Windows 下 Redis 集群搭建
(集群正常运作至少需要三个主节点,不过在刚开始试用集群功能时, 强烈建议使用六个节点: 其中三个为主节点, 而其余三个则是各个主节点的从节点。主节点崩溃,从节点的Redis就会提升为主节点,代替原来的主节点工作,崩溃的主Redis回复工作后,会成为从节点)
拷贝开始下载的 redis 解压后的目录,并修改文件名(比如按集群下 redis 端口命名)如下:
6379、6380、6381、6382、6383、6384 对应的就是后面个节点下启动 redis 的端口。
在节点目录下新建文件,输入(举例在 6380 文件夹下新建文件)
title redis-6380;
然后保存为 start.bat 下次启动时直接执行该脚本即可。
接着分别打开各个文件下的,分别修改如下配置(举例修改 6380 文件下的 redis.window.conf 文件):
port 6380 //修改为与当前文件夹名字一样的端口号
appendonly yes //指定是否在每次更新操作后进行日志记录,Redis在默认情况下是异步的把数据写入磁盘,如果不开启,可能会在断电时导致一段时间内的数据丢失。 yes表示:存储方式,aof,将写操作记录保存到日志中
cluster-enabled yes //开启集群模式
cluster-config-file nodes-6380.conf //保存节点配置,自动创建,自动更新(建议命名时加上端口号)
cluster-node-timeout 15000 //集群超时时间,节点超过这个时间没反应就断定是宕机
其他文件节点 6379~6384 也修改相应的节点配置信息和建立启动脚本(略)。
下载完成后安装,一步步点 next 直到安装完成(安装时勾选3个选项)
然后对 ruby 进行配置:
可以打开 然后复制里面的内容到本地并保存为 redis-trib.rb;
#!/usr/bin/env ruby # TODO (temporary here, we'll move this into the Github issues once # redis-trib initial implementation is completed). # # - Make sure that if the rehashing fails in the middle redis-trib will try # to recover. # - When redis-trib performs a cluster check, if it detects a slot move in # progress it should prompt the user to continue the move from where it # stopped. # - Gracefully handle Ctrl+C in move_slot to prompt the user if really stop # while rehashing, and performing the best cleanup possible if the user # forces the quit. # - When doing "fix" set a global Fix to true, and prompt the user to # fix the problem if automatically fixable every time there is something # to fix. For instance: # 1) If there is a node that pretend to receive a slot, or to migrate a # slot, but has no entries in that slot, fix it. # 2) If there is a node having keys in slots that are not owned by it # fix this condition moving the entries in the same node. # 3) Perform more possibly slow tests about the state of the cluster. # 4) When aborted slot migration is detected, fix it. require 'rubygems' require 'redis' ClusterHashSlots = 16384 def xputs(s) case s[0..2] when ">>>" color="29;1" when "[ER" color="31;1" when "[OK" color="32" when "[FA","***" color="33" else color=nil end color = nil if ENV['TERM'] != "xterm" print "