• 08Prism WPF 入门实战 Cmd&EeventAggregator




    命令表示应用程序任务,并且跟踪任务是否能够被执行。在Prism里Command相关的对象都被集成到Prism框架中(namespace Prism.Commands)方便开发者使用。










    private DelegateCommand _printMsg1Command;
    public DelegateCommand PrintMsg1Command { get => _printMsg1Command ?? (_printMsg1Command = new DelegateCommand(PrintMsgAction)); }


    private void PrintMsgAction()


    <Button Width="150" Height="30" Content="PrintCommand" Command="{Binding PrintMsg1Command}"></Button>













    private DelegateCommand _printMsg1Command;
    private DelegateCommand _printMsg2Command;
    public DelegateCommand PrintMsg1Command { get => _printMsg1Command ?? (_printMsg1Command = new DelegateCommand(PrintMsgAction1)); }
    public DelegateCommand PrintMsg2Command { get => _printMsg2Command ?? (_printMsg2Command = new DelegateCommand(PrintMsgAction2)); }
    private void PrintMsgAction1()
    private void PrintMsgAction2()


    public CompositeCommand TempCompoCommand { get => _tempCompoCommand ?? (_tempCompoCommand = new CompositeCommand()); }
    public MainWindowViewModel()


    <Button Width="150" Height="30" Content="CompoCommand" Command="{Binding TempCompoCommand}"></Button>










    • Prism中聚合事件的定义。
    namespace Prism.Events
       // 摘要:
       //     Defines a class that manages publication and subscription to events.
       // 类型参数:
       //   TPayload:
       //     The type of message that will be passed to the subscribers.
       public class PubSubEvent<TPayload> : EventBase
           // 摘要:
           //     Subscribes a delegate to an event that will be published on the Prism.Events.ThreadOption.PublisherThread.
           //     Prism.Events.PubSubEvent`1 will maintain a System.WeakReference to the target
           //     of the supplied action delegate.
           // 参数:
           //   action:
           //     The delegate that gets executed when the event is published.
           // 返回结果:
           //     A Prism.Events.SubscriptionToken that uniquely identifies the added subscription.
           // 言论:
           //     The PubSubEvent collection is thread-safe.
           public SubscriptionToken Subscribe(Action<TPayload> action)
               return Subscribe(action, ThreadOption.PublisherThread);
           // 摘要:
           //     Subscribes a delegate to an event that will be published on the Prism.Events.ThreadOption.PublisherThread
           // 参数:
           //   action:
           //     The delegate that gets executed when the event is raised.
           //   filter:
           //     Filter to evaluate if the subscriber should receive the event.
           // 返回结果:
           //     A Prism.Events.SubscriptionToken that uniquely identifies the added subscription.
           public virtual SubscriptionToken Subscribe(Action<TPayload> action, Predicate<TPayload> filter)
               return Subscribe(action, ThreadOption.PublisherThread, keepSubscriberReferenceAlive: false, filter);
           // 摘要:
           //     Subscribes a delegate to an event. PubSubEvent will maintain a System.WeakReference
           //     to the Target of the supplied action delegate.
           // 参数:
           //   action:
           //     The delegate that gets executed when the event is raised.
           //   threadOption:
           //     Specifies on which thread to receive the delegate callback.
           // 返回结果:
           //     A Prism.Events.SubscriptionToken that uniquely identifies the added subscription.
           // 言论:
           //     The PubSubEvent collection is thread-safe.
           public SubscriptionToken Subscribe(Action<TPayload> action, ThreadOption threadOption)
               return Subscribe(action, threadOption, keepSubscriberReferenceAlive: false);
           // 摘要:
           //     Subscribes a delegate to an event that will be published on the Prism.Events.ThreadOption.PublisherThread.
           // 参数:
           //   action:
           //     The delegate that gets executed when the event is published.
           //   keepSubscriberReferenceAlive:
           //     When true, the Prism.Events.PubSubEvent`1 keeps a reference to the subscriber
           //     so it does not get garbage collected.
           // 返回结果:
           //     A Prism.Events.SubscriptionToken that uniquely identifies the added subscription.
           // 言论:
           //     If keepSubscriberReferenceAlive is set to false, Prism.Events.PubSubEvent`1 will
           //     maintain a System.WeakReference to the Target of the supplied action delegate.
           //     If not using a WeakReference (keepSubscriberReferenceAlive is true), the user
           //     must explicitly call Unsubscribe for the event when disposing the subscriber
           //     in order to avoid memory leaks or unexpected behavior.
           //     The PubSubEvent collection is thread-safe.
           public SubscriptionToken Subscribe(Action<TPayload> action, bool keepSubscriberReferenceAlive)
               return Subscribe(action, ThreadOption.PublisherThread, keepSubscriberReferenceAlive);
           // 摘要:
           //     Subscribes a delegate to an event.
           // 参数:
           //   action:
           //     The delegate that gets executed when the event is published.
           //   threadOption:
           //     Specifies on which thread to receive the delegate callback.
           //   keepSubscriberReferenceAlive:
           //     When true, the Prism.Events.PubSubEvent`1 keeps a reference to the subscriber
           //     so it does not get garbage collected.
           // 返回结果:
           //     A Prism.Events.SubscriptionToken that uniquely identifies the added subscription.
           // 言论:
           //     If keepSubscriberReferenceAlive is set to false, Prism.Events.PubSubEvent`1 will
           //     maintain a System.WeakReference to the Target of the supplied action delegate.
           //     If not using a WeakReference (keepSubscriberReferenceAlive is true), the user
           //     must explicitly call Unsubscribe for the event when disposing the subscriber
           //     in order to avoid memory leaks or unexpected behavior.
           //     The PubSubEvent collection is thread-safe.
           public SubscriptionToken Subscribe(Action<TPayload> action, ThreadOption threadOption, bool keepSubscriberReferenceAlive)
               return Subscribe(action, threadOption, keepSubscriberReferenceAlive, null);
           // 摘要:
           //     Subscribes a delegate to an event.
           // 参数:
           //   action:
           //     The delegate that gets executed when the event is published.
           //   threadOption:
           //     Specifies on which thread to receive the delegate callback.
           //   keepSubscriberReferenceAlive:
           //     When true, the Prism.Events.PubSubEvent`1 keeps a reference to the subscriber
           //     so it does not get garbage collected.
           //   filter:
           //     Filter to evaluate if the subscriber should receive the event.
           // 返回结果:
           //     A Prism.Events.SubscriptionToken that uniquely identifies the added subscription.
           // 言论:
           //     If keepSubscriberReferenceAlive is set to false, Prism.Events.PubSubEvent`1 will
           //     maintain a System.WeakReference to the Target of the supplied action delegate.
           //     If not using a WeakReference (keepSubscriberReferenceAlive is true), the user
           //     must explicitly call Unsubscribe for the event when disposing the subscriber
           //     in order to avoid memory leaks or unexpected behavior. The PubSubEvent collection
           //     is thread-safe.
           public virtual SubscriptionToken Subscribe(Action<TPayload> action, ThreadOption threadOption, bool keepSubscriberReferenceAlive, Predicate<TPayload> filter)
               IDelegateReference actionReference = new DelegateReference(action, keepSubscriberReferenceAlive);
               IDelegateReference filterReference = (filter == null) ? new DelegateReference((Predicate<TPayload>)((TPayload _003Cp0_003E) => true), keepReferenceAlive: true) : new DelegateReference(filter, keepSubscriberReferenceAlive);
               EventSubscription<TPayload> eventSubscription;
               switch (threadOption)
                   case ThreadOption.PublisherThread:
                       eventSubscription = new EventSubscription<TPayload>(actionReference, filterReference);
                   case ThreadOption.BackgroundThread:
                       eventSubscription = new BackgroundEventSubscription<TPayload>(actionReference, filterReference);
                   case ThreadOption.UIThread:
                       if (base.SynchronizationContext == null)
                           throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.EventAggregatorNotConstructedOnUIThread);
                       eventSubscription = new DispatcherEventSubscription<TPayload>(actionReference, filterReference, base.SynchronizationContext);
                       eventSubscription = new EventSubscription<TPayload>(actionReference, filterReference);
               return InternalSubscribe(eventSubscription);
    // 摘要:
    //     Publishes the Prism.Events.PubSubEvent`1.
    // 参数:
    //   payload:
    //     Message to pass to the subscribers.
    public virtual void Publish(TPayload payload)
    // 摘要:
    //     Removes the first subscriber matching System.Action`1 from the subscribers' list.
    // 参数:
    //   subscriber:
    //     The System.Action`1 used when subscribing to the event.
    public virtual void Unsubscribe(Action<TPayload> subscriber)
               lock (base.Subscriptions)
                   IEventSubscription eventSubscription = base.Subscriptions.Cast<EventSubscription<TPayload>>().FirstOrDefault((EventSubscription<TPayload> evt) => evt.Action == subscriber);
                   if (eventSubscription != null)
    // 摘要:
    //     Returns true if there is a subscriber matching System.Action`1.
    // 参数:
    //   subscriber:
    //     The System.Action`1 used when subscribing to the event.
    // 返回结果:
    //     true if there is an System.Action`1 that matches; otherwise false.
    public virtual bool Contains(Action<TPayload> subscriber)
               IEventSubscription eventSubscription;
               lock (base.Subscriptions)
                   eventSubscription = base.Subscriptions.Cast<EventSubscription<TPayload>>().FirstOrDefault((EventSubscription<TPayload> evt) => evt.Action == subscriber);
               return eventSubscription != null;


