之前整理了Oracle SQL基本语句,主要针对Oracle的初学者:
----------1. 用户管理/权限------------- ------1.1 用户管理 ---创建 create user mr identified by mrsoft --externally/globally as 'CN=user' default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp quota 10m on tbsp_1 ---修改 alter user east quota 20m on tbsp_1; alter user east identified by 123456; --密码 alter user SH account unlock; --解锁 ---删除 drop user df cascade; ------1.2 用户权限 ---授权 --系统 grant connect,resource to east; grant create session,create table to dongfang with admin option; --再授权 --对象 grant select,insert,delete on scott.emp to xifang; ---回收 revoke resource to east; revoke delete on scott.emp from xifang; ---查询 --DBA_USERS 用户基本信息表 --DBA_SYS_PRIVS 系统权限 --DBA_TAB_PRIVS 对象权限 --USER_SYS_PRIVS 用户系统权限 --ROLE_SYS_PRIVS 用户角色 --ALL_TABLES 可以查询的基本信息 --USER_TAB_PRIVS 用户将权限授予哪些用户 --ALL_TAB_PRIVS 哪些用户给自己授权 select * from USER_SYS_PRIVS; ------1.3 用户角色 ---预定义 --connect/resource/dba/exp_full_database/imp_full_database ---创建 create role designer identified by 123456; grant create view,create table to designer; ---授予 grant designer to dongfang; ---管理 select * from role_sys_privs where role = 'DESIGNER'; alter role designer not identified; alter role designer identified by mrsoft; set role designer; --生效 indentified by mrsoft; ---删除 drop role designer; ------1.4 资源配置PROFILE ---管理密码 create profile lock_account limit failed_login_attempts 5 password_lock_time 7; --password_life_time/password_grace_time --password_reuse_time/password_reuse_max --password_verify_function alter user dongfang profile lock_account; ---管理资源 alter system set resource_limit = true; alter profile password_lift_time limit cpu_per_session 20000 sessions_per_user 10 cpu_per_call 500 password_life_time 180 failed_login_attempts 10; ---删除 drop profile password_life_time cascade; ---查询 select profile from dba_users where username = 'SCOTT'; select resource_name,resource_type,limit from dba_profiles where profile = 'DEFAULT'; ----------2. 数据对象------------- ------2.1 数据表 ---创建 create table students( stuno number(10) not null, --非空约束 stuname varchar2(8), id varchar2(18) constraint ID_UK unique, --唯一性约束 sex char(2), age int constraint AGE_CK check(age > 0 and age < 120) disable, --禁用 departno varchar2(2) not null, classno varchar2(4) not null, regdate date default sysdate, ---blob/clob/bfile constraint STU_PK primary key(stuno) ---主键约束 )tablespace tbsp_1 --表空间 storage(initial 256k) --存储参数next/minextents(AUTOALLOCATE) pctfree 20 --数据块最小空闲空间比例,达到后标记不可用 pctused 40 --数据库是否可用界限 initrans 10 --允许并发事务数目 nologging; --DDL操作不产生日志 ---维护 --字段 alter table students add(province varchar2(10)); alter table students drop column province; alter table students drop (sex,age); alter table students modify departno varchar2(4); --重命名 alter table students rename to students_bak; --表空间 alter table students move tablespace tbsp_2; --存储参数 alter table students pctfree 25 pctused 45; ---删除 drop table students cascade constraints; --同时删除视图,约束或触发器等 flashback table students to before drop; --闪回 --状态 alter table students read only; --read write --约束 -- alter table students modify stuno not null; ---null -- alter table students add constraint STUD_PK(stuno); alter table students drop constraint STUD_PK; -- alter table students add constraint IDs_UK unique(id); alter table students drop constraint IDs_UK; -- alter table