• Spring之 Aspect Oriented Programming with Spring

    1. Concepts

    Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) complements OOP by providing another way of thinking about program structure. While OO decomposes applications into a hierarchy of objects, AOP decomposes programs into aspects or concerns. This enables modularization of concerns such as transaction management that would otherwise cut across multiple objects. (Such concerns are often termed crosscutting concerns.)

    One of the key components of Spring is the AOP framework. While the Spring IoC containers (BeanFactory and ApplicationContext) do not depend on AOP, meaning you don't need to use AOP if you don't want to, AOP complements Spring IoC to provide a very capable middleware solution.

    AOP is used in Spring:

    • To provide declarative enterprise services, especially as a replacement for EJB declarative services. The most important such service is declarative transaction management, which builds on Spring's transaction abstraction.

    • To allow users to implement custom aspects, complementing their use of OOP with AOP.

    Thus you can view Spring AOP as either an enabling technology that allows Spring to provide declarative transaction management without EJB; or use the full power of the Spring AOP framework to implement custom aspects.

    If you are interested only in generic declarative services or other pre-packaged declarative middleware services such as pooling, you don't need to work directly with Spring AOP, and can skip most of this chapter.

    1.1. AOP concepts


    Let us begin by defining some central AOP concepts. These terms are not Spring-specific. Unfortunately, AOP terminology is not particularly intuitive. However, it would be even more confusing if Spring used its own terminology.

    • Aspect: A modularization of a concern for which the implementation might otherwise cut across multiple objects. Transaction management is a good example of a crosscutting concern in J2EE applications. Aspects are implemented using Spring as Advisors or interceptors.

    • Joinpoint: Point during the execution of a program, such as a method invocation or a particular exception being thrown. In Spring AOP, a joinpoint is always method invocation. Spring does not use the term joinpoint prominently; joinpoint information is accessible through methods on the MethodInvocation argument passed to interceptors, and is evaluated by implementations of the org.springframework.aop.Pointcut interface.

    • Advice: Action taken by the AOP framework at a particular joinpoint. Different types of advice include "around," "before" and "throws" advice. Advice types are discussed below. Many AOP frameworks, including Spring, model an advice as aninterceptor, maintaining a chain of interceptors "around" the joinpoint.

    • Pointcut: A set of joinpoints specifying when an advice should fire. An AOP framework must allow developers to specify pointcuts: for example, using regular expressions.(joinpoint集合)

    • Introduction: Adding methods or fields to an advised class. Spring allows you to introduce new interfaces to any advised object. For example, you could use an introduction to make any object implement an IsModified interface, to simplify caching.

    • Target object: Object containing the joinpoint. Also referred to as advised or proxied object(被代理或者被增强的对象).

    • AOP proxy: Object created by the AOP framework, including advice. In Spring, an AOP proxy will be a JDK dynamic proxy or a CGLIB proxy.

    • Weaving: Assembling aspects to create an advised object. This can be done at compile time (using the AspectJ compiler, for example), or at runtime. Spring, like other pure Java AOP frameworks, performs weaving at runtime.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/leodaxin/p/9384689.html
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