eventHandler clickHandler;
clickHandler.GetInvocationList().Length 来获得
foreach(delegate a in GetclickHandler.GetInvocationList())
it's very hard to count event handlers for a specific element without writing a custom class to do this. Here's a couple ideas...
1) Use a Dictionary to store references to previously created events. This way, when adding events again, you simply check the dictionary to see if you're adding something that's already defined:
Dictionary<UIElement, RoutedEventHandler> myHandlers = newDictionary<UIElement, RoutedEventHandler>();
Button b = newButton();RoutedEventHandler handler = newRoutedEventHandler(b_Click);
myHandlers[b] = handler;
b.Click +=
2) Take steps to avoid reentrancy into your code that adds event handlers, such as a "Initialized" boolean value.