students add constraint DEPART_FK foreign key(department_id) reference departments(department_id); --外键约束 alter table students drop constraint depart_FK; -- alter table students enable validate constraint depart_FK; --novalidate alter table students disable constraint depart_FK; ------2.2 索引 ---创建 create index emp_deptno_index ---bitmap index on emp(deptno) --emp(lower(job)) pctfree 25 --reverse tablespace users; ---合并 alter index emp_deptno_index coalesce deallocate unused; ---重建 alter index emp_deptno_index rebuild; ---删除 drop index emp_job_fun; ---查询 select table_name,index_name,index_type from dba_indexes where owner = 'HR'; --表索引 sys select column_name,column_length from user_ind_columns where index_name = 'EMP_DEPTNO_INDEX'; --索引列 scott select tablespace_name,segment_type,bytes from user_segments where segment_name = 'EMP_DEPTNO_INDEX'; --索引段 scott select column_expression from user_ind_expressions where index_name = 'EMP_JOB_FUN'; --函数索引 ------2.3 视图 ---创建 create or replace view emp_view as select d.dname,d.loc,e.empno,e.ename from emp e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno and d.deptno = 20 with read only; ---查看 select * from emp_view; desc emp_view; ---重编译 alter view emp_view compile; ---删除 drop view emp_view; ------2.4 同义词 ---创建 create public synonym public_dept for scott.dept; create synonym private_dept for dept; ---删除 drop public synonym public_dept; drop synonym private_dept; ------2.5 序列 ---创建 alter sequence empno_seq start with 100 maxvalue 100000 --minvalue/nominvalue/nomaxvalue increment by 200 cache 100 cycle --nocycle order --noorder ---管理 alter sequence empno_seq maxvalue 500000 increment by 200; ---删除 drop sequence empno_seq; ----------3. 表/索引分区------------- ------3.1 表分区 ---创建 --范围 create table ware_retail_part ( id integer primary key, retail_date date, ware_name varchar2(50) ) partition by range(retail_date) ( partition par_01 values less than(to_date('2011-04-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) tablespace TBSP_1, partition par_02 values less than(to_date('2011-07-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) tablespace TBSP_1, partition par_03 values less than(to_date('2011-10-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) tablespace TBSP_2, partition par_04 values less than(to_date('2012-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) tablespace TBSP_2 ); --散列 create table goods ( id number, goodname varchar2(50) ) storage(initial 2048k) partition by hash(id) ( partition par1 tablespace tbsp_1, partition par2 tablespace tbsp_2 ); --列表 create table clients ( id integer primary key, name varchar2(50), province varchar2(20) ) partition by list(province) ( partition shandong values('山东省'), partition guangdong values('广东省'), partition yunnan values('云南省') ); --组合 create table person2 ( id number primary key, name varchar2(20), sex varchar2(2) ) partition by range(id) --范围分区 subpartition by hash(name) --hash子分区 subpartitions 2 store in(tbsp_1,tbsp_2) --存储在两个不同的命名空间中 ( partition par1 values less than(5000), partition par2 values less than(10000), partition par3 values less than(maxvalue) ); --Interval create table saleRecord ( id number primary key, goodsname varchar2(50), saledate date, quantity number ) partition by range(saledate) interval (numtoyminterval(1,'year')) ( partition par_fist