On error resume Next
Function MyRTrim(src, chs) '删除字符串最右边的字符chs(可多个)
Dim pos, sLeft
src = Trim(src)
pos = InStrRev(src, chs) '查找最后一个字符chs
if(pos > 0 and Len(Mid(src, pos+1)) = 0) Then
sLeft = Left(src, pos - 1) '去除最后一个chs
MyRTrim = MyRTrim(sLeft, chs) '去除尾部的chs
MyRTrim = src
end if
End Function
Sub MyCreateFolder(sPath)
Dim fs
set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if(Len(sPath) > 0 And fs.FolderExists(sPath) = False) Then
Dim pos, sLeft
pos = InStrRev(sPath, "\")
if(pos <> 0) Then
sLeft = Left(sPath, pos - 1)
MyCreateFolder sLeft '先创建父目录
end if
fs.CreateFolder sPath '再创建本目录
end if
set fs = Nothing
End Sub
Dim path
path = "E:\Program\VBScript\A1\A2\A3"
path = MyRTrim(path, "\")
MyCreateFolder path