sudo easy_install pip
pip install PIL
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement PIL (from ver Pip install PIL 解决 先 安装 Pillow sudo pip install Pillow 4.安装tesseract-ocr brew install tesseract 5.安装pytesseract库sudo pip install pytesseract pip install cv2 出错 ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement cv2 (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for cv2 pip install opencv-python
python 2.7 二维码识别 使用dfs 实现降噪
遍历二值化的图像 数组 的数据点,深度优先搜索 查找里面所有的点的连线,如果超过10个点的连接,认为是目标数据,否则将 连线剔除。以此来达到降噪的效果
#usr/bin/python #coding:utf-8 import cv2 from queue import Queue import os.path # 自适应阀值二值化 def _get_dynamic_binary_image(img, img_name): im = cv2.imread(img) im = cv2.cvtColor(im,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) #灰值化 # 二值化 th1 = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(im, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 21, 1) cv2.imwrite(img_name,th1) return th1 # 记录是否访问过 m = list() def checkNearByP(x, y, h, w, img): # print x, y, h, w ret = set() if (x > 1): if img[x-1, y] < 100: ret.add((x-1, y)) if (x < (h-1)): if img[x+1, y] < 100: ret.add((x+1, y)) if (y > 1): if img[x, y - 1] < 100: ret.add((x, y - 1)) if (y < (w -1)): if img[x, y + 1] < 100: ret.add((x, y + 1)) return ret # dfs def search_dfs(img, x, y, img_name): h, w = img.shape[:2] # 记录 是否在 结果队列 q = set() if img[x, y] < 1: q.add((x, y)) else: return # pre_q 待访问队列 pre_q = list() nearby_p = checkNearByP(x, y, h, w, img) for p in nearby_p: if p not in m: if p not in q: pre_q.append(p) while len(pre_q) > 0: p = pre_q.pop() # 标记访问过 index = p[0] * w + p[1] - 1 m[index] = 1 # 放入结果队列 q.add(p) nearby_p = checkNearByP(p[0], p[1], h, w, img) for tp in nearby_p: index = tp[0] * w + tp[1] - 1 if m[index] != 1: if tp not in q: if tp not in pre_q: pre_q.append(tp) if len(q) > 10: pass else: for p in q: img[p[0], p[1]] = 255 def getAdjoinPoint(img, img_name): h, w = img.shape[:2] global m m = [] for x in range(1,h * w): m.append(0) for j in range(0, w): for i in range(0, h): index = i * w + j - 1 if m[index] != 1: search_dfs(img, i, j, img_name)
cv2.imwrite(img_name,img) return img if __name__ == '__main__': from PIL import Image from pytesseract import * fname = "verifycode.png" img_data = _get_dynamic_binary_image(fname, fname) ret_data = getAdjoinPoint(img_data, fname) v_code = image_to_string(Image.open(fname), lang='eng', config='--psm 7 -c tessedit_char_whitelist=0123456789') print v_code
4629 识别率能达到80
嗯哼 对比原图 我优化后的识别率 有了挺大提高