values less than (to_date('2012-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) ); --应用 insert into ware_retail_part values(1,to_date('2011-01-20','yyyy-mm-dd'),'PC'); insert into ware_retail_part values(2,to_date('2011-04-15','yyyy-mm-dd'),'TV'); select * from ware_retail_part partition(par_02); ---管理 --添加 alter table clients add partition hebei values('河北省') storage(initial 10K next 20k) tablespace tbsp_1 nologging; --合并 alter table person coalesce partition; alter table person2 modify partition par3 coalesce subpartition; --删除 --disable constraint/drop/enable constraint delete from ware_retail_part where retail_date>=to_date('2011-10-01','yyyy-mm-dd'); --数据 alter table ware_retail_part drop partition par_04; --表分区 alter index ware_index rebuild; --重建索引 --并入 alter table sales merge partitions part_sea3,part_sea4 into partition part_sea4; alter table sales modify partition part_sea4 rebuild unusable local indexes; --重建局部索引 ------3.2 索引分区 ---创建 --本地 --create tablespace ts_1/ts_2/ts_3; --create table studentgrade partition by range(grade); create index grade_index on studentgrade(grade) local ( partition p1 tablespace ts_1, partition p2 tablespace ts_2, partition p3 tablespace ts_3 ); --dba_ind_partitions --全局 create index index_SalePrice on Books(SalePrice) global partition by range(SalePrice) ( partition p1 values less than (30), partition p2 values less than (50), partition p3 values less than (maxvalue) ); ---管理 --删除 alter index index_saleprice drop partition p2; alter index index_saleprice drop partition p1; alter index index_saleprice rebulid partition p3; --重命名 alter index index_saleprice rename partition p3 to p_new; ----------4. 数据库管理------------- ------4.1 数据文件/表空间 ---查看 select tablespace_name,file_name,bytes from dba_data_files order by tablespace_name; ---默认 select segment_type,segment_name,owner from dba_segments where tablespace_name='USERS'; --SYSTEM/SYSAUT/UNDOTBS1/USERS/EXAMPLE/TEMP ---创建 --本地化管理方式 create tablespace tbs_test_1 datafile 'D:OracleFilesOracleDatadatafile1.dbf' size 10m extent management local uniform size 256K; --autoallocate --段空间管理方式 create tablespace tbs_test_3 datafile 'D:OracleFilesOracleDatadatafile3.dbf' size 20m extent management local autoallocate segment space management manual; --auto --非标准块 alter system set db_16k_cache_size = 16M scope=both; create tablespace tbs_test_5 datafile 'D:OracleFilesOracleDatadatafile5.dbf' size 64m reuse autoextend on next 4m maxsize unlimited blocksize 16k extent management local autoallocate segment space management auto; --大文件 create bigfile tablespace tbs_test_big datafile 'D:OracleFilesOracleDatadatafilebig.dbf' size 2g; ---维护 --默认 alter database default temporary tablespace temp_1; alter database default tablespace tbs_example; --状态 alter tablespace tbs_test_3 read only; --read write --重命名 alter tablespace tbs_test_3 rename to tbs_test_3_new; --删除 drop tablespace tbs_test_1 including contents cascade constraint; --文件 alter tablespace users add datafile 'e:appAdministratororadataorclusers02.dbf' size 10m autoextend on next 5m maxsize unlimited; --添加 alter tablespace users drop datafile 'e:appAdministratororadataorclusers02.dbf'; --删除 alter database datafile 'D:OracleFilesOracleDatadatafile2.dbf' autoextend on next 10m maxsize unlimited; --自动扩展 ---撤销表空间 --创建 create undo tablespace