• memcached一致性哈希及php客户端实现



    • 取模哈希
      • crc32($key)%N,通过这个算法将键名映射到某一台服务器,比如需要存取一个键名为myname的缓存,服务器数量为3,那么通过算法计算:crc32('myname')%3=0,那么这个缓存就落到第1台服务器上面
      • 这种方式虽然简单可行,但是增减服务器的时候,缓存将面临大量的重建,比如上面的例子中,新增了1台服务器,服务器数量变为4台,通过算法计算:crc32('myname')%4=3,从第1台变成第3台了,导致缓存重建;又比如第1台服务器挂了,缓存的存取都会失败,导致短时间内大量的请求涌入mysql
    • 一致性哈希
      • 一致性哈希就是为了解决上面的缓存重建而设计的,取模法不理想的原因就是算法的本质就是根据服务器数量来计算的,缓存跟服务器是一一对应,要想灵活一点就不能是一对一的关系,一致性哈希算法首先创建出一个首( 0 )尾( 2^32-1 )相接的环形的哈希空间,如下图的圆环,然后把服务器通过hash算法映射到环形的某一点,如下图中node1、node2、node3、node4,然后再把缓存的键映射到环形的某一点,获取某个键的内容是从这个键的节点按顺时针方向开始查找服务器节点,找到的第一台服务器就是这个缓存要进行存取的服务器,如此一来当node1服务器挂了,影响到的只是从node3到node1节点之间的缓存数据,这些数据将会去node2中存取,这样可以把缓存重建的代价降低


    [root@localhost ~]# yum install gcc
    [root@localhost ~]# yum install gcc-c++
    [root@localhost ~]# yum install autoconf



    [root@localhost ~]# cd /usr/local/src
    [root@localhost src]# wget https://launchpad.net/libmemcached/1.0/1.0.17/+download/libmemcached-1.0.17.tar.gz
    [root@localhost src]# tar -zxvf libmemcached-1.0.18.tar.gz
    [root@localhost src]# cd libmemcached-1.0.18
    [root@localhost libmemcached-1.0.18]# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/libmemcached --with-memcached
    [root@localhost libmemcached-1.0.18]# make && make install


    [root@localhost ~]# cd /usr/local/src
    [root@localhost src]# wget http://pecl.php.net/get/memcached-3.0.3.tgz
    [root@localhost src]# cd memcached-3.0.3
    [root@localhost memcached-3.0.3]# tar -zxvf memcached-3.0.3.tgz
    [root@localhost memcached-3.0.3]# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/pecl-memcached --with-php-config=/usr/local/php/bin/php-config --with-libmemcached-dir=/usr/local/libmemcached
    error: no, sasl.h is not available
    [root@localhost memcached-3.0.3]# yum install cyrus-sasl-devel
    [root@localhost memcached-3.0.3]# make && make install
    [root@localhost memcached-3.0.3]# vi /usr/local/php/lib/php.ini
    [root@localhost memcached-3.0.3]# apachectl restart
    [root@localhost src]# memcached -d -u nobody -p 32054 -vv >> /tmp/memcached.32054.log 2>&1
    [root@localhost src]# memcached -d -u nobody -p 32055 -vv >> /tmp/memcached.32055.log 2>&1
    [root@localhost src]# memcached -d -u nobody -p 32056 -vv >> /tmp/memcached.32056.log 2>&1


    $m = new Memcached();
    	array('localhost', 32054),
    	array('localhost', 32055),
    	array('localhost', 32056),
    	//array('localhost', 32057),
    $m->set('key1', 1);
    $m->set('key2', 'abc');
    $m->set('key3', array('foo', 'bar'));
    $m->set('key4', new stdClass);
    $m->set('key5', 'pigfly');
    $m->set('key6', 999);
    var_dump($m->get('key1'), $m->get('key2'), $m->get('key3'), $m->get('key4'), $m->get('key5'), $m->get('key6'));


