• 英文文法学习笔记(19)时态






    1. She writes a letter.
    2. She wrote a letter.
    3. She will write a letter.
    4. She is writing a letter.
    5. She was writing a letter.
    6. She will be writing a letter.
    7. She has written a letter.
    8. She had written a letter.
    9. She will have written a letter.
    10. She has been writing a letter.
    11. She had been writing a letter.
    12. She will have been writing a letter.

    1.1 现在式

    13. Everything is in order.
    14. Joe owns a house by the sea.
    15. I own a house by the sea.
    16. I always drink coffee for breakfast.
    17. My family go to church on Sundays.
    18. The earth goes around the sun.
    19. Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.
    20. Three times four is twelve.
    21. Here comes a bus.
    22. I see some sparrows on the roof.
    23. Tomorrow is Mother's Day.
    24. Our flight leaves at 11:45.
    25. The birds will fly south when winter comes.
    26. What will consumers do if prices rise.

    1.2 过去式

    27. There was a traffic jam on the expressway.
    28. Suntanned men and women strolled along the beach.
    29. I usually rode my bicycle to school when I was a school boy.
    30. We used to swim in the river.
    31. I never heard from him before.
    32. Did you ever see a panda?

    1.3 未来式

    33. Will it rain tomorrow?
    34. My brother will be twenty next year.
    35. I will give you my answer tomorrow.
    36. I'm going to learn how to drive a car.
    37. Are you going to sell that car?
    38. My dog is very ill, I'm afraid he is going to die.
    39. The telephone is ringing. - Ok, I'll answer it.
    40. What are you plans for tonight? - I'm going to meet a friend for dinner.
    41. Please take your seats; the performance is about to begin.
    42. My father is taking us to the movies on Saturday.
    43. He was on the point of going out.
    44. The President is to make a speech on TV tonight.

    1.4 现在进行式

    45. Where is Jack? - He is playing tennis with Bob now.
    46. Why are you driving so fast? You usually drive very carefully.
    47. John, you are being naughty.
    48. Tom is always interrupting me when I'm talking.
    49. You're constantly making poor excuses.
    50. He is dying.
    51. They are opening a new boutique at the street corner.
    52. What are you looking for?
    53. I have a new watch now.

    1.5 过去进行式

    54. I was washing dishes when my wife came home.
    55. They were suffering from influenza.
    56. At a teenager, he was always causing trouble for others.
    57. In those days, we were getting up at seven o'clock.
    58. I thought you were coming home at six.
    59. He was coming to see me yesterday, but he didn't.
    60. She was constantly seeking the topic for a novel.

    1.6 未来进行式

    61. I'll be driving at this time tomorrow.
    62. I'll be waiting for you at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
    63. I'll be visiting London the day after tomorrow.
    => I will visit London the day after tomorrow.

    1.7 现在完成式

    64. I have known Paul since we were children.
    65. I haven't seen you for a long time.
    => I haven't seen you for years.
    => I haven't seen you for ages.
    => It has been a long time since I last saw you.
    => It is a long time since I last saw you.
    => Long time no see.(非正式)
    66. I've just finished lunch.
    67. Has is struck seven yet?
    68. I have visited New York twice.
    69. Have you ever taken the MRT?
    70. I have been to the airport to see my uncle off.
    71. My father has gone to Hong Kong on business.
    72. Did you ever see such a beautiful sunset?  
    => Have you ever seen such a beautiful sunset?
    73. My brother went to Kenting yesterday.
    74. My brother has gone to Kenting.
    75. I have lost my pen, so I have to buy one.
    76. I lost my pen, but I found it later.
    77. Wait till I've finished my coffee.
    78. As soon as I have saved 200,000 dollars, I'll buy a new car.

    1.8 过去完成式

    79. The game had already begun when we arrived at the stadium.
    80. The had known each other for ten years when they finally got married.
    81. I had never spoken to a foreigner before I got into university.
    82. She told me the story of the opera because she had seen it before.
    83. I lost the watch which my uncle had bought for me.
    => My uncle bought a watch for me and I lost it.
    84. I didn't know that the band had broken up.
    => The band broke up but I didn't know that.

