• 通过模拟数据,使用js在前端实现模糊查询下拉框功能实例教程



    <div class="match_container">
      <div class="input_container">
        <input type="text" placeholder="请输入" id="input">
      <div class="match_into" id="match">


    var aData = [
      "docs help you learn and use",
      "Tutorials and guides include downloadable example to accelerate your projects",
      "These docs assume that you are already familiar with",
      "code can be written with just the latest JavaScript",
      "You can sit with us!",
      "to build a simple online store application",
      "You don't need to install anything: you'll build the app using",
      "You'll find many resources to complement",
      "We've seeded this particular app with a top bar",
      "Log into StackBlitz, so you can save and resume your work",
      "To copy a code example from this tutorial",
      "click the icon at the top right of the code example box",
      "If the StackBlitz preview pane isn't showing what you expect",
      "so there may be slight differences in generated code",
      "you'll learn about template syntax by enhancing the 'Products' area",
      "component you modified earlier. Let's define a route to show individual product details.",
      "Update the product details page to include",
      "Add a cart component, which displays the items you added to your cart.",
      "Add a shipping component, which retrieves shipping prices for the items",
      "Services are an integral part of Angular applications",


    1. 获取文本框和列表元素,如下所示:

      var eInput = document.getElementById('input');
      var eMatch = document.getElementById('match');

    2. 显示列表元素

        eMatch.style.display = 'block';
        eMatch.style.display = 'none';

    3. 显示包含查询关键字的数据

      var nMax = 5;
        var sHTML = '<ul>';
        var sKey = this.value;
        var nCount = 0;
          for(let i=0;i<aData.length;i++){
            if(new RegExp(sKey,'i').test(aData[i])){
              sHTML += '<li>'+aData[i]+'</li>';
              nCount ++;
        sHTML += '</ul>';
        eMatch.innerHTML = sHTML;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jiangweiping/p/14364229.html
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