• 2018红帽杯 楼上四百队快合并 wp

     这个wp 图片可能不太好看  如果需要看清楚的图片访问我的博客 https://www.o2oxy.cn/?p=741  


    楼上四百队快合并 是我和crazy 和  tllm 两位老哥一起玩的。下面wp 给大家送上


    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include <stdio.h>
    /* IDEA.h */
    #ifndef IDEA_H
    #define IDEA_H
    /* define return status */
    #define IDEA_SUCCESS        0
    #define IDEA_ERROR          1
    /* define data length */
    #define IDEA_KEY_LEN        128
    #define IDEA_BLOCK_SIZE     64
    #define IDEA_SUB_BLOCK_SIZE 16
    /* define global variable */
    #define IDEA_ADD_MODULAR    65536
    #define IDEA_MP_MODULAR     65537
    /* define operation mode */
    #define ECB 0
    #define CBC 1
    #define CFB 2
    #define OFB 3
    /* define data type */
    //typedef bool            bit_t, status_t;
    typedef unsigned char   byte_t, uint8_t;
    typedef unsigned short  word_t, uint16_t;
    typedef unsigned int    dword_t, uint32_t, status_t;
    typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;
    /* declare fuction */
    status_t idea_encrypt(uint64_t plaintext, uint16_t key[8], uint64_t *ciphertext);
    status_t idea_decrypt(uint64_t ciphertext, uint16_t key[8], uint64_t *plaintext);
    status_t idea_round(uint16_t X[4], uint16_t Z[6], uint16_t out[4]);
    status_t MA(uint16_t ma_in[2], uint16_t sub_key[2], uint16_t ma_out[2]);
    status_t subkey_generation(uint16_t key[8], uint16_t sub_key[52]);
    status_t subdkey_generation(uint16_t key[8], uint16_t sub_dkey[52]);
    status_t extended_eucild(uint16_t d, uint32_t k, uint32_t *result);
    /* define operation */
    static uint16_t add_mod(uint16_t a, uint16_t b);
    static uint16_t mp_mod(uint16_t a, uint16_t b);
    static uint16_t XOR(uint16_t a, uint16_t b);
    static status_t left_shift(uint16_t key[8], int num);
    static void swap(uint16_t *a, uint16_t *b);
    /* addition and mod 65536 */
    static uint16_t add_mod(uint16_t a, uint16_t b)
        uint32_t tmp = a + b;
        uint16_t ret = tmp % IDEA_ADD_MODULAR;
        return ret;
    /* multiply and mod 65537 */
    static uint16_t mp_mod(uint16_t a, uint16_t b)
        /* Note: In IDEA, for purposes of multiplication, a 16 bit word containing all zeroes is considered to represent the number 65,536;
        * other numbers are represented in conventional unsigned notation, and multiplication is modulo the prime number 65,537
        uint64_t tmp, tmp_a, tmp_b; //if both a and b are 2^16, the result will be 2^32 which will exceed a 32-bit int  
        tmp_a = a == 0 ? (1 << 16) : a;
        tmp_b = b == 0 ? (1 << 16) : b;
        tmp = (tmp_a * tmp_b) % IDEA_MP_MODULAR;
        return (uint16_t)(tmp);
    /* XOR */
    static uint16_t XOR(uint16_t a, uint16_t b)
        return a^b;
    static void swap(uint16_t *a, uint16_t *b)
        uint16_t c = 0;
        c = *a;
        *a = *b;
        *b = c;
    /* IDEA encryption */
    status_t idea_encrypt(uint64_t plaintext, uint16_t key[8], uint64_t *ciphertext)
        uint16_t X[4], sub_key[52], out[4];
        status_t st;
        int i, j;
        /* cut 64-bit plaintext into 4 16-bit sub blocks */
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            X[i] = (plaintext >> (48 - i * 16)) & 0xffff;
        /* generate sub keys */
        st = subkey_generation(key, sub_key);
        for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            idea_round(X, &(sub_key[i * 6]), out);
            for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                X[j] = out[j];
        /* round 9, do output transform */
        //Note that the swap of B and C is not performed after round 8. So we swap them again.  
        swap(&(out[1]), &(out[2]));
        out[0] = mp_mod(out[0], sub_key[48]);
        out[1] = add_mod(out[1], sub_key[49]);
        out[2] = add_mod(out[2], sub_key[50]);
        out[3] = mp_mod(out[3], sub_key[51]);
        *ciphertext = out[0];
        for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
            *ciphertext = ((*ciphertext) << 16) | out[i];
        return st;
    /* IDEA decryption */
    status_t idea_decrypt(uint64_t ciphertext, uint16_t key[8], uint64_t *plaintext)
        status_t st;
        uint16_t X[4], sub_dkey[52], out[4];
        int i, j;
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            X[i] = (ciphertext >> (48 - i * 16)) & 0xffff;
        /* generate sub keys for decryption*/
        st = subdkey_generation(key, sub_dkey);
        if (st != IDEA_SUCCESS)
            return st;
        for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            idea_round(X, &(sub_dkey[i * 6]), out);
            for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                X[j] = out[j];
        out[0] = mp_mod(out[0], sub_dkey[48]);
        out[1] = add_mod(out[1], sub_dkey[49]);
        out[2] = add_mod(out[2], sub_dkey[50]);
        out[3] = mp_mod(out[3], sub_dkey[51]);
        swap(&(out[1]), &(out[2]));     //Note that the unswap in decryption is called after transform, that is different from the encryption.  
        *plaintext = out[0];
        for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
            *plaintext = ((*plaintext) << 16) | out[i];
        return st;
    status_t idea_round(uint16_t X[4], uint16_t Z[6], uint16_t out[4])
        status_t st;
        uint16_t tmp[4], ma_in[2], ma_out[2];