    1.9 未来完成式

    85. The concert will have finished by the time we get there.
    86. The lake will have frozen by tomorrow morning.
    87. I will have failed the driving test three times if I fail tomorrow.
    88. You will have studied English for six years by the time you finish high school.

    1.10 完成进行式

    89. I have been doing this puzzle for 20 minutes.
    90. How long have you been waiting here?
    91. I have just read through Tolstoy's "War and Peace".
    92. I have been reading Tolstoy's "War and Peace".
    93. The had been searching for six months when they found the treasure.
    94. We had been going to Paris for advanced study, but we never went.
    95. You will have been studying English for five years by next March.
    96. She will have been teaching Japanese for ten years by next April.



    2.1 现在式

    	1) 表示现在的状态或动作
    	2) 表示习惯性的动作
    	3) 表示不变的真理或事实
    	4) 表示眼前的动作或状态
    	5) 表示确定的未来、计划
    	6) 主要句子为未来式时,表时间、条件的副词子句用现在式

    2.2 过去式

    	1) 表示过去的动作或状态
    	2) 表示过去的习惯
    	3) 表示经验,多伴随ever、never

    2.3 未来式

    be going to表示未来。
    will纯粹表示未来;be going to表示未来要做的动作,经过事先的计划或安排。
    	be about to 即将发生的

    2.4 现在进行式

    用“am / is / are  + 现在分词”的句型表示。
    	1) 现在正在进行的动作或状态
    	2) 表示现在所发生的反复动作,多伴随着always,all the time, constantly, repeatedly等
    	3) 表示未来 (思考:为何不直接用未来式?)

    2.5 过去进行式

    用“was / were  + 现在分词”的句型表示。
    	1) 表示过去某一时间点正在进行的动作
    	2) 表示过去习惯性的行为
    	3) 以过去某一时间点为准,可确定的未来或计划
    	4) 表示过去反复的动作。常伴随continually,constantly等

    2.6 未来进行式

    用“will be  + 现在分词”的句型表示。
    	1) 表示未来某一时间点正在进行的动作
    	2) 表示最近的将来预定要做的动作。但现在较少使用,因为可用将来式替代,参考例句:63.

    2.7 现在完成式

    用“have / has + 过去分词”的句型表示。
    	1) 表示从过去持续到现在的动作
    	2) 表示动作或事件的完成
    	3) 表示经验
    	4) 用于表示未来的副词子句中

    2.8 过去完成式

    用“had + 过去分词”的句型表示。
    	1) 表示到过去某一时间点为止动作或状态的持续及完成
    	2) 表示过去一段时间中的经验
    	3) 表示比过去某时间点更早之前的动作

    2.9 未来完成式

    用“will have + 过去分词”的句型表示。
    	1) 到未来某时间点前,可预测之结果
    	2) 表示到未来某时间点前可预测的经验或持续状态

    2.10 完成进行式

    	用“have/has been + 现在分词”的句型表示。
    	用“had been + 现在分词”的句型表示。
    	用“will have been + 现在分词”的句型表示。


    1. 她写信。

    2. 她写了一封信。

    3. 她将写一封信。

    4. 她正在写信。

    5. 她正在写信。

    6. 她将要写信。

    7. 她写了一封信。

    8. 她写了一封信。

    9. 她将写一封信。

    10. 她一直在写信。

    11. 她一直在写信。

    12. 她将一直在写信。

    3.1 现在式

    1. 每样东西都井然有序。

    2. Joe在海边拥有一间房子。

    3. 我在海边拥有一间房子。

    4. 我早餐总是喝咖啡。

    5. 我的家人星期天上教堂。

    6. 地球绕着太阳转。

    7. 水由氢和氧构成。

    8. 3 乘 4 等于 12。

    9. 公车来了。

    10. 我看见一些麻雀在屋顶上。

    11. 明天是母亲节。

    12. 我们的班机在11点45分起飞。

    13. 当冬天来临这些鸟会飞向南方。

    14. 如果价格上扬消费者会如何?

