中,首先是创建了一个*cobra.Command的对象,在该对象中的主要有两个操作:执行配置初始化以及util.CmdRunBegin()操作,之后将该对象赋值给s.rootCmd;接下来又创建了三个*cobra.Command对象:initCmdstartCmdversionCmd,分别是服务初始化命令、启动命令和获取server版本命令,创建完成后将这三个命令使用AddCommand()添加到s.rootCmd,随后执行s.registerFlags()操作。registerFlags()函数中主要是注册一些命令行参数,这里就不细究了。在 initCmdstartCmd中都用到了getServer()函数,该函数返回一个*libServer对象:

    // fabric-ca/lib/server.go
    // Server is the fabric-ca server
    type Server struct {
    	// The home directory for the server.
    	HomeDir string
    	// BlockingStart determines if Start is blocking.
    	// It is non-blocking by default.
    	BlockingStart bool
    	// The server's configuration
    	Config *ServerConfig
    	// Metrics are the metrics that the server tracks for API calls.
    	Metrics servermetrics.Metrics
    	// Operations is responsible for the server's operation information.
    	Operations operationsServer
    	// CA is the default certificate authority for the server.
    	// metrics for database requests
    	dbMetrics *db.Metrics
    	// mux is used to server API requests
    	mux *gmux.Router
    	// listener for this server
    	listener net.Listener
    	// An error which occurs when serving
    	serveError error
    	// caMap is a list of CAs by name
    	caMap map[string]*CA
    	// caConfigMap is a list CA configs by filename
    	caConfigMap map[string]*CAConfig
    	// levels currently supported by the server
    	levels *dbutil.Levels
    	wait   chan bool
    	mutex  sync.Mutex



    // init initializses the server leaving the DB open
    func (s *Server) init(renew bool) (err error) {
    	s.Config.Operations.Metrics = s.Config.Metrics
    	s.Operations = operations.NewSystem(s.Config.Operations)
    	serverVersion := metadata.GetVersion()
    	err = calog.SetLogLevel(s.Config.LogLevel, s.Config.Debug)
    	if err != nil {
    		return err
    	log.Infof("Server Version: %s", serverVersion)
    	s.levels, err = metadata.GetLevels(serverVersion)
    	if err != nil {
    		return err
    	log.Infof("Server Levels: %+v", s.levels)
    	s.mux = gmux.NewRouter()
    	// Initialize the config
    	err = s.initConfig()
    	if err != nil {
    		return err
    	// Initialize the default CA last
    	err = s.initDefaultCA(renew)
    	if err != nil {
    		return err
    	// Successful initialization
    	return nil




    // fabric-ca/lib/ca.go
    // CA represents a certificate authority which signs, issues and revokes certificates
    type CA struct {
    	// The home directory for the CA
    	HomeDir string
    	// The CA's configuration
    	Config *CAConfig
    	// The file path of the config file
    	ConfigFilePath string
    	// The database handle used to store certificates and optionally
    	// the user registry information, unless LDAP it enabled for the
    	// user registry function.
    	db db.FabricCADB
    	// The crypto service provider (BCCSP)
    	csp bccsp.BCCSP
    	// The certificate DB accessor
    	certDBAccessor *CertDBAccessor
    	// The user registry
    	registry user.Registry
    	// The signer used for enrollment
    	enrollSigner signer.Signer
    	// Idemix issuer
    	issuer idemix.Issuer
    	// The options to use in verifying a signature in token-based authentication
    	verifyOptions *x509.VerifyOptions
    	// The attribute manager
    	attrMgr *attrmgr.Mgr
    	// The tcert manager for this CA
    	tcertMgr *tcert.Mgr
    	// The key tree
    	keyTree *tcert.KeyTree
    	// The server hosting this CA
    	server *Server
    	// DB levels
    	levels *dbutil.Levels
    	// CA mutex
    	mutex sync.Mutex
    func initCA(ca *CA, homeDir string, config *CAConfig, server *Server, renew bool) error {
    	ca.HomeDir = homeDir
    	ca.Config = config
    	ca.server = server
    	err := ca.init(renew)
    	if err != nil {
    		return err
    	log.Debug("Initializing Idemix issuer...")
    	ca.issuer = idemix.NewIssuer(ca.Config.CA.Name, ca.HomeDir,
    		&ca.Config.Idemix, ca.csp, idemix.NewLib())
    	err = ca.issuer.Init(renew, ca.db, ca.levels)
    	if err != nil {
    		return errors.WithMessage(err, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to initialize Idemix issuer for CA '%s'", err.Error()))
    	return nil


