• content management system

    • Defination of CMS:

    The definition of a CMS is an application (more likely web-based), that provides capabilities for multiple users with different permission levels to manage (all or a section of) content, data or information of a website project, or internet / intranet application.

    Managing content refers to creating, editing, archiving, publishing, collaborating on, reporting, distributing website content, data and information.

    An example of a CMS application is a Web Application that provides the following administration, control panel or website management functionalities:

      • Create, Edit, Publish, Archive web pages
      • Create, Edit, Publish, Archive articles
      • Create, Edit, Publish, Archive press releases
      • Create, Edit, Publish, Archive blogs
      • Add / Edit events into an Event Calendar
      • Add / Edit Inventory (products), description, product specifications, prices, photos, etc.
      • Enter, Edit, or View orders and print packing slips and invoices
      • View reports and statistics site data
      • Create and Edit system users which have different permission levels to different section(s) of the above administration

    software application used to upload, edit, and manage content displayed on a website. A content management system can perform a variety of different tasks for a website including regulating when content is displayed, how many times the content is shown to a specific user, and managing how the content connects or interacts with other elements of the website. This software also enables less technical individuals to manage content on a website easily without having an extensive coding background.

    Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/content-management-system-CMS.html#ixzz3ZWcRUrX9  

    • purpose of CMS:

    The main purpose of a Content Management System (relating to web) is to provide the capability for multiple users with different permission levels to manage a website or a section of the content.

    For example, you can take a website which has Articles, Blogs, Press Releases, Store, Events and assign each section or a part of a section to user(s) to create, edit, and archive.

  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kidsitcn/p/4487588.html
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