    • 定义消息传递参数Model
    public class TempEventModel
       public string MessageType { get; set; }
       public string Name { get; set; }
       public int Age { get; set; }
    • 定义消息事件
    /// <summary>
    /// 消息事件
    /// </summary>
    public class MessagerEvent : PubSubEvent<TempEventModel> //PubSubEvent<string>
    • 定义聚合事件(订阅方)。
    private IEventAggregator _eventAggregator;
    public ContactViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator)
        _eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
    private void OnSubscribeMessage(TempEventModel eventModel)
        Debug.WriteLine($" Wemail.Contact receive message : { eventModel.Name },{ eventModel.Age }.");
    • 定义聚合事件(发送方)。
    private IEventAggregator _eventAggregator;
    public MainWindowViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator)
         _eventAggregator = eventAggregator;







    • 定义聚合事件(订阅方)。
    private IEventAggregator _eventAggregator;
    public ContactViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator)
        _eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
                    ThreadOption.PublisherThread,false, MessageFilter);
    private bool MessageFilter(TempEventModel eventModel) 
         if (eventModel.MessageType == MessagerType.JusterMessage) return true;
         return false;
    • 定义聚合事件(发送方)。
    private IEventAggregator _eventAggregator;
    public MainWindowViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator)
         _eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
  • 相关阅读:
    关于gitlab怎样merge request的流程
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/justzhuzhu/p/15866470.html
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