• 【笔记】Oracle SQL语句 | 进阶篇

    之前整理了Oracle SQL基本语句,主要针对Oracle的初学者:

    【笔记】Oracle SQL语句 | 基础篇



    ----------1. 用户管理/权限-------------
    ------1.1 用户管理
    create user mr 
    identified by mrsoft  --externally/globally as 'CN=user'
    default tablespace users
    temporary tablespace temp
    quota 10m on tbsp_1
    alter user east quota 20m on tbsp_1;
    alter user east identified by 123456;  --密码
    alter user SH account unlock;  --解锁
    drop user df cascade;
    ------1.2 用户权限
    grant connect,resource to east;
    grant create session,create table to dongfang with admin option; --再授权
    grant select,insert,delete on scott.emp to xifang;
    revoke resource to east;
    revoke delete on scott.emp from xifang;
    --DBA_USERS  用户基本信息表
    --DBA_SYS_PRIVS  系统权限
    --DBA_TAB_PRIVS  对象权限
    --USER_SYS_PRIVS  用户系统权限
    --ROLE_SYS_PRIVS  用户角色
    --ALL_TABLES  可以查询的基本信息
    --USER_TAB_PRIVS  用户将权限授予哪些用户
    --ALL_TAB_PRIVS  哪些用户给自己授权
    select * from USER_SYS_PRIVS;
    ------1.3 用户角色
    create role designer identified by 123456;
    grant create view,create table to designer;
    grant designer to dongfang;
    select * from role_sys_privs where role = 'DESIGNER';
    alter role designer not identified;
    alter role designer identified by mrsoft;
    set role designer;  --生效  indentified by mrsoft;
    drop role designer;
    ------1.4 资源配置PROFILE
    create profile lock_account limit
    failed_login_attempts 5
    password_lock_time 7;  
    alter user dongfang profile lock_account;
    alter system set resource_limit = true;
    alter profile password_lift_time limit
    cpu_per_session 20000
    sessions_per_user 10
    cpu_per_call 500
    password_life_time 180
    failed_login_attempts 10;
    drop profile password_life_time cascade;
    select profile from dba_users where username = 'SCOTT';
    select resource_name,resource_type,limit from dba_profiles 
    where profile = 'DEFAULT';
    ----------2. 数据对象-------------
    ------2.1 数据表
    create table students(
      stuno number(10) not null,  --非空约束
      stuname varchar2(8),
      id varchar2(18) constraint ID_UK unique,  --唯一性约束
      sex char(2),
      age int constraint AGE_CK check(age > 0 and age < 120) disable,  --禁用
      departno varchar2(2) not null,
      classno varchar2(4) not null,
      regdate date default sysdate,
      constraint STU_PK primary key(stuno)  ---主键约束
    )tablespace tbsp_1  --表空间
    storage(initial 256k)  --存储参数next/minextents(AUTOALLOCATE)
    pctfree 20  --数据块最小空闲空间比例,达到后标记不可用
    pctused 40  --数据库是否可用界限
    initrans 10  --允许并发事务数目
    nologging;  --DDL操作不产生日志
    alter table students add(province varchar2(10));
    alter table students drop column province;
    alter table students drop (sex,age);
    alter table students modify departno varchar2(4);
    alter table students rename to students_bak;
    alter table students move tablespace tbsp_2;
    alter table students pctfree 25 pctused 45;
    drop table students cascade constraints;  --同时删除视图,约束或触发器等
    flashback table students to before drop;  --闪回
    alter table students read only;  --read write
    alter table students modify stuno not null;  ---null
    alter table students add constraint STUD_PK(stuno);
    alter table students drop constraint STUD_PK;
    alter table students add constraint IDs_UK unique(id);
    alter table students drop constraint IDs_UK;
    alter table students add constraint DEPART_FK foreign key(department_id)
          reference departments(department_id);  --外键约束
    alter table students drop constraint depart_FK;
    alter table students enable validate constraint depart_FK;  --novalidate
    alter table students disable constraint depart_FK;
    ------2.2 索引
    create index emp_deptno_index ---bitmap index
    on emp(deptno)  --emp(lower(job))
    pctfree 25  --reverse
    tablespace users;
    alter index emp_deptno_index coalesce deallocate unused;
    alter index emp_deptno_index rebuild;
    drop index emp_job_fun;
    select table_name,index_name,index_type from dba_indexes 