    type issuer struct {
    	name      string
    	homeDir   string
    	cfg       *Config
    	idemixLib Lib
    	db        db.FabricCADB
    	csp       bccsp.BCCSP
    	// The Idemix credential DB accessor
    	credDBAccessor CredDBAccessor
    	// idemix issuer credential for the CA
    	issuerCred IssuerCredential
    	// A random number used in generation of Idemix nonces and credentials
    	idemixRand    *amcl.RAND
    	rc            RevocationAuthority
    	nm            NonceManager
    	isInitialized bool
    	mutex         sync.Mutex
    // NewIssuer returns an object that implements Issuer interface
    func NewIssuer(name, homeDir string, config *Config, csp bccsp.BCCSP, idemixLib Lib) Issuer {
    	issuer := issuer{name: name, homeDir: homeDir, cfg: config, csp: csp, idemixLib: idemixLib}
    	return &issuer
    func (i *issuer) Init(renew bool, db db.FabricCADB, levels *dbutil.Levels) error {
    	if i.isInitialized {
    		return nil
    	defer i.mutex.Unlock()
    	// After obtaining a lock, check again to see if issuer has been initialized by another thread
    	if i.isInitialized {
    		return nil
    	if db == nil || reflect.ValueOf(db).IsNil() || !db.IsInitialized() {
    		log.Debugf("Returning without initializing Idemix issuer for CA '%s' as the database is not initialized", i.Name())
    		return nil
    	i.db = db
    	err := i.cfg.init(i.homeDir)
    	if err != nil {
    		return err
    	err = i.initKeyMaterial(renew)
    	if err != nil {
    		return err
    	i.credDBAccessor = NewCredentialAccessor(i.db, levels.Credential)
    	log.Debugf("Intializing revocation authority for issuer '%s'", i.Name())
    	i.rc, err = NewRevocationAuthority(i, levels.RAInfo)
    	if err != nil {
    		return err
    	log.Debugf("Intializing nonce manager for issuer '%s'", i.Name())
    	i.nm, err = NewNonceManager(i, &wallClock{}, levels.Nonce)
    	if err != nil {
    		return err
    	i.isInitialized = true
    	return nil




    // fabric-ca/lib/server.go
    // Start the fabric-ca server
    func (s *Server) Start() (err error) {
    	log.Infof("Starting server in home directory: %s", s.HomeDir)
    	s.serveError = nil
    	if s.listener != nil {
    		return errors.New("server is already started")
    	// Initialize the server
    	err = s.init(false)
    	if err != nil {
    		err2 := s.closeDB()
    		if err2 != nil {
    			log.Errorf("Close DB failed: %s", err2)
    		return err
    	// Register http handlers
    	log.Debugf("%d CA instance(s) running on server", len(s.caMap))
    	// Start operations server
    	err = s.startOperationsServer()
    	if err != nil {
    		return err
    	err = s.Operations.RegisterChecker("server", s)
    	if err != nil {
    		return nil
    	// Start listening and serving
    	err = s.listenAndServe()
    	if err != nil {
    		err2 := s.closeDB()
    		if err2 != nil {
    			log.Errorf("Close DB failed: %s", err2)
    		return err
    	return nil


    // operationsServer defines the contract required for an operations server
    type operationsServer interface {
    	Start() error
    	Stop() error
    	Addr() string
    	RegisterChecker(component string, checker healthz.HealthChecker) error
    func (s *Server) startOperationsServer() error {
    	err := s.Operations.Start()
    	if err != nil {
    		return err
    	return nil