undo_tbs_1 datafile 'D:OracleFilesOracleDataundotbs1.dbf' size100M; --修改 alter tablespace undo_tbs_1 add datafile 'D:OracleFilesOracleDataundotbs_add.dbf' size 2g; --切换 alter system set undo_tablespace=undo_tbs_1; --删除 alter system set undo_tablespace=undotbs1; drop tablespace undo_tbs_1; --查询 show parameter undo_tablespace; --undo_management/undo_retention select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces where contents = 'UNDO'; select to_char(begin_time,'hh24:mi:ss'), to_char(end_time,'hh24:mi:ss'), undoblks from v$undostat order by begin_time; --表空间统计信息 select rn.name,rs.xacts,rs.writes,rs.extents from v$rollname rn,v$rollstat rs where rn.usn = rs.usn; --段统计信息 select name,status from v$transaction; --活动事务 select segment_name, extent_id,bytes,status from dba_undo_extents where segment_name='_SYSSMU3_991555123$'; --UNDO区信息 ---临时表空间 --创建 create temporary tablespace temp_01 tempfile 'D:OracleFiles empfiles emp_01.tpf' size 300m; alter database default temporary tablespace temp_01; --重命名/删除同上 --查询 select file_name,bytes,tablespace_name from dba_temp_files; ---临时表空间组 create temporary tablespace tp1 tempfile 'D:OracleFiles empfiles p1.tpf' size 10m tablespace group group1; create temporary tablespace tp2 tempfile 'D:OracleFiles empfiles p2.tpf' size 20m tablespace group group1; --创建 create temporary tablespace tp3 tempfile 'D:OracleFiles empfiles p3.tpf' size 10m tablespace group group3; alter tablespace tp1 tablespace group group3; --转移 alter user hr temporary tablespace group3; --分配 alter database orcl default temporary tablespace group3; --默认 drop tablespace tp1 including contents and datafiles; ------4.2 控制文件 ---多路复用 alter system set control_file= 'D:PROGRAMORACLEORADATAORCLCONTROL01.CTL', 'D:PROGRAMORACLEFLASH_RECOVERY_AREAORCLCONTROL02.CTL', 'D:OracleFilesControlFilesCONTROL03.CTL' scope=spfile; --参数设置后复制文件 select name from v$controlfile; --查看 ---创建 select member from v$logfile; --查看日志文件 select name from v$datafile; --查看数据文件 select name from v$controlfile; --查看控制文件 shutdown immediate; --关闭数据库,然后备份文件 startup nomount; --启动数据库实例,不加载数据库 create controlfile reused --创建新控制文件 database "orcl" logfile group 1 'D:PROGRAMORACLEORADATAORCLREDO01.LOG', group 2 'D:PROGRAMORACLEORADATAORCLREDO02.LOG', group 3 'D:PROGRAMORACLEORADATAORCLREDO03.LOG' datafile 'D:PROGRAMORACLEORADATAORCLSYSTEM01.DBF', 'D:PROGRAMORACLEORADATAORCLSYSAUX01.DBF', 'D:PROGRAMORACLEORADATAORCLUNDOTBS01.DBF', 'D:PROGRAMORACLEORADATAORCLUSERS01.DBF', 'D:PROGRAMORACLEORADATAORCLEXAMPLE01.DBF', 'D:PROGRAMORACLEPRODUCT11.2.0DBHOME_1ORADATAKPLAYERKPLAYER.DBF' maxlogfiles 50 maxlogmembers 3 maxinstances 6 maxdatafiles 200 noresetlogs noarchivelog; alter system set control_files= --编辑参数 'E:PROGADMINORADATAORCLCONTROL01.CTL', 'E:PROGADMINFLASH_RECOVERY_AREAORCLCONTROL02.CTL' scope=spfile; alter database open; --打开数据库 [resetlogs] ---备份 alter database backup controlfile to 'D:OracleFilesControlFilesctf.bak'; --二进制文件 alter database backup controlfile to trace; --脚本文件 show parameter user_dump_dest; ---恢复 --关闭->复制覆盖->重启 --关闭->编辑CONTROL_FILES->重启 ---删除 --关闭->编辑CONTROL_FILES->重启 ---查询 --v$controlfile 所有控制文件名称和状态 --v$controlfile_record_section 控制文件各记录文档段信息 --v$parameter 系统所有初始化参数 ------4.3 重做日志文件 ---增加 alter database add logfile group 5 ('D:OracleFilesLogFilesREDO4_A.LOG', 'E:OracleFilesLogFilesREDO4_B.LOG') size 