• Solve Special Character in Create and Insert Operation

    Problem Description
    When we want to create a table or insert one column data to a table,if the field of this table or the value of one field has special character, then our create or insert operation will fail.
    ** Special Characters: other characters are all special characters, except for alphanumeric characters from your database character set and the underscore (_), dollar sign ($), and pound sign (#).

    Problem Reappearance

            SQL> create table person (na-me varchar2(20));
            ERROR at line 1:
            ORA-00902: invalid datatype
            SQL> insert into person ("na-me") values(ju&lia);
            SP2-0552: Bind variable "LIA" not declared.

    1. Using double quotation marks to wrap the field which has special character

            Example: create table person("na-me" varchar2(20)); 

    2. Using single quotation mark to wrap the value which has special character

            Example: insert into person values('ju&lia');

    Note: String in double quotation marks is case sensitive.

             select * from PERSON where "na-mE"='ju&lia'
            ERROR at line 1:
            ORA-00904: "na-mE": invalid identifier

    New Result

            SQ> create table person("na-me" varchar2(20));
            Table created.
            SQL> insert into person values('ju&lia');
            1 row created.

    '&' can be recognized after writing the 'set define off' in the termina
    without 'set define off', please refer to the catalog 38/ catalog 57

    without 'set define off' in the termina

            SQL> insert into person values('a&b');
                        Enter value for b:    1( manual enter)
                old   1: insert into person values('a&b')
                new   1: insert into person values('a1')
                1 row created.
           SQL> insert into person values('a_b');  // same as '$'' #'
                  1 row created.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/juliazhang/p/5867259.html
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