    where owner = 'HR';  --表索引 sys
    select column_name,column_length from user_ind_columns 
    where index_name = 'EMP_DEPTNO_INDEX';  --索引列 scott
    select tablespace_name,segment_type,bytes from user_segments
    where segment_name = 'EMP_DEPTNO_INDEX';  --索引段 scott
    select column_expression from user_ind_expressions
    where index_name = 'EMP_JOB_FUN';  --函数索引
    ------2.3 视图
    create or replace view emp_view as
      select d.dname,d.loc,e.empno,e.ename
      from emp e, dept d
      where e.deptno = d.deptno and d.deptno = 20
    with read only;
    select * from emp_view;
    desc emp_view;
    alter view emp_view compile;
    drop view emp_view;
    ------2.4 同义词
    create public synonym public_dept for scott.dept;
    create synonym private_dept for dept;
    drop public synonym public_dept;
    drop synonym private_dept;
    ------2.5 序列
    alter sequence empno_seq
    start with 100
    maxvalue 100000  --minvalue/nominvalue/nomaxvalue
    increment by 200
    cache 100
    cycle  --nocycle
    order  --noorder
    alter sequence empno_seq
    maxvalue 500000
    increment by 200;
    drop sequence empno_seq;
    ----------3. 表/索引分区-------------
    ------3.1 表分区
    create table ware_retail_part
      id integer primary key,
      retail_date date,
      ware_name varchar2(50)
    partition by range(retail_date)
      partition par_01 values less than(to_date('2011-04-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) tablespace TBSP_1,
      partition par_02 values less than(to_date('2011-07-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) tablespace TBSP_1,
      partition par_03 values less than(to_date('2011-10-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) tablespace TBSP_2,
      partition par_04 values less than(to_date('2012-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) tablespace TBSP_2 
    create table goods
      id number,
      goodname varchar2(50)
    storage(initial 2048k)
    partition by hash(id)
     partition par1 tablespace tbsp_1,
     partition par2 tablespace tbsp_2
    create table clients
      id integer primary key,
      name varchar2(50),
      province varchar2(20)
    partition by list(province)
      partition shandong values('山东省'),
      partition guangdong values('广东省'),
      partition yunnan values('云南省')
    create table person2
      id number primary key,
      name varchar2(20),
      sex varchar2(2)
    partition by range(id)  --范围分区
    subpartition by hash(name)  --hash子分区
    subpartitions 2 store in(tbsp_1,tbsp_2)  --存储在两个不同的命名空间中
      partition par1 values less than(5000),
      partition par2 values less than(10000),
      partition par3 values less than(maxvalue)
    create table saleRecord
     id number primary key,
     goodsname varchar2(50),
     saledate date,
     quantity number
    partition by range(saledate)
    interval (numtoyminterval(1,'year'))
      partition par_fist values less than (to_date('2012-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd'))
    insert into ware_retail_part values(1,to_date('2011-01-20','yyyy-mm-dd'),'PC');
    insert into ware_retail_part values(2,to_date('2011-04-15','yyyy-mm-dd'),'TV');
    select * from ware_retail_part partition(par_02);
    alter table clients
    add partition hebei values('河北省')
    storage(initial 10K next 20k) tablespace tbsp_1
    alter table person coalesce partition;
    alter table person2 modify partition par3 coalesce subpartition;
    --disable constraint/drop/enable constraint
    delete from ware_retail_part where retail_date>=to_date('2011-10-01','yyyy-mm-dd');  --数据
    alter table ware_retail_part drop partition par_04;  --表分区
    alter index ware_index rebuild;  --重建索引
    alter table sales merge partitions part_sea3,part_sea4 into partition part_sea4;
    alter table sales modify partition part_sea4 rebuild unusable local indexes;  --重建局部索引
    ------3.2 索引分区
    --create tablespace ts_1/ts_2/ts_3;
    --create table studentgrade partition by range(grade);
    create index grade_index on studentgrade(grade)