20M; --添加新的重做日志文件组 alter database add logfile member 'E:OracleFilesLogFilesREDO4_C.LOG' to group 4; --创建日志成员文件 alter database add logfile member 'D:OracleFilesLogFilesREDO1_new.LOG' to ('E:appAdministratororadataorclREDO01.LOG') ; --指定成员名称 ---删除 --日志成员 alter database drop logfile member 'E:OracleFilesLogFilesREDO4_C.LOG'; --日志文件组 alter database drop logfile group 5; --清空 alter database clear logfile group 4; ---更改 --关闭->复制源文件到目标位置->启动加载但不打开mount alter database rename file 'D:OracleFilesLogFilesREDO1_new.LOG', 'D:OracleFilesLogFilesREDO4_A.LOG' to 'E:OracleFilesLogFilesREDO1_new.LOG', 'E:OracleFilesLogFilesREDO4_A.LOG'; --打开数据库 --查看 --v$log v$logfile v$log_history ------4.4 归档日志文件 ---切换 select log_mode from v$database; --noarchivelog/archivelog shutdown immediate; startup mount; alter database archivelog; alter database open; ---进程 alter system set log_archive_max_processes = 3; ---位置 --本地 alter system set log_archive_dest_1='location=D:OracleFilesarchive1 optional'; alter system set log_archive_dest_2='location=D:OracleFilesarchive2 mandatory'; alter system set log_archive_dest_3='location=D:OracleFilesarchive3 mandatory reopen=400'; alter system set log_archive_min_succeed_dest=3; --最小归档数 alter system set log_archive_dest_state_4=defer; --禁用位置 --远程 alter system set log_archive_dest_1='service=MRKJ'; ---查看 --v$database v$archived_log v$archive_dest v$archive_processes v$backup_redolog archive log list; ----------5. 数据库维护------------- ------5.1 数据库控制 ---事务 set transaction read only; --read write exec dbms_transaction.read_only; set transaction use rollback segment system; --分配回滚段 savepoint sp01; --设置保存点 insert into jobs_temp values('DESIGN','DS',3000,5000); rollback to sp01; --回滚 ---锁 lock table dept_temp in row share mode; --row exclusive mode/share mode/share row exclusive mode/exclusive mode ------5.2 数据导入/导出 ---导出 create directory dump_dir as 'd:dump'; grant read,write on directory dump_dir to scott; --表 expdp scott/1qaz2wsx directory=dump_dir dumpfile=tab.dmp tables=emp,dept --模式 expdp system/1qaz2wsx directory = dump_dir dumpfile=schema.dmp schemas=scott,hr --表空间 expdp system/1qaz2wsx directory = dump_dir dumpfile = tablespace.dmp tablespaces=tbsp_1 --数据库 expdp system/1qaz2wsx directory=dump_dir dumpfile=fulldatabase.dmp full=y --content/query/logfile/status ---导入 impdp system/1qaz2wsx directory=dump_dir dumpfile=tab.dmp tables=scott.dept,scott.emp remap_schema=scott:system --表 impdp system/1qaz2wsx directory=dump_dir dumpfile=schema.dmp schemas=scott remap_schema=scott:system; --模式 impdp system/1qaz2wsx directory=dump_dir dumpfile=tablespace.dmp tablespaces=tbsp_1 --表空间 impdp system/1qaz2wsx directory=dump_dir dumpfile=fulldatabase.dmp full=y --数据库 --remap_schema/remap_tablesapce/sqlfile/table_exists_action/transport_datafiles ------SQL Loader sqlldr --用法 ---自由格式 /* --student.ctl load data infile 'd:datastudent.txt' into table student (stuno position(01:04) integer external, stuname position(11:14) char, sex position(21:22) char, old position(29:30) integer external ) */ sqlldr system/1qaz2wsx control=d:datastudent.ctl log=d:datastu_log ---固定格式 /* --persons.ctl load data infile 'd:datapersons.csv' append into table persons fields terminated by ',' (code,name,sex,old) */ sqlldr system/1qaz2wsx control=d:datapersons.ctl
注:部分SQL语句来源于《Oracle 11g从入门到精通(第2版)》——清华大学出版社