• Cargo Maven2 plugin

    Cargo - Maven2 plugin

    A Maven 2 plugin that wraps the Cargo Java API

    Functional tests

    The usage of Cargo for executing functional tests on a container does not mandate this m2 plugin. You could also directly use the Cargo Java API from your Java unit test classes (JUnit, TestNG, etc), as described on the Functional testing page. The choice is yours, thought the Maven2 plugin is generally more straightforward to use and integrates better with the whole build process (with profiles, easier to use deployer, proxy server support, etc.)

    Table of Contents

    The documentatation for this Maven2 plugin includes:


    Getting Started

    Very quick start

    CARGO can be directly run on any existing Maven2 Java EE project (WAR, EAR or other) by running:

    mvn clean verify org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-plugin:run

    This will create a default Jetty 6.x embedded container and start it using the Cargo Maven2 plugin with your Maven2 project's deployable (a WAR, for example) deployed to it; so you can run manual tests (as a first introduction).

    What is magic is that if you now want to run the same tests with Tomcat 7.x you simply need to run (in one line):

    mvn clean verify org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-plugin:run

    That command will automatically download Tomcat 7.0.16 from the specified URL (taking into account any proxy server setting you would have in Maven2/Maven3), instantiate the container, create a local configuration with your application and run it. It will also save the downloaded container in the default directory (see the Maven2 Plugin Reference Guide for details), so it won't get downloaded when you run the same command twice.

    Now, if you want to run this time on Glassfish 3.x with with the HTTP port set to 9000, run:

    mvn clean verify org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-plugin:run

    CARGO's main advantage is that the commands and configuration remains the same for any version of any container supported by CARGO -be it Tomcat, Jetty, JBoss, JOnAS, GlassFish, WebLogic, etc.

    Like it? Well, keep on reading, then!

    More examples

    As usual the best way to learn to use a tool is through examples.

    We have several Maven2 Archetypes that contain sample Maven2/Maven3 projects with different use cases for the CARGO plugin, we would really recommend that you check them out. For more details, read here: Maven2 Archetypes.

    In addition here are the typical uses cases covered by the plugin:

    The Cargo Maven plugin in detail

    Here are the different goals available to call on this plugin:




    Start a container. That goal will:

    Note: A container that's started with cargo:start will automatically shut down as soon as the parent Maven instance quits (i.e., you see a BUILD SUCCESSFUL or BUILD FAILED message). If you want to start a container and perform manual testing, see our next goal cargo:run.


    Start a container and wait for the user to press CTRL + C to stop. That goal will:


    Stop a container.


    Create the configuration for a local container, without starting it. Note that the cargo:start and cargo:run goals will also install the container automatically (but will not call cargo:install).


    Package the local container.

    cargo:deployer-deploy (aliased to cargo:deploy)

    Deploy a deployable to a running container.

    cargo:deployer-undeploy (aliased to cargo:undeploy)

    Undeploy a deployable from a running container.


    Start a deployable already installed in a running container.


    Stop a deployed deployable without undeploying it.

    cargo:deployer-redeploy (aliased to cargo:redeploy)

    Undeploy and deploy again a deployable.


    Merge several WAR files into one.


    Installs a container distribution on the file system. Note that the cargo:start goal will also install the container automatically (but will not call cargo:install).


    Get help (list of available goals, available options, etc.).

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lexus/p/2355194.html
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