• 微信小程序之评分页面




    var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index; // 获取当前点击的是第几颗星星


    var tempUserStars = this.data.userStars; // 暂存星星数组
    var len = tempUserStars.length; // 获取星星数组的长度










    count: 5 - pics.length, // 最多可以选择的图片张数,默认9
    sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], // original 原图,compressed 压缩图,默认二者都有
    sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], // album 从相册选图,camera 使用相机,默认二者都有

    success: function (res) {
      var imgsrc = res.tempFilePaths;
      pics = pics.concat(imgsrc);
      // console.log(imgsrc);
        pics: pics,
        // console.log(pics),
    inputs: function (e) {
      // 获取输入框的内容
      var value = e.detail.value;
      // 获取输入框内容的长度
      var len = parseInt(value.length);
      if (len > this.data.max)
      // 当输入框内容的长度大于最大长度限制(max)时,终止setData()的执行
        currentWordNumber: len //当前字数
     1 <!--服务评价-->
     2 <view class="service">
     3   <!--评分-->
     4   <view class='score'>
     5     <view class='left'>
     6       评分
     7     </view>
     8     <view class='right'>
     9        <view bindtap="starTap" data-index="{{index}}"  class="star" wx:for="{{userStars}}" wx:key="index">
    10         <image src="{{item}}"></image>
    11       </view>
    12       <text class='rtxt'>{{wjxScore}}.0分</text>
    13     </view>
    14   </view>
    15   <!--内容-->
    16   <view class='content'>
    17     <view class='left'>
    18       内容
    19     </view>
    20     <view class='right'>
    21       <text bindtap='label' class="{{attitude===true ? 'labelColor':''}}" data-index="{{attitude}}">小清新</text>
    22       <text bindtap='label1' class="{{time===false? 'labelColor':''}}" data-index="{{time}}">文采好</text>
    23       <text bindtap='label2' class="{{efficiency===false?'labelColor':''}}" data-index="{{efficiency}}">甜甜的</text>
    24       <text bindtap='label3' class="{{environment===false?'labelColor':''}}" data-index="{{environment}}">值得收藏</text>
    25       <text bindtap='label4' class="{{professional===false?'labelColor':''}}" data-index="{{professional}}">很文艺</text> 
    26     </view>
    27   </view>
    28   <!--图片-->
    29   <view class='picture'>
    30     <view class='left'>
    31       图片
    32     </view>
    33     <view class='right'>
    34        <view class="parcel" wx:for="{{pics}}" wx:key="{{index}}">
    35        <image src="{{pics[index]}}" class="According" data-index="{{index}}" mode="aspectFill" bindtap="previewImg"></image>
    36        </view>
    37       <image src='../img/add.png' class='add' bindtap='choose'></image>
    38     </view>
    39   </view>
    40 </view>
    41 <!--textarea-->
    42 <view class="conts">
    43     <textarea class="areas" placeholder='更多评价请写在这里(最多300字)' minlength="{{min}}" maxlength="{{max}}" bindinput="inputs"> 
    44         <!-- <text class="currentWordNumber">{{currentWordNumber|0}}/{{max}}</text> -->
    45     </textarea>
    46 </view>
    47 <!--提交评价-->
    48 <button class='btn' bindtap='handleBtn'>提交评价</button>