        tmp[0] = mp_mod(X[0], Z[0]);    //step 1. multiply X1 by 1st sub key  
        tmp[1] = add_mod(X[1], Z[1]);   //step 2. add X2 to 2nd sub key  
        tmp[2] = add_mod(X[2], Z[2]);   //step 3. add X3 to 3rd sub key  
        tmp[3] = mp_mod(X[3], Z[3]);    //step 4. multiply X4 by 4th sub key  
        ma_in[0] = XOR(tmp[0], tmp[2]); //step 5. XOR results in step 1 and step 3  
        ma_in[1] = XOR(tmp[1], tmp[3]); //step 6. XOR results in step 2 and step 4  
        st = MA(ma_in, &Z[4], ma_out);  //step 7. MA diffusion  
                                        /* step 8. generate the output*/
        out[0] = XOR(tmp[0], ma_out[1]);
        out[1] = XOR(tmp[1], ma_out[0]);
        out[2] = XOR(tmp[2], ma_out[1]);
        out[3] = XOR(tmp[3], ma_out[0]);
        swap(&(out[1]), &(out[2]));
        return st;
    /* MA diffusion */
    status_t MA(uint16_t ma_in[2], uint16_t sub_key[2], uint16_t ma_out[2])
        uint16_t tmp[2];
        tmp[0] = mp_mod(ma_in[0], sub_key[0]);
        tmp[1] = add_mod(ma_in[1], tmp[0]);
        ma_out[1] = mp_mod(tmp[1], sub_key[1]);
        ma_out[0] = add_mod(tmp[0], ma_out[1]);
        return IDEA_SUCCESS;
    /* sub keys generation */
    status_t subkey_generation(uint16_t key[8], uint16_t sub_key[52])
        int i, j;
        uint16_t tmp_key[8];
        for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            tmp_key[i] = key[i];
        for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                sub_key[i * 8 + j] = tmp_key[j];
            left_shift(tmp_key, 25);
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            sub_key[48 + i] = tmp_key[i];
        return IDEA_SUCCESS;
    /* sub dkeys generation
    *The decryption key schedule is:
    *The first four subkeys for decryption are:
    *KD(1) = 1/K(49)
    *KD(2) =  -K(50)
    *KD(3) =  -K(51)
    *KD(4) = 1/K(52)
    *and they do not quite follow the same pattern as the remaining subkeys which follow.
    *The following is repeated eight times, adding 6 to every decryption key's index and subtracting 6 from every encryption key's index:
    *KD(5)  =   K(47)
    *KD(6)  =   K(48)
    *KD(7)  = 1/K(43)
    *KD(8)  =  -K(45)
    *KD(9)  =  -K(44)
    *KD(10) = 1/K(46)
    status_t subdkey_generation(uint16_t key[8], uint16_t sub_dkey[52])
        status_t st;
        int i;
        uint16_t sub_key[52];
        uint32_t tmp;
        st = subkey_generation(key, sub_key);
        st = extended_eucild(sub_key[48], IDEA_MP_MODULAR, &tmp);
        if (st != IDEA_SUCCESS)
            printf("subdkey_generation error!/n");
            return st;
        sub_dkey[0] = tmp == 65536 ? 0 : (uint16_t)tmp;
        sub_dkey[1] = (IDEA_ADD_MODULAR - sub_key[49]) % IDEA_ADD_MODULAR;
        sub_dkey[2] = (IDEA_ADD_MODULAR - sub_key[50]) % IDEA_ADD_MODULAR;
        st = extended_eucild(sub_key[51], IDEA_MP_MODULAR, &tmp);
        if (st != IDEA_SUCCESS)
            printf("subdkey_generation error!/n");
            return st;
        sub_dkey[3] = tmp == 65536 ? 0 : (uint16_t)tmp;
        for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)   //This is awful?!...May be I should make a table.  
            sub_dkey[4 + i * 6] = sub_key[52 - (i + 1) * 6];
            sub_dkey[4 + i * 6 + 1] = sub_key[52 - (i + 1) * 6 + 1];
            st = extended_eucild(sub_key[52 - (i + 1) * 6 - 4], IDEA_MP_MODULAR, &tmp);
            if (st != IDEA_SUCCESS)
                printf("subdkey_generation error!/n");
                return st;
            sub_dkey[4 + i * 6 + 2] = tmp == 65536 ? 0 : (uint16_t)tmp;
            sub_dkey[4 + i * 6 + 3] = (IDEA_ADD_MODULAR - sub_key[52 - (i + 1) * 6 - 2]) % IDEA_ADD_MODULAR;
            sub_dkey[4 + i * 6 + 4] = (IDEA_ADD_MODULAR - sub_key[52 - (i + 1) * 6 - 3]) % IDEA_ADD_MODULAR;
            st = extended_eucild(sub_key[52 - (i + 1) * 6 - 1], IDEA_MP_MODULAR, &tmp);
            if (st != IDEA_SUCCESS)
                printf("subdkey_generation error!/n");
                return st;
            sub_dkey[4 + i * 6 + 5] = tmp == 65536 ? 0 : (uint16_t)tmp;
        return IDEA_SUCCESS;
    /* left shift */
    static status_t left_shift(uint16_t key[8], int num)
        uint16_t copy_key[8];
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            copy_key[i] = key[i];
        for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            key[i] = (copy_key[(i + num / 16) % 8] << (num % 16)) | (copy_key[(i + num / 16 + 1) % 8] >> (16 - num % 16));
        return IDEA_SUCCESS;
    /* Extended Eucild Algorithm to caculate d^-1 mod k*/
    status_t extended_eucild(uint16_t d, uint32_t k, uint32_t *result)
        int x[4], y[4], t[4], q;
        int i;
        x[1] = x[2] = 0;
        x[3] = k;
        y[1] = 0, y[2] = 1;
        y[3] = d == 0 ? (1 << 16) : d;
        while (y[3] > 1)
            q = x[3] / y[3];
            for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
                t[i] = x[i] - q*y[i];
            for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
                x[i] = y[i];
            for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
                y[i] = t[i];
        if (y[3] == 1)
            if (y[2] < 0)
                y[2] += k;
            *result = y[2];
            return IDEA_SUCCESS;
            return IDEA_ERROR;
    View Code





