• NserviceBus简介

    NServiceBus 简介




    没有物理的一个WCF可以指向网络拓扑。WCF是给定应用代码的运行中的程序基础设施的一部分,在这一点上,NServiceBus是相同的。就像可以写你自己的主机进程和显式激活WCF,用NServiceBus可以做同样的事情。 NServiceBus总线是虚拟运行在各种的应用进程的框架对象的集合。你可以认为这是一个对点对点网状,与你的代码一起运行,如下图所示:

    deployment topology



    NServiceBus的原则让它在过去几十年中是稳健的。 NServiceBus是基于​​排队的消息是久经考验撑起通过无数的技术转变,不仅仅是一个实现选择,这是一个主要的架构理念。在NServiceBus没有什么是作为一个阻塞调用的。

    作为一个通用的通信技术,WCF并不强制使用排队的消息传递模式。 而NServiceBus是强制的,这对架构的影响是深远的。





    Store and Forward Messaging

    在这个模型中,当客户端调用API发送一个消息给服务器进程时,在消息发送之前API返回控制给调用线程.这一点上,消息通过网络的传输成为了消息技术的职责,可能有很多不同的通信接口,服务器可能关闭了或是有防火墙降低了传输 。而正在发生的这一切客户端浑然不觉,像线程(给它分配的内存等)这样的关键资源不会保持到调用完成。这样可以防止客户端进程丧失稳定而许多线程和他们所有的内存耗尽来等待其他机器或过程的响应。



    Full duplex 'Request/Response' messaging





    'Subscription process




    Another option that can be used is for multiple physical subscribers to make themselves appear as one single logical subscriber. This makes it possible to load balance the handling of messages between multiple physical subscribers without any explicit coordination on the part of the publisher or the part of any one subscriber. All that is needed is for all subscribers to specify the same return address in the subscription message.


    Publishing process

    Publishing a message involves having the message arrive at all endpoints that previously subscribed to that type of message.


    Messages that are published often represent events or things that have happened; for instance, Order Cancelled, Product Out of Stock, and Shipping Delayed. Sometimes, the cause of an event is the handling of a previous command message, for instance Cancel Order. A publisher is not required to publish a message as a part of handling a command message although it is the simplest solution.


    Since many command messages can be received in a short period of time, publishing a message to all subscribers for every command message multiplies the incoming load and, as such, is a less than optimal solution. A better solution has the publisher rolling up all the changes that occurred in a given period of time into a single published message. The appropriate period of time depends on the Service Level Agreement of the publisher and its commitment to the freshness of the data. For instance, in the financial domain the publishing period may be 10ms, while in the business of consumer e-commerce, a minute may be acceptable.


    Another advantage of publishing messages on a timer is that that activity can be offloaded from the endpoint/server processing command messages, effectively scaling out over more servers.

    Command query separation

    Many systems provide users with the ability to search, filter, and sort data. While one-way messaging and publish/subscribe are core components of the implementation of these features, the way they are combined is not at all like a regular client-server request/response.

    In regular client-server development, the server provides the client with all CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) capabilities. However, when users look at data they do not often require it to be up-to-date to the second (given that they often look at the same screen for several seconds to minutes at a time). As such, retrieving data from the same table as that being used for highly consistent transaction processing creates contention, resulting in poor performance for all CRUD actions under higher load.

    A solution that avoids this problem separates commands and queries at the system level, even above that of client and server. In this solution there are two "services" that span both client and server: one in charge of commands (create, update, delete), and the other in charge of queries (read). These services communicate only via messages; one cannot access the database of the other, as shown in the following diagram:

    Command Query Separation

    The command service publishes messages about changes to data, to which the query service subscribes. When the query service receives such notifications, it saves the data in its own data store which may well have a different schema (optimized for queries like a star schema). The query service may also keep all data in memory if the data is small enough.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kelite/p/3238725.html
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