• What is the difference between CollectionView and CollectionViewSource?

    The short answer is that CollectionView is a view and CollectionViewSource is not.

    Every time you bind an ItemsControl directly to a collection, we create a view on top of that collection and bind to the view instead. You can think of a view as a list of pointers to the source collection. Views make it possible to perform four operations on bound collections: sorting, filtering, grouping and tracking the current item. Creating an intermediate object to handle these operations may seem like unnecessary overhead, but it’s important to guarantee that the original data remains intact. Imagine the problems that could occur without view objects if two different parts of the UI were bound to the same collection but with different sorting and filtering.

    So, what is the type of that view object? At the very minimum, it needs to implement ICollectionView. CollectionView is the base implementation we provide for this interface, and it’s also the view type we create when the source collection implements IEnumerable and nothing else. CollectionView is the base class for two other interesting view classes: BindingListCollectionView, which we create when the source collection implements IBindingList, and ListCollectionView, which is created when the source collection implements IList. I talked about views in a bit more detail in an earlier post.

    CollectionViewSource is *not* a view. We designed this class for three reasons:

    - We wanted to allow users to create a custom view and be able to tell us to use that view without the use of code (all in markup). I may show how this can be done in a future post (is this a topic of interest?).

    - We wanted to allow users to do simple sorting and grouping without using code. You can see a sample with this scenario in this earlier post. - We wanted to have a container for all methods and properties related to view operations. I’m not sure where they lived before we had this class — possibly in BindingOperations — but I do remember realizing that users had a hard time finding them.

    CollectionViewSource has a Source property that should be set to the source collection and a read-only View property that returns a handle to the view we create over that collection. If we set the Source property of a Binding to a CollectionViewSource, the binding engine is smart enough to understand that most of the time we really want to bind to the view, so it binds to its View property instead. (If this is not what you want, you can set the BindsDirectlyToSource property of Binding to true.) I believe this is the reason why people tend to think that CollectionViewSource is a view. Also, the name is probably a bit misleading.

    In summary, you can think of CollectionViewSource as an intermediate class that has a pointer to the source collection and another one to the corresponding view, and that offers the advantages I mentioned above. A CollectionView is simply the base class for all view types we ship in WPF.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liangouyang/p/1311743.html
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