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    It is said that life is becoming increasingly stressful for most people. What is the reason of this phenomenon and how could this problem be solved?

    Most people would say life is improving, except those in Africa or living in the throes of regional conflicts. But at the same time, life is becoming ever more stressful, leading to tens of thousands of suicides each year. It is high time that we pinpoint the causes and come up with some solutions.

    Work is a main source of stress for most people. With the unemployment rate running high in even the most affluent countries, job security is becoming less and less guaranteed. To keep their jobs, people are compelled to work longer hours and achieve better performances. Getting ahead in the workplace becomes our priority, to the extent that we think about it all the time and can never really relax or take a break. Even for those with secure jobs, promotions and better salaries are irresistible, forever coaxing them to try their uttermost.

    The relationship with one's fellow human being also adds to one's stress. People are becoming more isolated nowadays, not only from strangers but even from close relatives and friends. Everyone is engrossed in his or her own affair with no energy for or interest in what happens to other people. Real communication between people is on the decline. As a result, emothions get bottled up. People are more linked by economic interests than emothinal needs. Genuine friendship becomes hard to find; even marriages are purely based on financial considerations. It seems that we face the world alone every day. No wonder people tend to feel the whole weight of the world on their shoulders.

    While the right amount of pressure is often beneficial, the stress experienced by most people is detrimental both physically and mentally. Work and material wealth are far overrated and need to be put into its proper perspective. In addition, people need to improve their relationship with others around them, be it a colleague, a loved one, or a total stranger by really communicating with and caring for each other.





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