• Python 基础


    模块(module)支持从逻辑上组织Python代码,本质就是.py结尾的python文件(e.g.文件名:test.py; 模块名:test),目的是实现某项功能。将其他模块属性附加到你的模块中的操作叫导入(import)。

    模块分为三类:标准库、开源模块(open source module)和自定义模块。

    包(package)是一个有层次的文件目录结构, 定义了一个由模块和子包组成的python应用程序执行环境。和模块及类一样,也使用句点属性标识来访问他们的元素。使用标准的import和from-import语句导入。



    模块导入本质就是一个路径搜索的过程。 即在文件系统“预定义区域”查找你所需要的模块文件。 预定义区域是python搜索路径的集合 - 列表。

    # 方法一
    import mudule_name  #导入整个模块,载入时执行
    import module_name as MA   # 扩张 as 
    # 方法二
    from module_name import name1   # 导入指定模块属性
    from module_name import name1 as n1 # 扩张 as  
    from . import test1  # 相对导入,自当前目录导入test1
    from module_name import*   # 不建议使用,非良好编程风格,很可能覆盖当前名称空间中现有的名字。


    在import语句下,调用模块属性 需要 使用属性/句点属性标识 (如 module_name.logger() 或 os.path.abspath())的方式。 import语句的本质是将 模块中所有的代码 赋值给 模块名

    而from-import语句是 copy了模块中指定属性的代码并在当前文件下执行。所以,在from-import语句下,不需要用句点属性标识,直接可以调用函数或者类 (logger())。 在效率上,由于运行方式的不同, from-import语句比import语句的速度更快。


    标准库就其大致用途可分为四类:data persistence and exchange, in-memory data structure, file access, and text process tools。以下是python module of the week 的详细分类

     Categories  Module name   Brief 
    Built-in objects  exceptions   built-in error classes (自动导入)
    String service       codes   string encoding and decoding
     difflib  working with text
     String IO and cStringIO  work with text buffers using file-like API (read, write. etc.)
     re  regular expression
     struct  working with Binary Data 
     textwrap  formatting text paragraphs 
    Data type            array  sequence of fixed-type data
     datetime  date/time value manupulation
     calendar  work with dates
     collections  container data types
     heapq  in-place heap sort algorithm
     bisect  maintain lists in sorted order
     sched generic event scheduler
     Queue a thread-safe FIFO implementation (comparied with built-in function such as pop() and insert())
     weakref garbage-collectable references to objects 
     copy duplicate objects  
     pprint pretty-print data structure 
    Numeric & mathematical module        decimal fixed and floating point math 
     fractions rational numbers 
     functools toos for manipultaing functions 
     itertools iterator functions for efficient looping 
     math mathematical function 
     operator functional interface to built-in operators 
     random pseudorandom number generator  
    Internet data handling     base64 encode binary data into ASCII characters 
     json JavaScript Object Notation Serializer 
     mailbox access and manipulate emial achives 
     mhlib work with MH mailboxes 
    File formats     cvs  comma-separated value files 
     ConfigParser work with configuration files
     robotparser internet spider access control 
    Cryptographic services    hashlib cryptographic hashes and messary digests  
     hmac cryptographic signature and verification of messages 
    File and Directory access           os.path  platform-independent manipulation of file names 
     fileinput  process lines from input streams 
     filecmp  compare files 
     tempfile create temporary filesystem resources 
     glob filename pattern matching 
     fnmatch compare filenames against Unix-style glob partterns 
     linecache read text files efficiently 
     shutil high-level file opeerations 
     dircache cache directory listings 
    Data compression and archiving       bz2 bzip2 compression 
     gzip read and write GNU zip files 
     tarfile tar archive access 
     zipfile read and write ZIP archive files 
     zlib low-level access to GNUzlib compression library 
    Data persistence     anydbm access to DBM-style database
     dbhash DBM-style API for the BSD database library
     dbm simple database interface 
     dumbdbm portable DBM implementation
     gdbm GNU's version of the dbm library
     pickle and cPickle python object serialization 
     shelve persistent storage of arbitrary Python objects
     whichdb identify DBM-style database formats
     sqlite3 embedded relational database
    Generic operating system service    os portable access to operating system specific features
     time functions for manipulating clock time 
     getopt command line option parsing
     optparse command line option parser to replace getopt
     argparse command line option and argument parsing  
     logging report status, error, and informational messages
     getpass prompt the user for a password without echoing
     platform access system version information
    Optional operating system services   threading manage concurrent threads
     mmap memory-map files
     multiprocessing  manage processes like threads 
     readline interface to the GNU readline library
     rlcompleter adds tab-completion to the interactive interpreter
    Unix-specific services  commands run external shell commands
     grp Unix group database
     pipes Unix shell command pipeline templates
     pwd Unix password database
     resource system resource management 
    Interprocess communication and networking  asynchat  asynchronous protocol handler
     asyncore asynchronous I/O handler
     signal receive notification of asynchronous system events
     subprocess work with additional processes

    Internet protocols and support


     BaseHTTPServer base classes for implementing web servers
     cgitb detailed traceback reports
     Cookies HTTP Cookies
     imaplib IMAP4 client library
     SimpleXMLRPCServer implemens an XML-RPC server
     smtpd Sample SMTP Servers
     smtplib Simple Mail Transfer Protocol client
     socket Network Communication
     select  wait for I/O Efficiently
     SocketServer Creating network servers
     urllib simple interface for network reserouce access
     urllib2 Library for opening URLs
     urlparse split URL into component pieces
     uuid universally unique identifiers
     webbrowser Displays web pages
     xmlrpclib client-side liabrary for XML-RPC communication 
    Structured markup processing tools  xml.etree.ElementTree XML manipulation API



     gettext Message Catalogs
     locale POSIX cultural localization API

    Program frameworks


     cmd create line-oriented command processes
     shlex lexical analysis of shell-style syntaxes

    Development Tools


     doctest Testing through documentation
     pydoc Online help for python modules
     unittest Automated testing framework
     pdb Interative Debugger
    Debugging and Profiling  profile, cProfile, and pstats  Performance analysis of Python programs
     timeit Time the execution of samll bits of Python code
     trace Follow Python statements as they are executed 
    Python Runtime Services  abc  Abstract Base Classes
     atexit Call functions when a program is closing down 
     contextlib context manager utilities
     gc Garbage Collector
     inspect Inspect live objects
     site Site-wide configuration
     sys System-specific Configuration
     sysconfig Interpreter Compile-time Configuration
     traceback Extract, format, and print exceptions and stack traces
     warnings Non-fatal alerts
    Python Language Services  compileall Byte-compile Source Files 
       dis Python Bytecode Disassembler
       pyclbr Python class browser support
       tabnanny Indentation validator
    Importing Modules  imp Interfact to module import mechanism
       pkclbr Package Utilities
       zipimport Load Python code from inside ZIP archives
    Miscelaneous  EasyDialogs  Carbon dialogs for Mac OS X
       plistlib Manipulate OS X property list files

     Source: python module of the week,  Douh Hellmann




    module of the week, 全部标准库模块的释义,非常有用。


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lg100lg100/p/7346265.html
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