• InterLocked 的使用,关键是那一刻得到线程安全的正确值。

    // This example demonstrates a thread-safe method that adds to a
    // running total. It cannot be run directly. You can compile it
    // as a library, or add the class to a project.
    using System.Threading;

    public class ThreadSafe {
    // totalValue contains a running total that can be updated
    // by multiple threads. It must be protected from unsynchronized
    // access.
    private int totalValue = 0;

    // The Total property returns the running total.
    public int Total {
    get { return totalValue; }

    // AddToTotal safely adds a value to the running total.
    public int AddToTotal(int addend) {
    int initialValue, computedValue;
    do {
    // Save the current running total in a local variable.
    initialValue = totalValue;

    // Add the new value to the running total.
    computedValue = initialValue + addend;

    // CompareExchange compares totalValue to initialValue. If
    // they are not equal, then another thread has updated the
    // running total since this loop started. CompareExchange
    // does not update totalValue. CompareExchange returns the
    // contents of totalValue, which do not equal initialValue,
    // so the loop executes again.
    } while (initialValue != Interlocked.CompareExchange(
    ref totalValue, computedValue, initialValue));
    // If no other thread updated the running total, then
    // totalValue and initialValue are equal when CompareExchange
    // compares them, and computedValue is stored in totalValue.
    // CompareExchange returns the value that was in totalValue
    // before the update, which is equal to initialValue, so the
    // loop ends.

    // The function returns computedValue, not totalValue, because
    // totalValue could be changed by another thread between
    // the time the loop ends and the function returns.
    return computedValue;

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    Google Protocol Buffer 的使用和原理(转)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jiangzhen/p/2745624.html
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