• sql case when的使用

    最近在sql使用中,发现 case when 的功能相当强大。




    mysql> select * from test_student;
    | id | name | age | sex    | score |
    | 19 | John |  18 | male   |    90 |
    | 20 | Lily |  17 | female |    89 |
    | 21 | Jim  |  17 | male   |    92 |
    | 22 | Alex |  16 | male   |    70 |
    | 23 | Bell |  19 | ''     |    68 |
    5 rows in set (0.00 sec)



    mysql> select id, name, case sex when 'male' then '男' when 'female' then '女' else 'unknown' end as '性别' from test_student;
    | id | name | 性别    |
    | 19 | John | 男      |
    | 20 | Lily | 女      |
    | 21 | Jim  | 男      |
    | 22 | Alex | 男      |
    | 23 | Bell | unknown |
    5 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select id, name, case when sex = 'male' then '男' when sex = 'female' then '女' else 'unknown' end as '性别' from test_student;
    | id | name | 性别    |
    | 19 | John | 男      |
    | 20 | Lily | 女      |
    | 21 | Jim  | 男      |
    | 22 | Alex | 男      |
    | 23 | Bell | unknown |
    5 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    下面的例子中,使用两个字段进行组合case when。

    sexmale,并且 score > 90,则加上标签smart boy

    sexfemale,并且 score > 90,则加上标签smart girl


    mysql> select id, name, age, sex, score, case when sex = 'male' and score > 90 then 'smart boy' when sex = 'female' and score > 90 then 'smart girl' else 'unknown' end as 'label' from test_student;
    | id | name | age | sex    | score | label     |
    | 19 | John |  18 | male   |    90 | unknown   |
    | 20 | Lily |  17 | female |    89 | unknown   |
    | 21 | Jim  |  17 | male   |    92 | smart boy |
    | 22 | Alex |  16 | male   |    70 | unknown   |
    | 23 | Bell |  19 | ''     |    68 | unknown   |
    5 rows in set (0.00 sec)




    • score > 90 等级1
    • 80 < score <= 90 等级2
    • 70 < score <= 80 等级3
    • score <= 70 等级4


    mysql> select id,name,age, sex,score, case when score > 90 then 1 when score > 80 and score <= 90 then 2 when score > 70 and score <= 80 then 3 else 4 end as honor_level from test_student order by honor_level;
    | id | name | age | sex    | score | honor_level |
    | 21 | Jim  |  17 | male   |    92 |           1 |
    | 19 | John |  18 | male   |    90 |           2 |
    | 20 | Lily |  17 | female |    89 |           2 |
    | 22 | Alex |  16 | male   |    70 |           4 |
    | 23 | Bell |  19 | ''     |    68 |           4 |
    5 rows in set (0.00 sec)



    mysql> select *, case when sex = 'male' then 1 when sex = 'female' then 2 else 3 end as sex_int from test_student order by sex_int;
    | id | name | age | sex    | score | sex_int |
    | 19 | John |  18 | male   |    90 |       1 |
    | 21 | Jim  |  17 | male   |    92 |       1 |
    | 22 | Alex |  16 | male   |    70 |       1 |
    | 20 | Lily |  17 | female |    89 |       2 |
    | 23 | Bell |  19 | ''     |    68 |       3 |
    5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lanyangsh/p/13978914.html
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