Hadoop是用Java实现的,但是我们也可以使用其他语言来编写MapReduce程序,比如Shell,Python,Ruby等,下面简单介绍一下Hadoop Streaming,并使用Python作为例子。
1. Hadoop Streaming
Hadoop Streaming的使用方式为:
1 hadoop jar hadoop-streaming.jar -D property=value -mapper mapper.py -combiner combiner.py -reducer reducer.py -input Input -output Output -file mapper.py -file reducer.py
其中-mapper -combiner和-reducer指定Map Combine和Reduce程序.
-input 和-output指定输入和输出文件夹 .
-file可以将本地的mapper.py和reducer.py上传到所有的计算节点上(tasktracker node).
property | value | 备注 |
mapred.reduce.tasks |
Int | Reduce个数,为0时没有Reduce |
mapred.job.queue.name |
String(Queue Name) | 队列的名字 |
mapred.output.compress |
Boolean | 是否对MapReduce的输出进行压缩 |
mapred.output.compression.codec |
org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec |
对MapReduce压缩的方式,此处是gzip |
stream.recordreader.compression |
gzip | 是否读取压缩文件,gzip可以读取gz和bz2压缩文件 |
mapred.job.reduce.memory.mb |
Int | reduce物理内存的大小 |
mapred.child.java.opts |
"-Xmx"+Int+"mm" | 最大的Java堆栈的大小 |
Hadoop Streaming的工作原理是:Mapper和Reducer(自动) 的从标准输入一行一行的读取数据(字符串),然后经过Mapper或者Reducer的逻辑处理后,把结果写入到标准输出,结果是以制表符(\t)分隔的Key-Value对。
2. WordCount的Python Hadoop Streaming版本:
1 import sys 2 3 # input comes from STDIN (standard input) 4 for line in sys.stdin: 5 # remove leading and trailing whitespace 6 line = line.strip() 7 # split the line into words 8 words = line.split() 9 # increase counters 10 for word in words: 11 # write the results to STDOUT (standard output); 12 # what we output here will be the input for the 13 # Reduce step, i.e. the input for reducer.py 14 # 15 # tab-delimited; the trivial word count is 1 16 print '%s\t%s' % (word, 1)
Mapper.py的工作原理很简单,从标准输入里读取数据(line 4),去除文本末尾的换行符(line 6),分词(line 8),对于每个单词输出一个(word,1)的Key-Value对(line 10-16).
1 import sys 2 3 current_word = None 4 current_count = 0 5 word = None 6 7 # input comes from STDIN 8 for line in sys.stdin: 9 # remove leading and trailing whitespace 10 line = line.strip() 11 12 # parse the input we got from mapper.py 13 word, count = line.split('\t', 1) 14 15 # convert count (currently a string) to int 16 try: 17 count = int(count) 18 except ValueError: 19 # count was not a number, so silently 20 # ignore/discard this line 21 continue 22 23 # this IF-switch only works because Hadoop sorts map output 24 # by key (here: word) before it is passed to the reducer 25 if current_word == word: 26 current_count += count 27 else: 28 if current_word: 29 # write result to STDOUT 30 print '%s\t%s' % (current_word, current_count) 31 current_count = count 32 current_word = word 33 34 # do not forget to output the last word if needed! 35 if current_word == word: 36 print '%s\t%s' % (current_word, current_count)
Reducer.py略微复杂一些。首先还是去除换行符(line 10),分词(line 13)和类型检查(line 16-21)。然后,我们使用current_word来标示现在正在处理(亦即进行Reduce逻辑)的单词,如果遇到的新的单词和current_word一样,则进行累加(line 25-26),否则说明current_word的累加已经结束了,需要将结果写到标准输出(line 27-32)。line 28中之所以要进行判断是因为current_word的初始值是None,我们不需要输出以None为Key的Key-Value对。在最后,我们把最后一个Key-Value对输出(line 35-36)。
3. 可以在本地测试Python Hadoop Streaming脚本的准确性:
1 cat file | python Mapper.py | sort -k1,1 | python Reducer.py
其中sort -k1,1模拟的是Hadoop的Shuffle过程,但是因为是在本地跑,只有一台机器,所以以上测试过程和单机版的Hadoop差不多,和真正的分布式的Hadoop还是有所差距。
[1]. Hadoop Streaming