• CSSBox

    CSSBox - Java HTML rendering engine

    CSSBox is an (X)HTML/CSS rendering engine written in pure Java. Its primary purpose is to provide a complete and further processable information about the rendered page contents and layout. However, it may be also used for browsing the rendered documents in Java Swing applications. more... Latest News Mon, 10 Feb 2014 12:50:04 -0000 SwingBox 1.0 released We have just released a new version of the SwingBox component that provides a HTML rendering component for Java Swing application. The new release comes with a completery rewritten drawing subsystem and many bugfixes. See the changelog for details. Wed, 05 Feb 2014 10:49:23 -0000 CSSBox 4.5 and jStyleParser 1.16 released The new releases of the CSSBox and jStyleParser libraries fix an important issue in margin size computation and CSS rule priority computation for nested @media rules. Fri, 10 Jan 2014 14:18:52 -0000 CSSBox goes to Maven and Git The CSSBox project artifacts are now available in the Maven repository. This required a change of the project layout (the source folder names). Together with this change, we have moved from Subversion to Git in order to allow an easier collaboration among the developers. Just now, the affected projects include CSSBox and jStyleParser. The remaining subproject will be converted in a near future. Please see the Download sections of the individual subproject web pages for details. The original Subversion repositories will remain preserved for some time but not updated. Thu, 05 Dec 2013 12:28:55 -0000 CSSBox 4.3 released This release contains many improvements in table rendering, it introduces the new support of the CSS clip, content, text-indent and vertical-align properties and it moves logging out of the standard output using a logging API. Many bugs have been fixed as well. See the changelog for details. Sat, 26 Oct 2013 17:48:53 -0000 jStyleParser 1.14 released The new release introduces pseudo class processing during the DOM style computation, declaration source tracking and several bugfixes. CSSBox © 2007-2014 Radek Burget, Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University of Technology
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lexus/p/3600659.html
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