详细解释 请参见http://www.cnblogs.com/julie-yang/p/5147460.html
#include<vector> #include<queue> #include<map> #include<limits> #include<iostream> using namespace std; struct Node{ long idx; long val; }; struct cmp { bool operator()(const Node &a,const Node &b) { return a.val>b.val; } }; class Solution { public: int nthUglyNumber(int n) { priority_queue<Node, vector<Node>, cmp> min_heap; vector<int> primes; primes.push_back(2); primes.push_back(3); primes.push_back(5); if (primes.size() == 0) return 0; map<long, int> start_idx; start_idx[1] = 0; int res = 1; Node temp_node; temp_node.idx = 1; //idx is the first val of start_idx temp_node.val = primes[0]; min_heap.push(temp_node); int cnt = 1; if (n == 1) return 1; long min_val = INT_MAX; long min_idx = 0; while (cnt < n) { min_val = min_heap.top().val; min_idx = min_heap.top().idx; min_heap.pop(); if ((res != (min_val))) { res = min_val; cnt++; start_idx[min_val] = 0; temp_node.idx = min_val; //idx is the first val of start_idx temp_node.val = min_val * primes[0]; min_heap.push(temp_node); } if (start_idx[min_idx] < primes.size() - 1) { start_idx[min_idx] ++; temp_node.idx = min_idx; //idx is the first val of start_idx temp_node.val = min_idx * primes[start_idx[min_idx]]; min_heap.push(temp_node); } } return res; } };