      1 page {
      2   width: 100%;
      3   height: 100%;
      4   background: #f0f0f0;
      5 }
      6 .service {
      7   width: 100%;
      8   overflow: hidden;
      9   box-sizing: border-box;
     10   padding: 0 20rpx;
     11   background: #fff;
     12 }
     13 .score {
     14   width: 100%;
     15   height: 100rpx;
     16   border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
     17 }
     18 .star {
     19   float: left;
     20   width: 54rpx;
     21   height: 100rpx;
     22   text-align: center;
     23   line-height: 100rpx;
     24 }
     25 .star image{
     26   width: 40rpx;
     27   height: 40rpx;
     28   margin-top: 30rpx;
     29 }
     30 .score .left {
     31   width: 100rpx;
     32   line-height: 100rpx;
     33   font-size: 30rpx;
     34   float: left;
     35 }
     36 .score .right {
     37   width: 610rpx;
     38   font-size: 30rpx;
     39   float: left;
     40   color: #888;
     41 }
     43 .score .right .rtxt {
     44   display: inline-block;
     45   height: 100rpx;
     46   line-height: 100rpx;
     47   margin-left: 15rpx;
     48   color: #c00;
     49   font-weight: bold;
     50 }
     51 .labelColor {
     52   color: #c00;
     53   border: 1px solid #c00 !important;
     54 }
     55 .content {
     56   width: 100%;
     57   overflow: hidden;
     58   border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;
     59   padding:0 0 26rpx 0;
     60   box-sizing: border-box;
     61 } 
     62 .content .left {
     63   width: 100rpx;
     64   font-size: 30rpx;
     65   float: left;
     66   padding-top: 20rpx;
     67 }
     68 .content .right {
     69   width: 610rpx;
     70   font-size: 24rpx;
     71   float: left;
     72   color: #888;
     73 }
     74 .content .right text {
     75   font-size: 24rpx;
     76   padding: 13rpx 24rpx;
     77   float: left;
     78   border: 1px solid #888;
     79   border-radius: 10rpx;
     80   margin-right: 34rpx;
     81   margin-top: 20rpx;
     82 }
     83 .picture {
     84   width: 100%;
     85   overflow: hidden;
     86   background: #fff;
     87   border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
     88 }
     89 .picture .left {
     90   width: 100rpx;
     91   font-size: 30rpx;
     92   float: left;
     93   padding-top: 20rpx;
     94 }
     95 .picture .right {
     96   width: 610rpx;
     97   font-size: 24rpx;
     98   float: left;
     99   color: #888;
    100   box-sizing: border-box;
    101   padding-top:36rpx; 
    102 }
    103 .picture .right .add {
    104   width: 120rpx;
    105   height: 120rpx;
    106   margin-right: 10rpx;
    107 }
    108 .According{
    109   width:120rpx;
    110   height:120rpx;
    111   float:left;
    112   margin-right:10rpx;
    113   margin-bottom: 10rpx;
    114 }
    115 .parcel{
    116  width:120rpx;
    117   height:120rpx;
    118   float:left;
    119   margin-right:10rpx;
    120    margin-bottom: 10rpx;
    121   position: relative;
    122 }
    123 .deleteimg{
    124   width:30rpx;
    125   height:30rpx;
    126   position: absolute;
    127   right:0;
    128   top:0;
    129   z-index: 2;
    130 }
    131 .conts{
    132   width: 100%;
    133   height: auto;
    134   background: #fff;
    135 }
    136 textarea {
    137   width: 687rpx;
    138 }
    139 .areas{
    140   height:315rpx;
    141   font-size: 30rpx;
    142   padding-top: 30rpx;
    143   margin: 0 auto;
    144   overflow: hidden;   
    145   position: relative; 
    146 }
    147 .currentWordNumber{
    148   font-size: 28rpx;
    149   position: absolute;
    150   left: 0%;
    151   bottom: 0rpx;
    152   color: #c00;
    153 }
    154 .hint{
    155    font-size: 28rpx;
    156    position: absolute;
    157    top: 120rpx;
    158    left: 30rpx;
    159    color: #FF6600;
    160 }
    161 .btn {
    162   width: 600rpx;
    163   height: 80rpx;
    164   line-height: 80rpx;
    165   font-size: 30rpx;
    166   color: #fff;
    167   background: #c00;
    168   position: fixed;
    169   left:75rpx;
    170   bottom: 37rpx;
    171 } 
    172 button:after {
    173   border: 0;
    174 }