    // Starting listening and serving
    func (s *Server) listenAndServe() (err error) {
    	var listener net.Listener
    	var clientAuth tls.ClientAuthType
    	var ok bool
    	c := s.Config
    	// Set default listening address and port
    	if c.Address == "" {
    		c.Address = DefaultServerAddr
    	if c.Port == 0 {
    		c.Port = DefaultServerPort
    	addr := net.JoinHostPort(c.Address, strconv.Itoa(c.Port))
    	var addrStr string
    	if c.TLS.Enabled {
    		log.Debug("TLS is enabled")
    		addrStr = fmt.Sprintf("https://%s", addr)
    		// If key file is specified and it does not exist or its corresponding certificate file does not exist
    		// then need to return error and not start the server. The TLS key file is specified when the user
    		// wants the server to use custom tls key and cert and don't want server to auto generate its own. So,
    		// when the key file is specified, it must exist on the file system
    		if c.TLS.KeyFile != "" {
    			if !util.FileExists(c.TLS.KeyFile) {
    				return fmt.Errorf("File specified by 'tls.keyfile' does not exist: %s", c.TLS.KeyFile)
    			if !util.FileExists(c.TLS.CertFile) {
    				return fmt.Errorf("File specified by 'tls.certfile' does not exist: %s", c.TLS.CertFile)
    			log.Debugf("TLS Certificate: %s, TLS Key: %s", c.TLS.CertFile, c.TLS.KeyFile)
    		} else if !util.FileExists(c.TLS.CertFile) {
    			// TLS key file is not specified, generate TLS key and cert if they are not already generated
    			err = s.autoGenerateTLSCertificateKey()
    			if err != nil {
    				return fmt.Errorf("Failed to automatically generate TLS certificate and key: %s", err)
    		cer, err := util.LoadX509KeyPair(c.TLS.CertFile, c.TLS.KeyFile, s.csp)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		if c.TLS.ClientAuth.Type == "" {
    			c.TLS.ClientAuth.Type = defaultClientAuth
    		log.Debugf("Client authentication type requested: %s", c.TLS.ClientAuth.Type)
    		authType := strings.ToLower(c.TLS.ClientAuth.Type)
    		if clientAuth, ok = clientAuthTypes[authType]; !ok {
    			return errors.New("Invalid client auth type provided")
    		var certPool *x509.CertPool
    		if authType != defaultClientAuth {
    			certPool, err = LoadPEMCertPool(c.TLS.ClientAuth.CertFiles)
    			if err != nil {
    				return err
    		config := &tls.Config{
    			Certificates: []tls.Certificate{*cer},
    			ClientAuth:   clientAuth,
    			ClientCAs:    certPool,
    			MinVersion:   tls.VersionTLS12,
    			MaxVersion:   tls.VersionTLS12,
    			CipherSuites: stls.DefaultCipherSuites,
    		listener, err = tls.Listen("tcp", addr, config)
    		if err != nil {
    			return errors.Wrapf(err, "TLS listen failed for %s", addrStr)
    	} else {
    		addrStr = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s", addr)
    		listener, err = net.Listen("tcp", addr)
    		if err != nil {
    			return errors.Wrapf(err, "TCP listen failed for %s", addrStr)
    	s.listener = listener
    	log.Infof("Listening on %s", addrStr)
    	err = s.checkAndEnableProfiling()
    	if err != nil {
    		return errors.WithMessage(err, "TCP listen for profiling failed")
    	// Start serving requests, either blocking or non-blocking
    	if s.BlockingStart {
    		return s.serve()
    	s.wait = make(chan bool)
    	go s.serve()
    	return nil
    func (s *Server) serve() error {
    	listener := s.listener
    	if listener == nil {
    		// This can happen as follows:
    		// 1) listenAndServe above is called with s.BlockingStart set to false
    		//    and returns to the caller
    		// 2) the caller immediately calls s.Stop, which sets s.listener to nil
    		// 3) the go routine runs and calls this function
    		// So this prevents the panic which was reported in
    		// in https://jira.hyperledger.org/browse/FAB-3100.
    		return nil
    	s.serveError = http.Serve(listener, s.mux)
    	log.Errorf("Server has stopped serving: %s", s.serveError)
    	err := s.closeDB()
    	if err != nil {
    		log.Errorf("Close DB failed: %s", err)
    	if s.wait != nil {
    		s.wait <- true
    	return s.serveError



    // checkAndEnableProfiling checks for FABRIC_CA_SERVER_PROFILE_PORT env variable
    // if it is set, starts listening for profiling requests at the port specified
    // by the environment variable
    func (s *Server) checkAndEnableProfiling() error {
    	// Start listening for profile requests
    	pport := os.Getenv(fabricCAServerProfilePort)
    	if pport != "" {
    		iport, err := strconv.Atoi(pport)
    		if err != nil || iport < 0 {
    			log.Warningf("Profile port specified by the %s environment variable is not a valid port, not enabling profiling",
    		} else {
    			addr := net.JoinHostPort(s.Config.Address, pport)
    			listener, err1 := net.Listen("tcp", addr)
    			log.Infof("Profiling enabled; listening for profile requests on port %s", pport)
    			if err1 != nil {
    				return err1
    			go func() {
    				log.Debugf("Profiling enabled; waiting for profile requests on port %s", pport)
    				err := http.Serve(listener, nil)
    				log.Errorf("Stopped serving for profiling requests on port %s: %s", pport, err)
    	return nil


    至此,Fabric-ca server端的启动过程就完成了。当然,文章中省略了很多细节,比如服务的初始化过程、默认CA的生成过程、idemix的issuer证书生成过程等等,这些过程就需要各位自行了解了。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lianshuiwuyi/p/12461337.html
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