    36 STORED
    36 STORED
    36 sending key key2
    >36 END
    36 sending key key3
    >36 END
    <36 new auto-negotiating client connection
    36: Client using the ascii protocol
    <36 set key1 1 0 1
    >36 STORED
    <36 set key4 4 0 19
    >36 STORED
    <36 get key1
    >36 sending key key1
    >36 END
    <36 get key4
    >36 sending key key4
    >36 END
    <36 quit
    <36 connection closed.
    <36 new auto-negotiating client connection
    36: Client using the ascii protocol
    <36 set key5 0 0 6
    >36 STORED
    <36 set key6 1 0 3
    >36 STORED
    <36 get key5
    >36 sending key key5
    >36 END
    <36 get key6
    >36 sending key key6
    >36 END
    <36 quit
    <36 connection closed.


    32054 key2,key3
    32055 key1,key4
    32056 key5,key6


    [root@localhost src]# memcached -d -u nobody -p 32057 -vv >> /tmp/memcached.32057.log 2>&1


    <36 new auto-negotiating client connection
    36: Client using the ascii protocol
    <36 set key3 4 0 34
    >36 STORED
    <36 get key3
    >36 sending key key3
    >36 END
    <36 quit
    <36 new auto-negotiating client connection
    36: Client using the ascii protocol
    <36 set key1 1 0 1
    >36 STORED
    <36 set key4 4 0 19
    >36 STORED
    <36 get key1
    >36 sending key key1
    >36 END
    <36 get key4
    >36 sending key key4
    >36 END
    <36 quit
    <36 connection closed.
    <36 new auto-negotiating client connection
    36: Client using the ascii protocol
    <36 set key5 0 0 6
    >36 STORED
    <36 set key6 1 0 3
    >36 STORED
    <36 get key5
    >36 sending key key5
    >36 END
    <36 get key6
    >36 sending key key6
    >36 END
    <36 quit
    <36 connection closed.
    <36 new auto-negotiating client connection
    36: Client using the ascii protocol
    <36 set key2 0 0 3
    >36 STORED
    <36 get key2
    >36 sending key key2
    >36 END
    <36 quit
    <36 connection closed.


    32054 key3
    32055 key1,key4
    32056 key5,key6
    32057 key2


    [root@local htdocs]# ps -aux | grep memcached
    nobody    7621  0.0  0.3 415860  3440 ?        Ssl  16:16   0:00 memcached -d -u nobody -p 32054 -vv
    nobody    7632  0.0  0.4 414832  4432 ?        Ssl  16:16   0:00 memcached -d -u nobody -p 32055 -vv
    nobody    7643  0.0  0.8 414832  8532 ?        Ssl  16:17   0:00 memcached -d -u nobody -p 32056 -vv
    nobody    7659  0.0  0.4 414832  4432 ?        Ssl  16:26   0:00 memcached -d -u nobody -p 32057 -vv
    [root@local htdocs]# kill 7621 #杀掉32054


    <36 new auto-negotiating client connection
    36: Client using the ascii protocol
    <36 set key1 1 0 1
    >36 STORED
    <36 set key3 4 0 34
    >36 STORED
    <36 set key4 4 0 19
    >36 STORED
    <36 get key1
    >36 sending key key1
    >36 END
    <36 get key3
    >36 sending key key3
    >36 END
    <36 get key4
    >36 sending key key4
    >36 END
    <36 quit
    <36 connection closed.
    <36 new auto-negotiating client connection
    36: Client using the ascii protocol
    <36 set key5 0 0 6
    >36 STORED
    <36 set key6 1 0 3
    >36 STORED
    <36 get key5
    >36 sending key key5
    >36 END
    <36 get key6
    >36 sending key key6
    >36 END
    <36 quit
    <36 connection closed.
    <36 new auto-negotiating client connection
    36: Client using the ascii protocol
    <36 set key2 0 0 3
    >36 STORED
    <36 get key2
    >36 sending key key2
    >36 END
    <36 quit
    <36 connection closed.


    32055 key1,key3,key4
    32056 key5,key6
    32057 key2


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/justlikeheaven/p/7761027.html
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