      1 const app = getApp();
      2 Page({
      3   data: {
      4     staticImg: app.globalData.staticImg,
      5     current: 0,
      6     attitude: true,
      7     time: true,
      8     efficiency: true,
      9     environment: true,
     10     professional: true,
     11     code:1,
     12     code1:2,
     13     userStars: [
     14       "../img/sx.png",
     15       "../img/sx.png",
     16       "../img/sx.png",
     17       "../img/sx.png",
     18       "../img/sx.png",
     19     ],
     20     wjxScore: 5,
     21     // textarea
     22     min: 5,//最少字数
     23     max: 300, //最多字数 (根据自己需求改变) 
     24     pics: [],
     25   },
     26   // 星星点击事件
     27   starTap: function (e) {
     28     var that = this;
     29     var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index; // 获取当前点击的是第几颗星星
     30     var tempUserStars = this.data.userStars; // 暂存星星数组
     31     var len = tempUserStars.length; // 获取星星数组的长度
     32     for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
     33       if (i <= index) { // 小于等于index的是满心
     34         tempUserStars[i] = "../img/sx.png";
     35         that.setData({
     36           wjxScore: i + 1,
     37         })
     38       } else { // 其他是空心
     39         tempUserStars[i] = "../img/kx.png"
     40       }
     41     }
     42     // 重新赋值就可以显示了
     43     that.setData({
     44       userStars: tempUserStars
     45     })
     46   },
     47   // 标签
     48   label: function (e) {
     49     console.log(e)
     50     var that = this;
     51     that.setData({
     52       attitude: !e.currentTarget.dataset.index
     53     })
     54   },
     55   label1: function (e) {
     56     console.log(e)
     57     var that = this;
     58     that.setData({
     59       time: !e.currentTarget.dataset.index
     60     })
     61   },
     62   label2: function (e) {
     63     console.log(e)
     64     var that = this;
     65     that.setData({
     66       efficiency: !e.currentTarget.dataset.index
     67     })
     68   },
     69   label3: function (e) {
     70     console.log(e)
     71     var that = this;
     72     that.setData({
     73       environment: !e.currentTarget.dataset.index
     74     })
     75   },
     76   label4: function (e) {
     77     console.log(e)
     78     var that = this;
     79     that.setData({
     80       professional: !e.currentTarget.dataset.index
     81     })
     82   },
     83   // 留言
     84   //字数限制  
     85   inputs: function (e) {
     86     // 获取输入框的内容
     87     var value = e.detail.value;
     88     // 获取输入框内容的长度
     89     var len = parseInt(value.length);
     90     //最多字数限制
     91     if (len > this.data.max) 
     92     return;
     93     // 当输入框内容的长度大于最大长度限制(max)时,终止setData()的执行
     94     this.setData({
     95       currentWordNumber: len //当前字数  
     96     });
     97   },
     98   // 图片
     99   choose: function (e) {//这里是选取图片的方法
    100     var that = this;
    101     var pics = that.data.pics;
    102     wx.chooseImage({
    103       count: 5 - pics.length, // 最多可以选择的图片张数,默认9
    104       sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], // original 原图,compressed 压缩图,默认二者都有
    105       sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], // album 从相册选图,camera 使用相机,默认二者都有
    106       success: function (res) {
    107         var imgsrc = res.tempFilePaths;
    108         pics = pics.concat(imgsrc);
    109         console.log(pics);
    110         // console.log(imgsrc);
    111         that.setData({
    112           pics: pics,
    113           // console.log(pics),
    114         });
    115       },
    116       fail: function () {
    117         // fail
    118       },
    119       complete: function () {
    120         // complete
    121       }
    122     })
    124   },
    125   uploadimg: function () {//这里触发图片上传的方法
    126     var pics = this.data.pics;
    127     console.log(pics);
    128     app.uploadimg({
    129       url: 'https://........',//这里是你图片上传的接口
    130       path: pics//这里是选取的图片的地址数组
    131     });
    132   },
    133   onLoad: function (options) {
    135   },
    136   // 删除图片
    137   deleteImg: function (e) {
    138     var pics = this.data.pics;
    139     var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
    140     pics.splice(index, 1);
    141     this.setData({
    142       pics: pics
    143     });
    144   },
    145   // 预览图片
    146   previewImg: function (e) {
    147     //获取当前图片的下标
    148     var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
    149     //所有图片
    150     var pics = this.data.pics;
    151     wx.previewImage({
    152       //当前显示图片
    153       current: pics[index],
    154       //所有图片
    155       urls: pics
    156     })
    157   },
    158   handleBtn(){
    159     wx:if(this.data.code==1){
    160       wx.showToast({
    161         title: '评价成功',
    162         icon: 'succes',
    163         duration: 1500,
    164         mask: true,
    165         success:function(){
    166           setTimeout(function(){
    167             wx.reLaunch({
    168               url: '../index/index'
    169             })
    170           },1500)
    171         }
    172       });
    173     } else if (this.data.code1 == 2){
    174       console.log("111")
    175       wx.showToast({
    176         title: '评价失败',
    177         image: '../img/fail.png',
    178         duration: 1500,
    179         mask: true
    180       })
    181     }
    182   }
    183 })

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kanglinen/p/10916944.html
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