• Setting up GlassFish for JMS

    from: https://www.packtpub.com/article/setting-glassfish-jms-working-with-message-queues

    Setting up GlassFish for JMS and Working with MessageQueues

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    by David R. Heffelfinger | July2010 | Java Open Source

    The JavaMessaging API (JMS)provides a mechanism for Java EE applications to send messages toeach other. JMS applications do not communicate directly, insteadmessage producers send messages to a destination and messageconsumers receive the message from the destination.

    The message destination is a message queue when the point-to-point(PTP) messaging domain is used, or a message topic when thepublish/subscribe (pub/sub) messaging domain is used.

    In this article by DavidHeffelfinger, author of the book JavaEE 6 with GlassFish 3 Application Server, we will cover thefollowing topics:

    • Setting up GlassFish for JMS
    • Working with message queues

    (For more resources on Java, see here.)

    Setting up GlassFish for JMS

    Before we start writing code to take advantage of the JMS API, weneed to configure some GlassFish resources. Specifically, we needto set up a JMSconnection factory, a messagequeue, and a messagetopic.

    Setting up a JMS connection factory

    The easiest way to set up a JMS connection factory is viaGlassFish's web console. The web console can be accessed bystarting our domain, by entering the following command in thecommand line:

    asadmin start-domain domain1

    Then point the browser to http://localhost:4848 andlog in:

    Setting up GlassFish for JMS and Working with Message Queues

    A connection factory can be added by expandingthe Resources nodein the tree at the left-hand side of the web console, expandingthe JMSResources node and clicking onthe ConnectionFactories node, then clicking onthe New...button in the main area of the web console.

    Setting up GlassFish for JMS and Working with Message Queues

    For our purposes, we can take most of the defaults. The only thingwe need to do is enter aPoolName and pick a ResourceType for our connection factory.

    It is always a good idea to use a PoolName starting with "jms/" when picking a namefor JMS resources. This way JMS resources can be easily identifiedwhen browsing a JNDI tree.

    In the text field labeled PoolName, enter jms/GlassFishBookConnectionFactory.Our code examples later in this article will use this JNDI name toobtain a reference to this connection factory

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