• defer综合

    A "defer" statement invokes a function whose execution is deferred to the moment the surrounding function returns, either because the surrounding function executed a return statement, reached the end of its function body, or because the corresponding goroutine is panicking.

    a. 函数执行return语句
    b. 执行到函数体结尾
    c. goroutine panic之前

    Each time a "defer" statement executes, the function value and parameters to the call are evaluated as usual and saved anew but the actual function is not invoked. Instead, deferred functions are invoked immediately before the surrounding function returns, in the reverse order they were deferred. That is, if the surrounding function returns through an explicit return statement, deferred functions are executed after any result parameters are set by that return statement but before the function returns to its caller. If a deferred function value evaluates to nil, execution panics when the function is invoked, not when the "defer" statement is executed. 



    1. defer原理分析

    a. 多个defer执行顺序


    b. defer语句执行时拷贝时机


    c. return & defer

    return x :返回值 = x   +   RET指令

    defer 原理 :返回值 = x + defer语句 + RET指令

    d. defer & 闭包

    func main() {
      x := 1
      defer func() {
        fmt.Println(x)      // 2

    上例中的 func()是一个闭包,闭包的变量本质是对上层变量的引用。

    type Closure struct {

      F func()

      x *int




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/juanmaofeifei/p/13296645.html
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