• over partition by




    create table TABLE_0111
      NAME  VARCHAR2(20),
      MONTH VARCHAR2(20),
      PV    INTEGER


    insert into TABLE_0111 (NAME, MONTH, PV)
    values ('A', '2015-01', 5);
    insert into TABLE_0111 (NAME, MONTH, PV)
    values ('A', '2015-01', 15);
    insert into TABLE_0111 (NAME, MONTH, PV)
    values ('B', '2015-01', 5);
    insert into TABLE_0111 (NAME, MONTH, PV)
    values ('A', '2015-01', 8);
    insert into TABLE_0111 (NAME, MONTH, PV)
    values ('B', '2015-01', 25);
    insert into TABLE_0111 (NAME, MONTH, PV)
    values ('A', '2015-01', 5);
    insert into TABLE_0111 (NAME, MONTH, PV)
    values ('A', '2015-02', 4);
    insert into TABLE_0111 (NAME, MONTH, PV)
    values ('A', '2015-02', 6);
    insert into TABLE_0111 (NAME, MONTH, PV)
    values ('B', '2015-02', 10);
    insert into TABLE_0111 (NAME, MONTH, PV)
    values ('B', '2015-02', 5);
    insert into TABLE_0111 (NAME, MONTH, PV)
    values ('A', '2015-03', 16);
    insert into TABLE_0111 (NAME, MONTH, PV)
    values ('A', '2015-03', 22);
    insert into TABLE_0111 (NAME, MONTH, PV)
    values ('B', '2015-03', 23);
    insert into TABLE_0111 (NAME, MONTH, PV)
    values ('B', '2015-03', 10);
    insert into TABLE_0111 (NAME, MONTH, PV)
    values ('B', '2015-03', 11);


    create or replace view tab_01 as
      select name, month, sum(pv) as total
        from TABLE_0111
       group by name, month
       order by name, month;
    create or replace view tab_02 as
      select *
        from (select t1.name  as t1name,
                     t1.month as t1month,
                     t1.total as t1total,
                     t2.name  as t2name,
                     t2.month as t2month,
                     t2.total as t2total
                from tab_01 t1
                join tab_01 t2 on t1.name = t2.name)
       where t2month >= t1month;
    select * from tab_01;
    select * from tab_02;
    select t2name, t2month, t2total, max(t1total), sum(t1total)
      from tab_02
     group by t2name, t2month, t2total
     order by t2name, t2month;


    select * from TABLE_0111;
    select name,
           max(total) over(partition by name order by name, month rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as maxpv,
           sum(total) over(partition by name order by name, month rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as sumpv
      from tab_01;




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jycjy/p/11582482.html
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