    直接找工具来解密。去掉尾部 得到flag



    二、Not only Wireshark 



    123404B03040A00,如果1234换成5 就是504B0304了。。zip的文件头。。顺序保存了下,发现真的是。但是是加密的压缩包。。卡住了。。最后队友说有个地方感觉可以试试


    结果发现压缩包密码为这个。。  ?id=1128%23




    三、game server

    说下思路: name 输入 255字符  nobel输入255字符  然后修改introduction  可以栈溢出泄露函数地址找到对应的libc  计算system地址  然后再次栈溢出getshell



    Flag /home/pwn2/flag.txt



    看到这个题目的时候刷刷的打开,竟然发现。这么多数据包怎么分析? 我擦我擦,算了一个个看吧。好像跟Not Only Wireshark 差不多的样子,但是想了下,看看呗






    但是看了一下大小,我擦 1.82MB 发现不对,那就分析一波吧

    发现一个gif 文件




    得到url flag






    看了一下conn.php 有数据库用户,试了半天,发现密码为空。连上数据库拿到flag

    六、shopping log

    shopping log访问题目所给url,一片空白,查看源码得到host,访问之后无果。后将http头中的host改为www.tmvb.com。访问后得到




    import requests
    import proofofwork
    session = requests.session()
    headers={"Referer":"www.dww.com", "Accept-Language":"Ja", "Host":"www.tmvb.com"}
    session.headers = headers
    for _ in range(9999,0,-1):
        body = str(session.get('').text)
        yzm = body[body.find("=== '")+5:body.find("=== '")+5+6]
        n = proofofwork.md5(str(yzm)).decode('ascii')
        data={"TxtTid":"%04d" % _,"code":n}
        r = session.post("", data=data)

    七、simple upload








    看了一下名字  应该是曼彻斯特密码。用脚本跑了一下。得出了flag

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    C# 获取类名
    Html checkbox全选
    .NET Core 中间件
    C# DataTable 用法
    Log-spectral distance
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liang2580/p/8976226.html
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