• HDU-2489 Minimal Ratio Tree(最小生成树)

    Minimal Ratio Tree

    Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
    Total Submission(s): 4610    Accepted Submission(s): 1466

    Problem Description
    For a tree, which nodes and edges are all weighted, the ratio of it is calculated according to the following equation.

    Given a complete graph of n nodes with all nodes and edges weighted, your task is to find a tree, which is a sub-graph of the original graph, with m nodes and whose ratio is the smallest among all the trees of m nodes in the graph.
    Input contains multiple test cases. The first line of each test case contains two integers n (2<=n<=15) and m (2<=m<=n), which stands for the number of nodes in the graph and the number of nodes in the minimal ratio tree. Two zeros end the input. The next line contains n numbers which stand for the weight of each node. The following n lines contain a diagonally symmetrical n×n connectivity matrix with each element shows the weight of the edge connecting one node with another. Of course, the diagonal will be all 0, since there is no edge connecting a node with itself.

    All the weights of both nodes and edges (except for the ones on the diagonal of the matrix) are integers and in the range of [1, 100].

    The figure below illustrates the first test case in sample input. Node 1 and Node 3 form the minimal ratio tree.
    For each test case output one line contains a sequence of the m nodes which constructs the minimal ratio tree. Nodes should be arranged in ascending order. If there are several such sequences, pick the one which has the smallest node number; if there's a tie, look at the second smallest node number, etc. Please note that the nodes are numbered from 1 .
    Sample Input
    3 2 30 20 10 0 6 2 6 0 3 2 3 0 2 2 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0
    Sample Output
    1 3 1 2
     1 #include "bits/stdc++.h"
     2 using namespace std;
     3 typedef long long LL;
     4 const int MAX=20;
     5 int n,m;
     6 int a[MAX],b[MAX][MAX],c[MAX];
     7 int ans[MAX];double an;
     8 struct Edge{
     9     int u,v;
    10     int w;
    11     bool operator < (const Edge &tt) const {
    12         return w<tt.w;
    13     }
    14 }edge[MAX*MAX];
    15 int fa[MAX];
    16 int getfather(int x){
    17     if (fa[x]==x) return x;
    18     return fa[x]=getfather(fa[x]);
    19 }
    20 void dfs(int no,int now){
    21     int i,j;
    22     if (now==m+1){
    23         int x=0,y=0;
    24         for (i=1;i<=m;i++){y+=a[c[i]];}
    25         for (i=1;i<=n;i++){fa[i]=i;}
    26         int len=0;
    27         for (i=1;i<=m;i++){
    28             for (j=i+1;j<=m;j++){
    29                 edge[++len].u=c[i];
    30                 edge[len].v=c[j];
    31                 edge[len].w=b[c[i]][c[j]];
    32             }
    33         }
    34         sort(edge+1,edge+len+1);
    35         for (i=1;i<=len;i++){
    36             int dx=getfather(edge[i].u);
    37             int dy=getfather(edge[i].v);
    38             if (dx!=dy){
    39                 x+=edge[i].w;
    40                 fa[dx]=dy;
    41             }
    42         }
    43         double xy=(x*1.0)/(y*1.0);
    44         if (xy<an){
    45             for (i=1;i<=m;i++)
    46                 ans[i]=c[i];
    47             an=xy;
    48         }
    49     }
    50     for (i=no+1;i<=n;i++){
    51         c[now]=i;
    52         dfs(i,now+1);
    53     }
    54 }
    55 int main(){
    56     int i,j;
    57     while (1){
    58     scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);if (n==0 && m==0) break;
    59     an=100000000.0;
    60     for (i=1;i<=n;i++){
    61         scanf("%d",a+i);
    62     }
    63     for (i=1;i<=n;i++){
    64         for (j=1;j<=n;j++){
    65             scanf("%d",&b[i][j]);
    66         }
    67     }
    68     dfs(0,1);
    69     sort(ans+1,ans+m+1);
    70     for (i=1;i<m;i++){
    71         printf("%d ",ans[i]);
    72     }
    73     printf("%d
    74     }
    75     return 0;
    76 }
    未来是什么样,未来会发生什么,谁也不知道。 但是我知道, 起码从今天开始努力, 肯定比从明天开始努力, 要快一天实现梦想。 千里之行,始于足下! ——《那年那兔那些事儿》
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/keximeiruguo/p/7583498.html
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