      partition p1 tablespace ts_1,
      partition p2 tablespace ts_2,
      partition p3 tablespace ts_3
    );  --dba_ind_partitions
    create index index_SalePrice on Books(SalePrice)
    global partition by range(SalePrice)
      partition p1 values less than (30),
      partition p2 values less than (50),
      partition p3 values less than (maxvalue)
    alter index index_saleprice drop partition p2;
    alter index index_saleprice drop partition p1;
    alter index index_saleprice rebulid partition p3;
    alter index index_saleprice rename partition p3 to p_new;
    ----------4. 数据库管理-------------
    ------4.1 数据文件/表空间
    select tablespace_name,file_name,bytes from dba_data_files order by tablespace_name;
    select segment_type,segment_name,owner from dba_segments where tablespace_name='USERS';
    create tablespace tbs_test_1 datafile 'D:OracleFilesOracleDatadatafile1.dbf'
    size 10m
    extent management local uniform size 256K;  --autoallocate
    create tablespace tbs_test_3 datafile 'D:OracleFilesOracleDatadatafile3.dbf'
    size 20m
    extent management local autoallocate
    segment space management manual;  --auto
    alter system set db_16k_cache_size = 16M scope=both;
    create tablespace tbs_test_5 datafile 'D:OracleFilesOracleDatadatafile5.dbf'
    size 64m reuse
    autoextend on next 4m maxsize unlimited
    blocksize 16k
    extent management local autoallocate
    segment space management auto;
    create bigfile tablespace tbs_test_big datafile 'D:OracleFilesOracleDatadatafilebig.dbf'
    size 2g;
    alter database default temporary tablespace temp_1;
    alter database default tablespace tbs_example;
    alter tablespace tbs_test_3 read only;  --read write
    alter tablespace tbs_test_3 rename to tbs_test_3_new;
    drop tablespace tbs_test_1 including contents cascade constraint;
    alter tablespace users add datafile 'e:appAdministratororadataorclusers02.dbf'
    size 10m autoextend on next 5m maxsize unlimited;  --添加
    alter tablespace users drop datafile 'e:appAdministratororadataorclusers02.dbf';  --删除
    alter database datafile 'D:OracleFilesOracleDatadatafile2.dbf'
    autoextend on next 10m maxsize unlimited;  --自动扩展
    create undo tablespace undo_tbs_1
    datafile 'D:OracleFilesOracleDataundotbs1.dbf'
    alter tablespace undo_tbs_1 
    add datafile 'D:OracleFilesOracleDataundotbs_add.dbf' 
    size 2g;
    alter system set undo_tablespace=undo_tbs_1;
    alter system set undo_tablespace=undotbs1;
    drop tablespace undo_tbs_1;
    show parameter undo_tablespace;  --undo_management/undo_retention
    select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces where contents = 'UNDO';
    select to_char(begin_time,'hh24:mi:ss'), to_char(end_time,'hh24:mi:ss'), undoblks
    from v$undostat order by begin_time;  --表空间统计信息
    select rn.name,rs.xacts,rs.writes,rs.extents
    from v$rollname rn,v$rollstat rs where rn.usn = rs.usn;  --段统计信息
    select name,status from v$transaction;  --活动事务
    select segment_name, extent_id,bytes,status from dba_undo_extents
    where segment_name='_SYSSMU3_991555123$';  --UNDO区信息
    create temporary tablespace temp_01 tempfile 'D:OracleFiles	empfiles	emp_01.tpf' size 300m;
    alter database default temporary tablespace temp_01;
    select file_name,bytes,tablespace_name from dba_temp_files;
    create temporary tablespace tp1 tempfile 'D:OracleFiles	empfiles	p1.tpf' 
    size 10m tablespace group group1;
    create temporary tablespace tp2 tempfile 'D:OracleFiles	empfiles	p2.tpf' 
    size 20m tablespace group group1;  --创建
    create temporary tablespace tp3 tempfile 'D:OracleFiles	empfiles	p3.tpf' 
    size 10m tablespace group group3;
    alter tablespace tp1 tablespace group group3;  --转移
    alter user hr temporary tablespace group3;  --分配
    alter database orcl default temporary tablespace group3;  --默认
    drop tablespace tp1 including contents and datafiles;
    ------4.2 控制文件
    alter system set control_file=
    scope=spfile;  --参数设置后复制文件
    select name from v$controlfile;  --查看
    select member from v$logfile;  --查看日志文件
