• In Vitro model验证 | Harnessing single-cell genomics to improve the physiological fidelity of organoid-derived cell types

    Transcriptional benchmarking of in vitro cells to in vivo with single-cell rna-seq - 简介

    Harnessing single-cell genomics to improve the physiological fidelity of organoid-derived cell types - 原文






    诱导干细胞和类器官是人为制造的,虽说遗传物质是跟真人一样,但重编程已经导致基因表达发生了很大的变化,我们的目的就是让诱导干细胞和类器官尽可能的接近in Vivo的状态。

    单细胞测序技术的出现,使得细致的评估in Vitro和In Vivo的model成为可能,也就是这篇文章在做的事。


    • 基因表达是表型,由很多因素驱动,直接比较基因表达得出的结论不一定可靠;最好还有表观的数据
    • 基因表达差异太大,30k的基因,模式不计其数,简单的对应关系是不存在的;
    • confounder太多,比较极难
    • 跨平台数据的整合


    Using the PC to benchmark cell type representation of conventional organoids against their in vivo counterparts


    To relate the organoid-derived PC state to in vivo PCs, we first generated an unbiased reference in vivo scRNA-seq data set. 确实,需要构建一个好的reference,比对的方向要明确。

    We assessed quality metrics for the number of genes, unique molecular identifiers (UMIs), mitochondrial genes, and ribosomal genes, all of which fell within expectations (all cells average: 1043 genes, 2168 UMIs, 5.4% ribosomal genes, 10.4% mitochondrial genes). 这里很良心,核糖体和线粒体基因都考察了。

    Within the spectrum of cell types, we identified two clusters (2 and 11) enriched for Lyz1 expression (Fig. 1b, c), of which we determined cluster 11 to be fully mature PCs (n = 189 cells) based on uniform expression of a set of associated antimicrobial peptide marker genes such as Defa22, Defa21, and Ang4 (receiver operating characteristic (ROC) test, area under the curve (AUC) > 0.99 for markers listed; cluster 11 average: 866 genes, 3357 UMI, 3.5% ribosomal genes, 4.8% mitochondrial genes) (Additional file 1: Table S1).

    We further utilized these genes (genes with AUC > 0.65 for in vivo PC) throughout our study to relate organoid-derived cell states to in vivo PCs. They are fully inclusive of the 14 high confidence markers described for Paneth cells from the terminal ileum in the recently published mouse small intestinal atlas [3]. Of note, we extended our gene list beyond truly specific marker genes that are not expressed in other cell types as we were interested in a more comprehensive set of PC-enriched genes for further comparison.

    还是离不开聚类,特定marker的标定(antimicrobial peptide),用AUC来评估marker,再与已知的数据库对比一下。

    We next performed scRNA-seq using Seq-Well on conventional organoids derived from a single donor ISC-enriched state (Fig. 1a).

    Following scRNA-seq, we computationally identified six clusters (amongst 2513 cells × 16,198 genes meeting quality standards, see Methods) in ENR organoids, which we label as ENR1-4, and EEC-1 and -2 for two EEC types (Fig. 1d). 

    然后就是测序in Vitro的细胞了,这里居然还用了effect size,显然在炫技。

    Having identified ENR-4 as the cell state of interest in organoids, we directly compared the top 200 most PC-like cells in ENR-4 to in vivo PCs by performing differential expression analysis (Fig. 1g).

    纯化In Vitro,然后拿出来去和In Vivo比对。

    Beyond these selected genes, we note a global reduction in the fraction of the transcriptome of ENR-4 cells producing the total cadre of in vivo PC marker genes (effect size 1.25, InVivo vs. ENR, *t test p < 2.2 × 10−16), suggesting that the current in vitro organoid-derived PCs are suboptimal for physiological studies (Fig. 1i).

    Specifically, modulating Wnt and Notch signaling has been suggested in the literature to increase the frequency and magnitude of Lyz1 expression and protein in ISC-derived cells [29, 32,33,34]. 

    As a result, we sought to comprehensively test if driving Wnt and inhibiting Notch truly results in a more physiologically representative PC versus the organoid-derived PC, beyond bulk measures of increased Lyz1 expression.

    Rationally guided chemical induction of Wnt and inhibition of Notch drives PC marker enrichment

    Chemically induced PC proteome is enriched for components of secretory lineages

    Single-cell RNA sequencing profiles heterogeneity of chemically induced PCs, revealing subsets with improved transcriptional similarity to in vivo

    Chemically induced PCs mimic in vivo stimulant-induced secretion and demonstrate selective modulation of bacteria in co-culture

    Chemically induced PCs provide niche support and enhance conventional organoid survival

    Mapping of in vivo PC-associated transcription factors to in vitro proteome and transcriptome reveals Nupr1 as important in epithelial survival

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/leezx/p/11733136.html
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