• Docker 启动遇到 Error starting daemon: Error initializing network controller 错误

    docker 版本 1.10.3
    一台装有 docker 的机器重启后,没法启动,/var/log/messages 展示如下错误信息:

    May 17 11:11:14 gziba-hc03 systemd: Starting Docker Storage Setup...
    May 17 11:11:14 gziba-hc03 docker-storage-setup: INFO: Volume group backing root filesystem could not be determined
    May 17 11:11:14 gziba-hc03 docker-storage-setup: ERROR: No valid volume group found. Exiting.
    May 17 11:11:14 gziba-hc03 systemd: docker-storage-setup.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
    May 17 11:11:14 gziba-hc03 systemd: Failed to start Docker Storage Setup.
    May 17 11:11:14 gziba-hc03 systemd: Unit docker-storage-setup.service entered failed state.
    May 17 11:11:14 gziba-hc03 systemd: docker-storage-setup.service failed.
    May 17 11:11:14 gziba-hc03 systemd: Starting Docker Application Container Engine...
    May 17 11:11:14 gziba-hc03 kernel: bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
    May 17 11:11:14 gziba-hc03 docker-current: time="2018-05-17T11:11:14.758608097+08:00" level=warning msg="devmapper: Usage of loopback dev
    ices is strongly discouraged for production use. Please use `--storage-opt dm.thinpooldev` or use `man docker` to refer to dm.thinpooldev
    May 17 11:11:14 gziba-hc03 kernel: bio: create slab <bio-2> at 2
    May 17 11:11:14 gziba-hc03 systemd: Device dev-disk-byx2duuid-7c76915bx2d948dx2d4e21x2dac45x2d2e1431303e50.device appeared twice wit
    h different sysfs paths /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop0 and /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-1
    May 17 11:11:14 gziba-hc03 docker-current: time="2018-05-17T11:11:14.764266939+08:00" level=warning msg="devmapper: Base device already e
    xists and has filesystem xfs on it. User specified filesystem  will be ignored."
    May 17 11:11:14 gziba-hc03 docker-current: time="2018-05-17T11:11:14.766234454+08:00" level=info msg="[graphdriver] using prior storage d
    river "devicemapper""
    May 17 11:11:14 gziba-hc03 docker-current: time="2018-05-17T11:11:14.777057144+08:00" level=warning msg="Docker could not enable SELinux 
    on the host system"
    May 17 11:11:14 gziba-hc03 docker-current: time="2018-05-17T11:11:14.796060039+08:00" level=info msg="Graph migration to content-addressa
    bility took 0.00 seconds"
    May 17 11:11:14 gziba-hc03 docker-current: time="2018-05-17T11:11:14.798926194+08:00" level=info msg="Firewalld running: false"
    May 17 11:11:15 gziba-hc03 docker-current: time="2018-05-17T11:11:15.058681393+08:00" level=fatal msg="Error starting daemon: Error initi
    alizing network controller: could not delete the default bridge network: network bridge has active endpoints"
    May 17 11:11:15 gziba-hc03 systemd: docker.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
    May 17 11:11:15 gziba-hc03 systemd: Failed to start Docker Application Container Engine.
    May 17 11:11:15 gziba-hc03 systemd: Unit docker.service entered failed state.
    May 17 11:11:15 gziba-hc03 systemd: docker.service failed.

    rm -rm /var/lib/docker/network/

    systemctl start docker

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/klvchen/p/9050728.html
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