    select name from v$datafile;  --查看数据文件
    select name from v$controlfile;  --查看控制文件
    shutdown immediate;  --关闭数据库,然后备份文件
    startup nomount;  --启动数据库实例,不加载数据库
    create controlfile reused --创建新控制文件
    database "orcl"
    maxlogfiles 50
    maxlogmembers 3
    maxinstances 6
    maxdatafiles 200
    alter system set control_files=  --编辑参数
    alter database open;  --打开数据库 [resetlogs]
    alter database backup controlfile 
    to 'D:OracleFilesControlFilesctf.bak';  --二进制文件
    alter database backup controlfile to trace;  --脚本文件
    show parameter user_dump_dest;
    --v$controlfile  所有控制文件名称和状态
    --v$controlfile_record_section  控制文件各记录文档段信息
    --v$parameter  系统所有初始化参数
    ------4.3 重做日志文件
    alter database add logfile group 5
    size 20M;  --添加新的重做日志文件组
    alter database add logfile member
    'E:OracleFilesLogFilesREDO4_C.LOG' to group 4;  --创建日志成员文件
    alter database add logfile member
    'D:OracleFilesLogFilesREDO1_new.LOG' to 
    ('E:appAdministratororadataorclREDO01.LOG') ;  --指定成员名称
    alter database drop logfile member 'E:OracleFilesLogFilesREDO4_C.LOG';
    alter database drop logfile group 5;
    alter database clear logfile group 4;
    alter database rename file
    --v$log v$logfile v$log_history
    ------4.4 归档日志文件
    select log_mode from v$database;  --noarchivelog/archivelog
    shutdown immediate;
    startup mount;
    alter database archivelog;
    alter database open;
    alter system set log_archive_max_processes = 3;
    alter system set log_archive_dest_1='location=D:OracleFilesarchive1 optional';
    alter system set log_archive_dest_2='location=D:OracleFilesarchive2 mandatory';
    alter system set log_archive_dest_3='location=D:OracleFilesarchive3 mandatory reopen=400';
    alter system set log_archive_min_succeed_dest=3;  --最小归档数
    alter system set log_archive_dest_state_4=defer;  --禁用位置
    alter system set log_archive_dest_1='service=MRKJ';
    --v$database v$archived_log v$archive_dest v$archive_processes v$backup_redolog
    archive log list;
    ----------5. 数据库维护-------------
    ------5.1 数据库控制
    set transaction read only;  --read write
    exec dbms_transaction.read_only;
    set transaction use rollback segment system;  --分配回滚段
    savepoint sp01;  --设置保存点
    insert into jobs_temp values('DESIGN','DS',3000,5000);
    rollback to sp01;  --回滚
    lock table dept_temp in row share mode;
    --row exclusive mode/share mode/share row exclusive mode/exclusive mode
    ------5.2 数据导入/导出
    create directory dump_dir as 'd:dump';
    grant read,write on directory dump_dir to scott;
    expdp scott/1qaz2wsx directory=dump_dir dumpfile=tab.dmp tables=emp,dept
    expdp system/1qaz2wsx directory = dump_dir dumpfile=schema.dmp schemas=scott,hr
    expdp system/1qaz2wsx directory = dump_dir dumpfile = tablespace.dmp tablespaces=tbsp_1
    expdp system/1qaz2wsx directory=dump_dir dumpfile=fulldatabase.dmp full=y
    impdp system/1qaz2wsx directory=dump_dir dumpfile=tab.dmp 
    tables=scott.dept,scott.emp remap_schema=scott:system  --
    impdp system/1qaz2wsx directory=dump_dir dumpfile=schema.dmp 
    schemas=scott remap_schema=scott:system;  --模式
    impdp system/1qaz2wsx directory=dump_dir dumpfile=tablespace.dmp 
    tablespaces=tbsp_1  --表空间
    impdp system/1qaz2wsx directory=dump_dir dumpfile=fulldatabase.dmp full=y  --数据库
    ------SQL Loader
    sqlldr --用法
    /*  --student.ctl
    load data
      infile 'd:datastudent.txt'
      into table student
      (stuno position(01:04) integer external,
       stuname position(11:14) char,
       sex position(21:22) char,
       old position(29:30) integer external
    sqlldr system/1qaz2wsx control=d:datastudent.ctl log=d:datastu_log
    /*  --persons.ctl
    load data
    infile 'd:datapersons.csv'
    append into table persons
    fields terminated by ','
    sqlldr system/1qaz2wsx control=d:datapersons.ctl

    注:部分SQL语句来源于《Oracle 11g从入门到精通(第2版)》——清华大学出版社

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kplayer/p/9338605.html
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