• Linux性能测试 vmstat命令


           vmstat - Report virtual memory statistics
           vmstat [-a] [-n] [delay [ count]]
           vmstat [-f] [-s] [-m]
           vmstat [-S unit]
           vmstat [-d]
           vmstat [-p disk partition]
           vmstat [-V]
           The -a switch displays active/inactive memory, given a 2.5.41 kernel or better.
           The -f switch displays the number of forks since boot.  This includes the fork, vfork, and clone system calls, and is equivalent to  the  total  number  of
           tasks created. Each process is represented by one or more tasks, depending on thread usage.  This display does not repeat.
           The -m displays slabinfo.
           The -n switch causes the header to be displayed only once rather than periodically.
           The -s switch displays a table of various event counters and memory statistics. This display does not repeat.
           delay is the delay between updates in seconds.  If no delay is specified, only one report is printed with the average values since boot.
           count is the number of updates.  If no count is specified and delay is defined, count defaults to infinity.
           The -d reports disk statistics (2.5.70 or above required)
           The -p followed by some partition name for detailed statistics (2.5.70 or above required)
           The -S followed by k or K or m or M switches outputs between 1000, 1024, 1000000, or 1048576 bytes
           The -V switch results in displaying version information.


    [root@C44 ~]#  vmstat 2 3
    procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system-- ----cpu----
     r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in    cs us sy id wa
     0  0      0 142020  66240 225220    0    0     1    10  222    22  0  0 100  0
     0  0      0 142020  66240 225220    0    0     0     0 1162    45  0  0 100  0
     0  0      0 141892  66240 225220    0    0     0     0 1096    62  0  0 100  0
    [root@C44 ~]#  



    [root@C44 ~]#  vmstat 2 
    procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system-- ----cpu----
     r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in    cs us sy id wa
     0  0      0 141972  66224 225236    0    0     1    10  221    22  0  0 100  0
     0  0      0 141972  66224 225236    0    0     0    74 1064    34  0  0 100  0
     0  0      0 141972  66224 225236    0    0     0     0 1064    32  0  0 100  0
     0  0      0 141972  66224 225236    0    0     0     0 1054    34  0  0 100  0
     0  0      0 141772  66224 225236    0    0     0     0 1058    62  0  0 100  0

      r:在运行队列中等待的进程数 。
      b:在等待io的进程数 。
      buff: 缓冲去中的内存数(单位:KB)。
      (3) swap交换页面
      si: 从磁盘交换到内存的交换页数量,单位:KB/秒。
      so: 从内存交换到磁盘的交换页数量,单位:KB/秒。
      (4) io块设备:
      bi: 发送到块设备的块数,单位:块/秒。
      bo: 从块设备接收到的块数,单位:块/秒。
      in: 每秒的中断数,包括时钟中断。
      cs: 每秒的环境(上下文)切换次数。
      cs:用户进程使用的时间 。以百分比表示。
      sy:系统进程使用的时间。 以百分比表示。
      id:中央处理器的空闲时间 。以百分比表示。
         wa:等待IO CPU时间。


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lanzhi/p/6468310.html
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