• poj 3278 Catch That Cow(bfs)

    Catch That Cow
    Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K
    Total Submissions: 71439   Accepted: 22496


    Farmer John has been informed of the location of a fugitive cow and wants to catch her immediately. He starts at a point N (0 ≤ N ≤ 100,000) on a number line and the cow is at a point K (0 ≤ K ≤ 100,000) on the same number line. Farmer John has two modes of transportation: walking and teleporting.

    * Walking: FJ can move from any point X to the points - 1 or + 1 in a single minute
    * Teleporting: FJ can move from any point X to the point 2 × X in a single minute.

    If the cow, unaware of its pursuit, does not move at all, how long does it take for Farmer John to retrieve it?


    Line 1: Two space-separated integers: N and K


    Line 1: The least amount of time, in minutes, it takes for Farmer John to catch the fugitive cow.

    Sample Input

    5 17

    Sample Output



    The fastest way for Farmer John to reach the fugitive cow is to move along the following path: 5-10-9-18-17, which takes 4 minutes.

    RE了好多次,把max值改为20多万就AC了。 然而运行时间还是2000多MS,感觉Java真的比C++要慢好多。。

    Java AC 代码

    import java.util.LinkedList;
    import java.util.Queue;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class Main {
        static Queue<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<Integer>();
        static int max = 200010;
        static boolean marked[] = new boolean[max];
        static int steps[] = new int[max];
        static int boy, cow;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
            boy = sc.nextInt();
            cow = sc.nextInt();
        public static void bfs() {
            steps[boy] = 0;
            marked[boy] = true;
            while(!queue.isEmpty()) {
                int head = queue.poll();
                if(head - 1 >= 0 && !marked[head - 1]) {
                    steps[head - 1] = steps[head] + 1;
                    marked[head - 1] = true;
                    queue.add(head - 1);
                if(head + 1 < max && !marked[head + 1]) {
                    steps[head + 1] = steps[head] + 1;
                    marked[head + 1] = true;
                    queue.add(head + 1);
                if(head * 2 < max && !marked[head * 2]) {
                    steps[head * 2] = steps[head] + 1;
                    marked[head * 2] = true;
                    queue.add(head * 2);
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