• Linq

    The types of LINQ are mentioned below in brief.
     LINQ to Objects
     LINQ to XML(XLINQ)
     LINQ to DataSet
     LINQ to SQL (DLINQ)
     LINQ to Entities
    Apart from the above, there is also a LINQ type named PLINQ which is Microsoft’s parallel LINQ.

    var list = (from e in employees
    join d in departments on e.DepartmentId equals d.DepartmentId
    select new
    EmployeeName = e.EmployeeName,
    DepartmentName = d.Name,

    foreach(var e in list)
    Console.WriteLine("Employee name={0},Department Name={1}",e.EmployeeName,e.DepartmentName);

    List<string> phrases = new List<string> { "an apple a day", "the quick brown fox" };

    var query = from phrase in phrases
    from word in phrase.Split(' ')
    select word;

    foreach(var s in query)


    static void Main(string[] args)
    int[] num = { -20, 12, 6, 10, 0, -3, 1 };

    var posNum = from n in num
    orderby n
    select n;

    Console.WriteLine("Values in ascending order: ");

    foreach(int i in posNum)

    var posNumsDesc = from n in num
    orderby n descending
    select n;

    Console.WriteLine(" Values in descending order: ");

    foreach(int i in posNumsDesc)


    static void Main(string[] args)
    List<int> numbers = new List<int>() { 35, 44, 200, 84, 3987, 4, 199, 329, 446, 208 };

    IEnumerable<IGrouping<int, int>> query = from num in numbers
    group num by num % 2;

    foreach(var group in query)
    Console.WriteLine(group.Key == 0 ? " Even numbers: " : " Odd numbers: ");

    foreach(var i in group)



    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
    Plant[] plants = new Plant[]
    new CarnivorousPlant
    Name="Venus Fly Trap",
    TrapType="Snap Trap"
    new CarnivorousPlant
    Name="Pitcher Plant",
    TrapType="Pitfall Trap"

    new CarnivorousPlant
    TrapType="Flaypaper Trap"

    new CarnivorousPlant
    Name="WaterWheel Plant",
    TrapType="Snap Trap"

    var query = from CarnivorousPlant cPlant in plants
    where cPlant.TrapType == "Snap Trap"
    select cPlant;

    foreach(var q in query)
    Console.WriteLine("Name={0},Trap Type={1}", q.Name, q.TrapType);

    Console.WriteLine(" Press any key to continue");

    class Plant
    public string Name { get; set; }

    class CarnivorousPlant:Plant
    public string TrapType { get; set; }

    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
    Pet[] cats = GetCats();
    Pet[] dogs = GetDogs();

    IEnumerable<string> query = cats.Select(cat => cat.Name).Concat(dogs.Select(dog => dog.Name));
    foreach(var e in query)
    Console.WriteLine("Name={0}", e);

    Console.WriteLine(" Press any key to continue");

    static Pet[] GetCats()
    Pet[] cats = {new Pet { Name="Barley",Age=8},
    new Pet{Name="Boots",Age=4},
    new Pet{Name="Whiskers",Age=1}};
    return cats;

    static Pet[] GetDogs()
    Pet[] dogs =
    new Pet{Name="Bounder",Age=3},
    new Pet{Name="Snoopy",Age=14},
    new Pet{Name="Fido",Age=9}

    return dogs;

    class Pet
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Fred1987/p/6363857.html
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