• 表达式处理



    public class jextTest {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            String expression = "(a+b)/c*5";
            JexlContext jexlContext = new MapContext();
            jexlContext.set("a", 4);
            jexlContext.set("b", 2);
            jexlContext.set("c", 2);
            jexlContext.set("d", 5);
            Expression e = (Expression) new JexlEngine().createExpression(expression);
            Number num = (Number) e.evaluate(jexlContext);

            expression = "a || b && c || d";
            jexlContext = new MapContext();
            jexlContext.set("a", true);
            jexlContext.set("b", false);
            jexlContext.set("c", true);
            jexlContext.set("d", false);
            org.apache.commons.jexl2.Expression e1 = new JexlEngine().createExpression(expression);
            Boolean num1 = (Boolean) e1.evaluate(jexlContext);

            JexlEngine jexl = new JexlEngine();
            jexl.setCache(512);//Sets a cache for expressions of the defined size
            jexl.setLenient(false);//Sets whether this engine considers unknown variables, methods and constructors as errors or evaluates them as null or zero.
            jexl.setSilent(false); //Sets whether this engine throws JexlException during evaluation when an error is triggered.
            jexl.setStrict(false); //Sets whether this engine behaves in strict or lenient mode.

            String calculate = "(a + b) > 10";
            e = jexl.createExpression(calculate);
            JexlContext context = new MapContext();
            context.set("a", "3");
            context.set("b", "5");
            Object res = e.evaluate(context);//silent为false时evaluate方法会抛异常,为true不抛异常但res为null






    ublic class ArrayTest {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            JexlEngine jexl = new JexlEngine();
            JexlContext jc = new MapContext();

            List l = new ArrayList();
            l.add("It is from location 0");
            Integer two = new Integer(2);
            jc.set("array", l);

            Expression e = jexl.createExpression("array[1]");//从array中取数据
            Object o = e.evaluate(jc);
            System.err.println("Object @ location 1 = " + o);

            e = jexl.createExpression("array[0]");//从array中取数据
            o = e.evaluate(jc);
            System.err.println("Object @ location 0 = " + o);

            e = jexl.createExpression("array[0].length()");
            o = e.evaluate(jc);
            System.err.println("The length of the string at location 0 is :" + o);


    Object @ location 1 = 2
    Object @ location 0 = It is from location 0
    The length of the string at location 0 is :21


    public class MethodPropertyTest {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            JexlEngine jexl = new JexlEngine();
            JexlContext jc = new MapContext();

            MethodPropertyTest foo = new MethodPropertyTest();
            Integer number = new Integer(10);

            jc.set("foo", foo);
            jc.set("number", number);

            Expression e = jexl.createExpression("foo.getFoo()");
            Object o = e.evaluate(jc);
            System.err.println("value returned by the method getFoo() is : " + o);

            e = jexl.createExpression("foo.convert(1)");
            o = e.evaluate(jc);
            System.err.println("value of " + e.getExpression() + " is : " + o);

            e = jexl.createExpression("foo.convert(1+7)");
            o = e.evaluate(jc);
            System.err.println("value of " + e.getExpression() + " is : " + o);

            e = jexl.createExpression("foo.convert(1+number)");
            o = e.evaluate(jc);
            System.err.println("value of " + e.getExpression() + " is : " + o);

            e = jexl.createExpression("foo.bar");
            o = e.evaluate(jc);
            System.err.println("value returned for the property 'bar' is : " + o);

        public String getFoo() {
            return "This is from getFoo()";

        public String get(String arg) {
            return "This is the property " + arg;

        public String convert(long i) {
            return "The value is : " + i;


    value returned by the method getFoo() is : This is from getFoo()
    value of foo.convert(1) is : The value is : 1
    value of foo.convert(1+7) is : The value is : 8
    value of foo.convert(1+number) is : The value is : 11
    value returned for the property 'bar' is : This is the property bar


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jevo/p/3007268.html
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