    3.2 过去式

    1. 在快速道路上塞车。

    2. 被太阳晒黑的男男女女沿着海滩散步。

    3. 当我是个学童时,通常骑脚踏车上学。

    4. 我们过去经常在这条河里游泳。

    5. 我以前一直没有他的消息。

    6. 你曾见过熊猫吗?

    3.3 未来式

    1. 明天会下雨吗?

    2. 我哥哥明年20岁。

    3. 明天我会给你答复。

    4. 我要去学开车。

    5. 你打算卖掉那辆车吗?

    6. 我的狗病的很重,我担心它快死了。

    7. 电话响了。- 好,我来接。

    8. 你今晚有何计划?- 我约了朋友吃晚餐。

    9. 请就坐,表演即将开始。

    10. 我父亲将在星期六带我们去看电影。

    11. 他那时即将要出去。

    12. 总统今晚将在电视上演说。

    3.4 现在进行式

    1. Jack在哪里?- 他正在和Bob打网球。

    2. 你为什么开得那么快?你一向都很小心开车的。

    3. John,你又在捣蛋了。

    4. 当我说话时,老是被Tom打断。

    5. 你老是作些笨拙的辩解。

    6. 他快死了。

    7. 他们即将在街角开一家新的精品店。

    8. 你正在看什么?

    9. 现在我有了一只新手表。

    3.5 过去进行式

    1. 我太太回来时我正在洗碗。

    2. 当时他们正患着流行性感冒。

    3. 他年轻时总是替别人找麻烦。

    4. 在那些日子,我们总是在七点起床。

    5. 我以为你会在六点回到家。

    6. 他昨天原本打算来看我的,结果没来。

    7. 她过去经常在寻找写小说的题材。

    3.6 未来进行式

    1. 明天这个时候我正在开车。

    2. 明天下午3点我会等你。

    3. 后天我将造访伦敦。

    3.7 现在完成式

    1. 打从孩子时我就认识Paul。

    2. 好久不见。

    3. 我刚吃完午餐。

    4. 已经7点了吗?

    5. 我去过纽约两次。

    6. 你搭过捷运了吗?

    7. 我刚去了机场为我叔叔送行。

    8. 我父亲因公到香港去。

    9. 你曾看过如此美丽的日落吗?

    10. 我哥哥昨天去肯丁。

    11. 我哥哥去了肯丁。

    12. 我弄丢了笔,所以必须去买一只。

    13. 我丢了笔,但后来找到了。

    14. 请等我喝完咖啡。

    15. 只要我存到了20万,我会买一辆新车。

    3.8 过去完成式

    1. 当我们到达体育馆时,比赛已经开始了。

    2. 到他们结婚时,他们已认识了十年。

    3. 在我进大学前,我从未和外国人说过话。

    4. 她告诉我这歌剧的情节因为她以前曾看过。

    5. 我弄丢了我叔叔之前买给我的手表。

    6. 我不知道那乐团已经解散了。

    3.9 未来完成式

    1. 在我们到达那里之前,音乐会就会结束了吧。

    2. 明天早上前,湖应该会结冻了吧。

    87. 如果我明天再失败的话,我的路考已经失败了三次。

    1. 在你念完高中时,就已经学了六年的英语了。

    3.10 完成进行式

    1. 我拼这个拼图20分钟了。

    2. 你还要在这里等多久?

    3. 我刚把托尔斯泰的【战争与和平】读完。

    4. 我一直在读托尔斯泰的【战争与和平】。

    5. 当他们发现宝藏的时候,他们已经寻找了六个月。

    6. 我们原本打算到巴黎去进修,结果我们没有去。

    7. 到下一个三月为止,你就学英文五年了。

    8. 直到明年四月为止,她教日文就满十年了。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jyzhao/p/15890883.html
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